/U/dannyfromtheshow the new hero of our sub! A round of applause is in order for Danny-fuckin-Ross!

168  2016-03-03 by [deleted]


This might be the greatest face turn ever.

This, and the one day we liked Esther Ku for making Stupid squirm.

I like that better than tits. Just refer to him as Stupid.

Until he plugs his new gofundme scam.

Danny Ross has won me over. Bend me over and ravage my anus.

Hi, Ant.

We'll turn on him once he asks for money again.

It's like that tale about a scorpion and a turtle except with more Judaism.

Someone get Sue and/or Ant on the phone.

Say what you want about Danny but he is the only one with any balls of the ex staff to call out these cock suckers consistently. And he did it without sounding like a psychopath.


Well, I hear Ben Sparks got a little uppity

Who knew? Kinda weird after being declared off limits on O&A. Did reality set in and he grew balls?

I could give a shit about the money-asking thing. That sounds like some broo-ha-ha (a Howard Stern reference, in case you're playing at home).

I can't get off this page! Reddit is ruining me! I should be in fucking bed!

This sub is so quick to turn one way or the other regarding its opinion of individuals.

I never said one bad word about /u/dannyfromtheshow. I felt bad for the guy, there was an army of you telling him he's scamming the sub.

/u/Titsandasses is either Danny or one of Danny's friends.

Shut up with your gossiping.






Haha I love when they're in denial about e-points. People couldn't possibly think I'm a shit head! Reddit algorithm makes it impossible, try it, stupid. So odd I couldn't do this last time eh? You must be seething.

You mentally ill karma queer. Stop gossiping and shut up.

I always kinda liked the guy. Acted like a total fag at times, but never hated him. Co fucking Caine was one of the hardest laughs I ever had listening to O&A.

Much like this sub, that piece was born out of hatred. Lil Nicky & I patched things up at a Primus show in BK. Primus heals.

I'm gonna listen to the Chip Chipperson Hotline bit and jack off to Sue Lightning vids tonight... just ironically, tho, "for the goof."


Fuckin A Danny.

Edit: Fuckin A Tranny.

u/DannyFromTheShow You need to start a podcast. Like, NOW. Be our voice, Danny. You know we would all listen. You'll have more listeners than O&J and TACS. Plus more funny. And you'll line your pockets with a few sheckels to boot.

Lol I'm not sure about any of that and I don't really have a desire to do one, I'd just talk about movies and posters probably. I dunno. Throw a poll up. If it's overwhelmingly positive maybe I'll change my tune.

If you do it, please get a cohost. We like you, but we don't like you that much.

Keepin' it reeeal!


I'll do it. It could be called ' Danny with Knickers on '

Do it but just call out O A and J out on all their shit

Today I like you so i'm gonna tell something you probably already know. Its a stupid idea

I could see a one-off being fun. But I don't think I'd even listen to me everyday.

The people on this sub LOVED O and A and look how we've all turned on them. People were pretty much indifferent towards you until today. Now you've got more self awareness then Greggshells and peggshells, but this sub will still find a reason to hate you eventually. You know how autistic we can be, a show will just fuel the fire

Don't I know it. My popularity here looks like an EKG.

Hate.....uh....finds a way.

you should just do a one off, a "behind the music" type for O&A, information that we will never hear off any of the others. that would be fucking great.

Maybe I can find a podcast studio for rent. It would be fun at the very least. 2 bucks for live access!!

i would actually pay 2 bucks to hear a good length of audio regarding behind the scenes info, but honestly it's the internet and reddit, it'll only take one person to buy and share it. you should do it though, i'm sure you could put together something half decent from your house. a no holds barred insight from a former staff member would be a great listen.

You could probably rent space from the Anthony Cumia Show.

You can just do it from your home. Blog Talk Radio allows free access for you to do a live broadcast.

Your crush on Danny is so adorable.


He needs two studio with green screens, tri casters and hd cameras

come on danny htfu and do this shit god damn it

First guest on the Danny Ross Show: Melissa Stetten.

It would probably work to your ( financial ) advantage at least in the short term. There's so much going on with the boys and their private lives that your take on it would be gold around here.

If you're still true to form you'd probably put on a decent production and there would be no end of ideas for content coming from this sub.

A weekly show would be pushing it but once a month along with ad hoc special shows for when the shit hits like yesterday could work.

" I'd buy that for a dollar "


Fine. Just saying, you got people on your side. Now's a good time to take advantage.

I'm on board. Why not do another movie commentary for a podcast?

Tsss...yeah why not throw a swede up or sumpthin


Funny enough, I would subscribe.

We need to tell all the people on YouTube who hated Danny that he's been suggested to do a podcast and that people would tune in. Good Lord almighty, imagine what OhUnclePaul would think. Remember, he'd cut out Danny in his uploads.

This is officially exhausting.


It took you two hours to read the stickied post at the top of the page?

He got distracted by his bellybutton fluff.

I officially like Danny again.

I always liked the guy. He was one of the few on the show with a brain.

I hate every time he appears on the show but he has certainly redeemed himself since.

Until we turn on him in three weeks.

Danny's still a shit fucker. Can't wait for the sub to eventually turn back on him.

What did Danny do now?

Gave Anthony a dose of reality instead of playing the ballwasher roll of Ant's old buddy.


Danny was just being Danny, which is being fucking awesome. Ant came on here and had a hissy fit over the Sue thing, Danny gave it right back to him. /u/dannyfromtheshow is the hero of the sub!


Seriously, calm down OP

my favoreit power ranger is danny, hes a prety cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything

[edit] - to remove punctuation

the ballwashing under his actually comment is much much worse though

i like how your edit was to make it more retarded too

It's pretty clear that OP is Danny's stalker doing some deep-level trolling at this point.

Danny is the shiz!

It's definitely the guy who's been sending him dead rats.

But I shan't judge. We just can't understand the complexities of their love

Is this sarcasm? If Danny is such a badass rebel, who wants to challenge Anthony, he could call him, text him, or at least send a fucking twitter message. This sub either hates/crucifies or loves/ass kisses. No in between. Which is right where Danny, Than, Ben, etc... belong. WhogivesAfuck Land.

Ant needs Dan as far as I'm concerned. At first it's hypocritical, because Danny was a fag who couldn't take shit and was considered off limits. But I think he read Ant's posts, and hopefully reality hit him like a ton of bricks. He's the kind of guy who has to wake Ant out of his stupor. I know we've all given up on Ant since he's become an SJW, but still, get Danny on the scene to kick BroJoe and Keith the Cuck's asses and offer Tranthony a dose of reality. Maybe we'll have back the guy who people loved more than Opie.

One comment he makes where he basically just parrots the same shit all of us have been saying and you start ball washing. No, fuck that guy. Tell him to get his own god damn money.

The hens here are as bipolar and Tranthony is.

Thats your opinion. He's not asking you for money anymore on here.

Only because he received a resounding, embarrassing "no". /u/frrunkis is spot on; fuck Danny, he is a crowd-playing con merchant.

Playing them like a fiddle.

Well, that's your opinion.

Yes, reached after observing him playing to the crowd repeatedly and trying to con people out of money. Let's not play it down like I plucked it from thin air.


Why exactly does a person need money to survive an internet "stalker"?


Year and a half.

You're 100% correct. 3 police reports and my local FBI office. Specialized private investigation is costly, and perhaps it was a mistake but I thought sharing the link here for people to decide for themselves wasn't the worst thing in the world. Should I have made and sold Opie poker chips instead?


Lol at whoever is just being a curmudgeon, down voting this exchange.

Do you even know what that word means? Bro, in this exchange I'm pretty sure you are the curmudgeon.

Oh, no! An Internet stranger talking shit to me. Whatever will I do? Fucks given = -000000


Is this Danny?


I'm not convinced. You're either him or you know him IRL.


lol, dude I think that's Danny

The police in NYC haven't helped him

I called the precinct after he kept telling anyone who doubted him to, who informed me they've got no idea who Danny Ross is.

I told Danny this who then laughed at me for apparently being stupid enough to do what he said and inquire about the validity of his claims.

He's an attention seeking troll, who when exposed vanished from this place, and has now only resurfaced because the ire is currently on Ant.

The fact he's apparently contacted the cops and FBI who don't seem to think there is anything worth worrying about, I'd say that's a pretty good indicator he's kinda full of shit.

Why would they know who I am?? Do you have any idea how many complaints a Brooklyn precinct gets? This isn't the movies or TV. Police are more worried about car theft and stabbings. They don't care about threats until your life is in danger. You couldn't be further off pal.

I see you deleted your post crying that you'd never post here again, smart.


Just someone keeping tabs on a proven dishonest Jew :)

Did you speak to his detective directly? /u/dannyfromtheshow posted his phone number and email. Why don't you try to contact him directly? /u/dannyfromtheshow can you let your detective know people might be contacting him regarding your case so he will talk about it on the phone with people from the sub?

I followed the instructions Danny gave me to establish validity, the validity was not established and on the contrary further doubt was cast.

As I said, when I told Danny about this he responded, as he's responded again, by mocking the fact I did what he said.

I'm no longer interested in playing a part in his desperate need to be noticed and talked about, I just wanted you to know what happened.

I just emailed the detective from the email he posted

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a reply.

Of all my possible reactions, none would involve hitting up strangers for money. It's shameful.

So you think you'd know how you'd react to a 18 month campaign of hate and harassment? You know how you'd react losing work and friends? Doubtful. You don't have to believe me but don't pretend to know what I've been dealing with.


There's no "think" about it; I know I would not hit up strangers for money with my sob story, I'd maintain some dignity and privacy. And what you've been "dealing with"? Poverty and irrelevance, clearly, neither of which are problems for me or anyone else here to solve on your behalf. Get a fucking job and/or a set of balls.


Now you're on a par with a rape victim? You continue to plumb unexpected depths, I will give you that much at least.

I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like me.

I'm starting to get the feeling of deja vu from seeing you carry out this same routine a dozen times. On the backfoot, can't refute claims made against you? Must be time to divert with a failed attempt at dry humor! If cunts ticked I could set my watch by you.

Wait. What? What claims? You still think I'm making this up??

I was referring more to claims against your character than any crimes you may have (totally) committed (fraud).


Now you sound like Anthony. The irony pleases me.

Why. Did I call somebody in a panic asking to delete tweets?

No you pretended to be aloof and sarcastically encouraged me to keep doing something I hadn't actually been doing. After your deeply hypocritical bashing of him earlier, which was one of the larger examples of playing to the crowd I've seen in recent times, it's highly amusing to see you responding in a manner reminiscent of him.

Damn dude sorry. All out of troll food. Next time I guess.

I stand by all of my given opinions here as legitimate and, as amusing as your pussy-Ant impression was, my aim was not to evoke any kind of emotional response from you. No trolling I'm afraid, I just happen to think you're a shit stain who dreamt he was relevant and loved it, but now the dream is over.


He came here for the attention, because everywhere else on the planet he's an irrelevant non-person and he knew some folk would rush to praise and upvote him because of his connection to the show. What he didn't take into account is that the mob turns on absolutely everyone in the end, it's just a matter of time and his was hilariously short.

So? And your point is?There's nothing wrong with that. Who cares? He entertains us and gives us insight into the show. Stop projecting your hate onto /u/dannyfromtheshow.

I'm not "projecting hate", I'm detailing my objections to his existence, at your prompting.

Most of us have acknowledged /u/dannyfromtheshow's harassment in different posts. You all poke fun then the moment someone defends him they get down voted to hell. Earlier today that started to happen to me. I said fuck it and here I am.

That's just what his people do.

He's still a jew

Ahh, hate speech! You better stop that or I will report you to the hate speech police, better known as Ant.

Yes, Ant will report you if you're not doing it right.

Ironic, coming from the guy who got fired for hate speech.

Don't forget the "violent" overtones. He proved them wrong by then getting charged with assaulting a white girl, thank you very much!

Jews are awesome. I wish I was a jew.

Danny, re-open that GoFundMe. I want to help you find that stalker of yours!

It was never closed.

honestly, your gofundme seems more legit than that cartoon business

Even I was confused by that cartoon. It was really bad. No offense Jim, we all know you are truly funny, but damn bruh.

I know. as a fan, I really want to see Norton do something fantastic because he's made me laugh so hard on radio, but it just looks bad. I hope he finds something eventually. that vice show was pretty stale too. good luck with your stalker, mane. that's some crazy shit. i can't imagine going to sleep every night knowing there was some stranger out there plotting on me.

Jimmy is just bad at preparing material. Off-the-cuff he's a genius, but writing comedy just doesn't work.

The shit he did at Comic Con with Sam was fucking great. He should be doing that. Chip Chipperson, man on the street.

Not this stupid animated show.

Jimmy's like Artie, funny in conversation and nowhere else

/u/dannyfromtheshow we want you to send us the link for go fund me.

For the record, this is only because you asked. Also, if anyone is going to start screaming scam be sure to ask me any questions you have first.

Actually reddit blocks gfm link so add

/fqhy3nbw to the gfm url.

We might be able to raise support for this, if it turned out the same creep harassing you was this spammer people believe is Joe. Would be hilarious to get Joe on the record. Do you think it's a different guy?




since reddit doesn't allow gofun dme link - http://ow.ly/Z0GpE

Danny is the shiz!

Once people turned on him and started destroying him he went away. He knew all he had to do was trash ant and everyone would be back on his side

tbf you all called him a liar about his harassment. I doubt he was lying.

And it probably resulted in 20 idiots sending him stalkerish and threatening messages.

I'm giving Danny 5 bucks dude earned it

No problems with Danny.

I fucking hate you Danny. But thanks for being on our team.

I posted on here a month or so ago about all the things that made me dislike Danny as a character on the radio. That commemt almost singlehandedly reversed all of that. Touche, Danny. sniff. Touche.

And it begins. Another 2 weeks of Danny posting a lot, fishing for upvotes, then revealing yet again what a cunt he is and everyone hating him again.

I saw a lot of anti-Danny comments on YouTube. I kinda understood, then reading his posts here, I'm hoping some of those motherfuckers turn.

I liked the science bits he produced about the number of clits that would fill up a bathtub.

Hey /U/dannyfromtheshow I got your first radio bit for your new podcast - "Tranuary"



Yeah, no.

Stetten was the one who got this ball rolling

Danny said nothing that any of us sadly-obsessed fans haven't already figured out and said about Tran ad nauseum over the past few months. Fuck that jilted heeb hanger-on.

As I mentioned in an earlier comment, Stetten started this whole thing. How is Danny jilted? Leaving that whole O & A circus was the best thing for the guy.

Yea, I was into the whole "ant fucks trannies" scene before it went mainstream.

Fuckin' sellouts.

Regardless if whether or not the man is being stalked, we should give him a few pence for his contributions.

I want to donate a few bucks to his campaign. /u/dannyfromtheshow please repost link to your campaign.

Danny killing it for us today!

Hi Opie.

If Danny was here right now I'd buy him 2 shots and tell him he's an alright guy. He'd think I was dumb and stupid (just like every girl I do this too lol!) but he'd get two shots out of the deal.

So.... where you at?



You're not wrong.


You love him.

You should go rock climbing together.


I heard that Sue already gave Ant 2 shots as well.

Yeah when the hell did Danny become the fucking man. I didn't see it coming!!

Like the Titster said: "Who saw that coming."

Always liked Danny. I don't think I've bashed him once. Glad he gave Anthony some conservative criticism.

I always liked Danny, but the song "Danny is a Fag" makes me laugh hysterically. No offense, Danny.


Don't get too comfortable Danny. A couple of uneventful weeks pass by and you'll be called Jew Fag again in no time.

As long as they don't call me late for supper!



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Hi, Joe/Ant.

Always liked Danny Ross

C'mon do a one off podcast.


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Danny is the greatest of all time, thank you for your service

bretty good for an untermensch.

I won't ever think of Danny as a hero. Even if he pulls puppies out of a burning building.

So? And your point is?There's nothing wrong with that. Who cares? He entertains us and gives us insight into the show. Stop projecting your hate onto /u/dannyfromtheshow.

Most of us have acknowledged /u/dannyfromtheshow's harassment in different posts. You all poke fun then the moment someone defends him they get down voted to hell. Earlier today that started to happen to me. I said fuck it and here I am.


Like the Titster said: "Who saw that coming."

Danny killing it for us today!

Hi Opie.