
261  2016-03-03 by anthonycumiashow

This sub has again shown itself to be pure class. My friendships with anyone regardless of who they are isn't your business but I get it. I'm a public figure. Bashing people because they are my friend is another story. Some of you are just horrid cruel people with no other goals than to try and hurt or destroy people. You come here and treat genuine cruelty like a video game. I've addressed your latest "find". I have no problem with it. If having been friends with Sue is a problem or funny for you sorry, I can't help you there. But again, some of you are putrid little trolls trying to inflict damage in people's lives. People you have no clue about. I bet if I posted this and some of the topics here outside of this sub a lot of people would have this sub slammed shut in no time for "hate speech". You HAVE to know that's very possible in today's climate. Hmmm, maybe I will.


Treating cruelty like a video game is called the Opie & Anthony show. What was Jocktober, just some mild joshin' around? You did a bit called Fatty Pig Fatty. You announced that the mayor of a city was dead on the air. You outted Jill for a leaky colon.

It seems like it's all well and good until it's nestled comfortably in your back yard and then suddenly all this behavior is despicable and you act surprised that it could possibly exist.

Stop acting like you're better than all this. You helped make this. People are going to say bad things and criticize. How long are you going to go on with the need for everyone to love you and tell you how right you are all the time. I think the majority of people here don't even care if it's true. They're reacting (there's that word again) and because it isn't positive praise, (you know, conservative criticism) that upsets you.

If this was an Opie mess, you'd already be pre-selling PeggShells merch and telling the sub how hysterical they are so shut your yap, "take the hit" as it were and honestly own up to why a myriad of tweets and instagram pics had to be deleted, damage control style.

That said, this is by far the most hypocritical thing you've ever commited to the immortality of the internet.

"Pure class". You know class? Aren't you up on felony strangulation charges? Classy.

Edit - Are you seriously threatening to shut the sub down for hate speech? Isn't there a video of you screaming the N word like a madman? What kind of speech is that when you use words like "animals", "savages" and the phrase "they aren't people". Sure sounds like hate speech to me.

What about ruining Anthony Weiner's marriage and career? Someone better set internet controls on grandpa's jitterbug.

Word, almost forgot about this. He and him alone leaked that photo. But he doesn't understand the cruelty. What a load of bunk.

What a load of bunk.

Careful Danny, you don't want Anthony to report you for hate speech.

Indeed, let's try and keep this civilised. Peckahs


Funny how Edward James Olmos skin has twice tried to bully this site. He and his big bad popular friends like Fred and Big A laugh at us little lonely nerds from a MANSION.

Ol' Trejo cheeks

"MANSION" in this instance signifying a slightly larger than normal four-bedroom family household that is literally within spitting distance of neighbors on both sides.

He acts like he somehow won at life because his double-wide townhouse has a pool and a movie theater. Only him and every other one-hit-wonder rapper that was on Cribs 16 years ago.

Yea I don't get the obsession with his house. I mean, it's alright, but it's not anything I would be bragging about on the air.

Or dox him.

was that known at the time? I don't go deep with the Weiner myself. Just a tassste.

He flashed it to the paltalk cam and took off from there.

Wait I thought opie tweetted it

They showed it on pal talk

load of bunk.


What a load of bunk.

Woah man, no need to fly off the handle like that. Let's not say anything we can't take back...

Yeah I leaked that photo but these two fucks take credit for it. Ant held the phone up to the Paltalk cam for a couple seconds and I somehow managed to get a screenshot that I then tweeted. The pictures they got from Brietbart's phone were shitty/blurry. Ant tried to take a picture of Brietbart's phone with his own phone but Opie grabbed the phone from him as he snapped the pic. My picture was kinda shitty because I capped it from a tiny Paltalk cam window but it was at least legible. I pretty distinctly remember you cracking up because my Twitter display name was "Mr. Maloonigan", Danny. Also remember Ronnie B. mentioning me that day while talking about the situation. Kept calling me "Revolving Monkey." Fun times. Not sure how I'll ever top that one.

tl;dr- I leaked the Weiner pic. O&A took credit.

Bit of proof:

Your proudest moment,and nobody cares...sad

You're trying to take credit for being a faggot? Kill yourself.

Not trying, I am taking credit. Go take your Zoloft you fucking spastic.

Lol, you admitted to taking credit for being a faggot. Well done, faggot.

Why so angry, fella? You want a hug? Maybe rub helmets a little?


I always loved you despite the ebb and flow of this sub. I miss your laugh.

Love you to death.

bunk, i say!


It's "entertainment" when he does it, but "cruelty" when we do.

But the same shit being posted here is the same shit that he laughed his balls off at when he saw it on the Facebook pages of shows being Jocktober'd.

Dude what they put did and said on Jocktober was way worse! They would frequently joke about holes having mastectomy's and abortions.But god forbid someone makes a dementia joke, only then could Anthony get butt-hurt about his crack using mother.

didn't opie get butt hurt about callers mentioning his dad dying I'm a crash but they played car crash sounds over a real story of some dudes story of dead wifes crash.

I'm with you, but let's be fair, it doesn't end with dementia jokes you literally just joked about how Anthony's ghetto mother is a crackhead like he was. This shit goes foooockin deep. If we get slammed we get to close the browser. We all know this dude fucked a tranny right now. Can you imagine how embarrassed you'd be?

If you're a public figure and can't take the heat that comes with fucking a tranny, then DON'T FUCK A TRANNY.

That's a very childish way to look at this, Dick.


That's the story of Ant's life though. He hates black people and calls them animals because he says they use drugs yet hes done most every hard drug and drinks himself to sleep all the time. He makes sure to point out that white women are often the victims of sexual violence and intimates that black men are the ones doing the crimes but is up on his own domestic violence charges. He'll say black people steal all the time but likes to talk about chopping up a truck one day when his was broke. Black people are lazy but when he actually worked for a living he listened to Howard in his van during the morning and spent the afternoons dozing following a lunch at the bar. Ant has always been a hypocrite but was never called to task for it before now. Also, now that the internet lynch mobs that had always been behind him are targeting him he has a problem with it. Fuck him. But I'll still listen to old O&A's on youtube and love them, guess who else is a hypocrite?

I remember when he explained he did freebase but not crack, because crack is for black people. Richard Pryor did freebase and Adam Carolla did crack, lol.

The difference being that Anthony Weiner is still an advocate of free speech.

Lol what? No he's not.

Honestly that was all over even before what O&A did anyway though, to be fair.

Uhh, Anthony Weiner is still married to Huma Abedin.

Yeah but now he's known as a cheater and a naughty naughty boy.

Not a cheater; their marriage is one of political convenience, just like the Clintons. Being monogamous was never a part of their marriage.

I just don't understand why Ant doesn't jump in and start making jokes. Imagine how quickly this would turn around if he just jumped into the fray and tried to make with the funny? A few laughs and he'd win us all back in no time. Instead, he comes on here with some SJW act?

He's incapable of real self-deprecation at this point. He was only willing to do it on O&A in its prime because all of the shit he revealed about himself took a backseat to the fact that he was a hilarious semi-famous person making millions. Now that his real failings are at the forefront of his public image, he's unwilling to add anything bad about himself to the pile. So instead of the hilarious and brutal dissection of his personality flaws - which would be a hilarious topic for when TACS needs something to talk about (most Nopie shows were great for this) - you get him fake laughing and smiling to cover up the fact that his life took a nosedive while he points his finger at everyone else to make the same 3 points about why the world around him has gone to shit.

I think what it really comes down to is that he was willing to take it from established comedians because he had no choice. Now we're learning what a thin skinned little faggot he was all along.

I've never seen one person squander such a surplus of goodwill so effortlessly.

And in such a small timeframe!

Great observation, that's why I used to like him and looked past all his faults.

I imagine shit like "Oh shes old enough to get pregnant? I guess you don't have to worry" just gets old day after day. Read the shit in this one sub. You're all consumed with hate. It's unhealthy. If you hate the show(s), Opie, Ant, Jimmy, I get it. But I don't understand sitting on Reddit gossiping like a bunch of retarded Jr high girls. Kinda fucked up don't you think?

I imagine shit like "Oh shes old enough to get pregnant? I guess you don't have to worry" just gets old day after day. Read the shit in this one sub. You're all consumed with hate. It's unhealthy. If you hate the show(s), Opie, Ant, Jimmy, I get it. But I don't understand sitting on Reddit gossiping like a bunch of retarded Jr high girls. Kinda fucked up don't you think?

It's because we're making fun of his girlfriend. He has her cum in his ass right now.

Oh Jeeessuusss

Because he's apparently had the funny fucked out of him. Did you see him guffawing over Gerard's Transylvania line?

First of all, it wasn't funny. Secondly, it was technically more "hate speechy" than most of the actually funny shit posted here.

Edit: Oh, and he besmirched that lovely lass known as Lady Trucker. What a hateful man.

First of all, it wasn't funny.

It was the funniest thing that's been said on TACS in the last 12 months.

who the hell is gerard lol

what transylvania line?

Because he has homos like Joe Anarchy and Keith The Cuck getting into his head. "Yeah, Ant. fuck Reddit - they hate all 3 of us, man"

"They hate you, you should take us both to atlantic city this weekend to really show them. Also the Guinness keg is tapped again."

Hello exactly!

If it was 2006 instead of 2016 this would be great radio. Jim Norton has made an entire career out of awkward sexual stories!

Danny ABSOLUTELY KILLING IT for us tonight on /r/opieandanthony

Heeeeereeee. Cooooooomes. Line of the day. Line of the day. Line of the day.

""Pure class". You know class? Aren't you up on felony strangulation charges? Classy."

Classy like a class E felony

The upvotes are lit-up right now.

that's right! danny boy tell'em!

It's funny because Danny actually does get some legitimate hate speech on this sub, without any humor. He's also been legitimately threatened by a crazy fuck who probably wouldn't have known him if not for O&A. And he handles it with funny gifs, not bitchy threats to censor a place occupied by what were the show's most loyal fans.

Mmm.. He cries a lot about the joke anti-semitism as if its real and spent the last week of his previous tenure just posting a deluge of messages that whatever he was offended by on that given day wasn't funny. That said, he can fuck my daughter tonight.

how old is your daughter?

She only made it to three weeks before I took her to the Bonfire Crossfit Abortion Center.

"Alright Samantha, I need you to do 4 concrete belly-flops every hour, ON the hour!"

Oh shes old enough to get pregnant? I guess you don't have to worry about Ant dating her.

I've had a couple good posts here and there, you mind if I come over?

say something mean about anthony first and you can grip her hair in your jackoff fist

And he handles it with funny gifs, not bitchy threats to censor a place occupied by what were the show's most loyal fans.

Yeah, how fucked is that?

Send this one to the top!

You buried that literal cock sucker


Danny's smart and well-spoken.

Smart? he's a 40 year old bartender. Let's calm down.

0 for 2 pal. What's gonna get you out of this slump??

Do bartenders just retire after 30 or something

If they have any decency


My friend did, he bought a house in Costa Rica and he owns a home his father left him in long island. It wasn't easy, he busted his as working almost everyday for 15 years but when you bartend you make mostly cash tips that aren't taxed. Say you make $500 one night in cash, you only claim you made $100 so you lose it all to taxed. Thursday, Friday, Saturday he was pulling in $1000 a night during October -January

29 yo bartender, I wish.


I'd rather not be raped, AGAIN!

Link please.

Omg u didn't see the episode I was on ??

I wanna what you look like.

I promise I won't make fun of you.

No, they keep almost making their rent every month until they die or someone feels bad enough to perform a mercy killing.

Danny's well-spoken.


Dude bartenders in nyc make more than 85% of the country. I worked as a waiter in college and the bartender at my job saved enough to retire at 35 with 15 years of bartending.

Dude bartenders in nyc make more than 85% of the country.

Uh...they should. It costs 85% more to live in NYC than the rest of the country.

And I highly doubt some ugly balding jew with an annoying voice is making high end money as a bartender. You're talking about nightclubs and guys women actually want to talk to.

No I'm talking about a pretty regular nyc restaurant in the south street seaport. He lived in long island and would commute in so he didn't pay some ridiculous rent. Also it's funny because he was actually a really short unattractive jewish guy who was just good at his job. I guarantee danny makes bank bartender in nyc

Oh I paid ridiculous rent. And that $400 LIRR monthly was no treat either.

Yeah him and the other bartender who was one of his roommates out in long beach would drive in together most of the time.

Lol wut? Whoever your mole is, sucks.

Mole? I'm talking about my old friend from work dude.

Well tell your old work friend he got everything wrong. Sorry man, it's just false.

Wait dude did you think I was taking abut you? I was taking about my friend Jay who retried at 35 and his friend who I used to work with. I was using his example to show that bartenders in NYC make good money

lolol what that explains that! hahah sorry!

Whoa! /u/anthonycumiashow, you gonna take that!? What's this world coming to!? Hey, good for you, /u/DannyFromTheShow, don't take no shit off no one!

Am I reading an Opie tweet?

Maybe because I'm a fuckin' water head, you ever think of that?


What, you think Ant has never dug a hole before? Where's the shovel...

What are you doing Danny? Now you're never going to get that producer gig at that failing podcast and you're not going to making money hand over fist like Dave.

Danny I never used to care for you on the show but goddamn you are the man!!! If my sister wasn't such a fat slob I'd let you poke her one time as a thank you!!!

Proud to share a sub with you, sir.

I guess you don't want that lucrative producer gig at TACS Network then.

Good point. What's the difference between this and laughing at John (or Jeff) with their little trip to vietnam, other than an extra dick in the equation?

Well said Danny. Least he can't chalk this up to just a hater.

Really? He posted the same anti anthony shit that has been posted in the past few weeks. I didn't even know it was Danny from the show, until I read the responses below his post. My advice to Danny: Hurry up and link that gofundme before the pendulum swings back the other way.

He posted the same anti anthony shit that has been posted in the past few weeks.

Jesus dude, it's not a coincidence and Danny isn't stealing our ideas for this post. What other fucking conclusion could you come to besides what he wrote? Ant is such a blatant fucking hypocrite about this shit.

A link to that gif of the black people after that rap battle like ohhh fuuck

No joke it's been posted somewhere in here.

I'm sure it has, I'll be fucked if I'm gonna Google for it though. Weren't you on here bashing Opie a while back, by the way? Were they both cunts on the show to everyone? Now the Erock bashing seems less funny. Like it always seemed like how Howard teases baba booey, but baba booey is extremely well paid and we'll appreciated.

Like, millionaires abusing someone who barely made a living.

There's a difference between bashing and just telling things as they happened. I'm not down with the Bam stuff or getting on his kids. That's foul. Have an opinion on the man. Not his wife, family or otherwise. Ant and I were bffs. Opie and I were co-workers at best.

Very well said Danny. You keep making me like you more

Been a listener since day one at XM, Danny. That was fucking masterful. Well done.

awwww shit

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

If there is anyone from O&A universe that would have a legit case for hate speech --- take a look at the threatening emails that maniac was sending him!

Danny should've been a fucking lawyer - broke that shit down real well.

I might've been in the minority at the time but, this is why I've always liked danny from the show, you were never afraid to call people out on their shit and always came correct with your facts. you even actually held your own against patrice. Telling it like it fucking is!

*slow clap

Some of this post is true, but I didn't know it was coming from Danny until after I read it. Holy shit, what a falling out. I think it IS part of the game, but this subreddit REALLY is a sack of shit. I can't really decide the boundaries, but I would say both sides crossed it (OnA as a show/this subreddit) I do think that this sub exclusively tries to bash OnA for every little thing, thinking they're being completely hilarious in some retarded format. This sub is cancer and I wish it wasn't, because we're all here for the same people.


Well it IS just true. I more so meant that Ant does sort of have a point about just the sheer cancer of this subreddit. Like all your points are true, but I can't blame him for not exactly enjoying this sub. I don't understand how that makes your post any less true, but I guess it's context. I honestly just hate to see everything the way it is now. I just want everyone to mingle again and make good radio....Opie, Anthony, Danny, fucking everyone... How about it Danny? Let's heal these wounds, let's get you guys back on speaking terms...

I like ant. I'm a happy subscriber from day one. But you have to remember he and o&a referred to the fan base as 'pests'. And happily let them destroy other radio shows Facebook and Twitter feeds during jocktober. Christ Ant happily ran with John & Jeffs show chipping whats that away that John liked visiting Thailand for ladyboys.

Ant happily likes to play up his own caricature image of himself on tv/radio but when a crack of who he really is comes to light he goes apeshit.

Personally I think ant is more concerned what other people might think if he's known to be 'friendly' with a trans person. I'm not talking about the fake invite to one of his pool parties. I'm talking about pictures of her/him/it in a his favourite hotel room / His home Bathroom / his house alone leaving tweets like. Missing you , date night etc...

Ant should be more Jimmy any just embrace it regardless if he did get a quick rub and tug off him/her/it. Nobody gives a fuck until Ant gets all defensive and images and posts suddenly start being erased.

There's no denying the O&A magic. It was great for a long time. But every beginning has and end, and we're a few years beyond that now.

For sure. I was listening to a Halloween compilation and you went as Buffalo Bill. Good times. Did you guys ever air out your dirty laundry on air at one point or another? I just know you vanished and that's about it and there's some animosity apparently. also curious about rockstar's happening, but once again none of my fucking business...oh well. good chat bud.

There was no laundry. I had reasons for not wanting to be around anymore. This sub has discovered all those reasons without me.

These are all fantastic points and well-stated, but the hypocrisy angle doesn't even need to be argued. No one here is shitting on Sue Lightning to begin with. The only even remotely non-positive comments being made are people saying they're not into transgirls and wouldn't have sex with her.

Ant's only the butt of the joke because of who he is.

Ant's trying to "manipulate the hate"


I want to tongue your anus right now, Danny


Better said than I could have...excellent post

Holy FUCK were you spot on here!

God bless Danny God bless

God bless Dwight Eisenhower. God bless the United States Marine Corps

I have a question for you, do you think he's been penetrated by this young man during their time dating? A simple yes or no answer would suffice.

O.K....I was on the fence before (Hated him on the show....not so much on Reddit) but after this post (Which Tranthony should consider an epiphany), I'm pro Danny.

Is it too late to contribute to the stalker-a-go-go fund?

I'd post it but then it would turn into how I'm scamming the sub and that whole shebang. That's not what this is about right now.


Yup, that confirms it. Even after 10+ years, Danny is still butt hurt from a pegging he received at the Cumpound.



Anthony Cumia (or Greg Hughes), the modern day Frankenstein.

'until it's nestled comfortably in your back yard'

I'm hoping you put this phrase in there intentionally

So do you think Anthony would date a tranny or a black person first?

Oh wait, guess we already know.

Par for the course, buster!

/u/anthonycumiashow built a career out of mercilessly shitting on people and cultivating a fanbase that did the same. And now that fanbase, in Frankensteinian irony, has turned on its creators.


I've never disliked you Danny and this is why. Keep this brutal honesty up, this is what he/everyone needs. Great post.

Yes! Dr. Frankenstein needs to deal with this Monster he helped create. "We go it from watching you, okay? We got it from watching you!"

Daaaaaaamn Daniel! Back at it again with the white supremacist!

You are the hero we need Danny.


Goddamn, what an absolute savage. You're a fuckhead Danny, but you're completely right on this.



Not for nothing, that show is the reason for you and your friend's harassment. That affected your life, you lost your gig at rockstar as a result. Ant spews out hate speech. He is a hypocrite. Danny, you are the hero of the sub!


you always did have an issue with keeping your dumb yap shut. stop shoe morning yourself into situations that have nothing to do with you. it's been years since anyone even thought of you and how irritating you are. so stop.


Hey! Shoe morning!


What makes me a crazy lunatic?


Danny never came off as crazy to me on the show. Just kind of tough to work with and bad with people. I enjoyed the flames it would stoke.

"Every time I try to ask Danny to do something, he screams at me."

"Screams at you? What is he screaming?"

"I don't know! It isn't English!"


"Yeah, I'll be like, 'Hey, Danny, can you-' and he'll just go 'WAAUGHLLALLAHHGH'"

laughing "Whaat the fuck goes on behind the scenes here..."

I don't get it. What's this?

I wish I could remember the show. I think it was some Blind Stevie drama. He was complaining about how you would just yell gibberish in his face. One of my favorite absurd moments of the show.

Who was I screaming at? Stevie? I'm confused.

Yeah, I think so.

That's how I remember Stevie telling it. It sounded to me like you were just fucking with him. At least you didn't kick him in the nuts.

Lol, whatever. Stevie was not a good intern. Sam would pick the most inept people instead of motivated, hard workers.

Oh, I'm not saying you shouldn't have fucked with him. Fucking with Stevie was hilarious.

And probably 99% of ppl here have no fucking idea what this telemecanique is talking about...

hahahaha danny the jealous loser faggot nobody. you got some nerve even posting a reply. ant could buy you and sell you for pennies.

I don't understand your cruelty.

Don't mind him, he refuses to take his medicine

It's probably Anthony or someone else at his mcmansion. Probably too stupid to realize someone with the know how can track it back to him if they were so inclined.

dude. you're a loser. what do you do, pump gas now? you've lowered yourself to the level of the rest of these pathetic miscreants that slither around in here instead of being above it. that makes you a sad motherfucker. your life is now about upvotes. hahahahaha. u sad fag.

Hey Ant, have some balls for once in your life and use your real account.

Pot meet the the biggest blackest kettle ever. Deflecting much you spamming alt account adam lanza wannabe.

Yeah, I'm not sure what this rambling assortment of random words mean but fuck off hillbilly.

good one. so unique. sad faggot.

Are you too embarrassed to use your real account, just like on nigger mania?

your mom fucks niggers.

I know she's black and so is my dad, what's your point?

your mom fucks niggers

This was already established

your dad fucks niggers

You're not well received

unlike u sad faggots im not here pandering for upvotes.

Well that doesn't seem like a very wise business move. Unless he buys him for less than pennies and then flips him and turns a several pennies profit? Seems like a lot of legwork though

danny had his run. then the free market dictated his worth. now its evident for all to see hes a broke bitch reddit warrior railing against his old boss.

Well you see Danny is Jewish and there isn't a demand for that.

Oh boy, Autism McHangerOn is at it again.

Are you /u/dannyfromtheshow's stalker?

I think there's a good chance this is Anthony. Legitimately.

The stalker or the guy commenting is Ant's alt account?

/u/muhdikyo is Ant's alt account, allegedly.

It's the same horse shit /u/dannyfromtheshow's alleged stalker wrote on here months ago.

Googled muhdikyo and it seems to check out. Guy post all over political articles and forum shiting on obama and ranting about race and shitty liberal ruining the country. He also has almost the exact same writing style and vocabulary as ant. It's either a die hard ant fan or most likely ant.

It's Anthony. Curious, did he show up at N mainia?


why would i stalk a nobody. cmon, get real. look at u fags defending this loser like hes your hero. do u want to suck dannys cock. im sure hed be down with that.

Why do you give a fuck so much? It's pathetic.

its ants alt

Are you sure?

i despise hate speech. this place should be shut down so you cockroaches can die.

Then where the fuck were you when /u/dannyfromtheshow's stalker called him derogatory names on the sub?

I have not posted any hate speech on this sub. Why don't you send Ant a long note regarding his hate speech, his Twitter is full of racist comments. EDIT: Or, is this Ant's alt account? If so, send a message to yourself to read your tweets.

You despise hate speech, but call everyone fags or faggots?

We like Sue. She handled this with more class than your whiny bitch, threatening ass.

You don't think John or Jeff was pissed you outed his mysterious vacation? On a national show? Fuck off, hypocrite.

exactly, Sue's great, it does have to be pretty embarrassing though to have everyone know you fucked Anthony.

Fucking Anthony is the ONLY thing I have against her

She probably held her nose and closed her eyes and pretended she was fucking a rock.

With that face, she was fuckin a pumice.

We got Sue more fans out of this! What about John/Jeff's family finding out he leaves the country to see ladyboys? Brietbart and the Weiner pic you posted? You fucked with people's lives and families! No, not the same person everyday--different people for decades! This is a Reddit no one cares about, right? You're being worse than Opie, at least he just ignores it.

Edit: Oh, and we can feel free to "speculate" on Opie and his wife's situation? You stink.


I fucking love Sue, especially after seeing how she responded to the smei-troll messages like they didn't bother her. I want Sue and Esther Ku porn in the banner this week.

I think Sue is a genuinely cool person, judging by her statements on social media and her interests. She likes sex, video games, porn, O&A from back when it was good, and those are all things I also enjoy quite a bit. She'd probably fit right in here at the old subreddit.

fit right in

Yes! We should set up a gofundme for Sue and try and get more donations than Norton gets for his cartoon.

or this lady who got beat by O&A like a rented water buffler

I love that even after all the mockery, not one person here can recall whether it was John or Jeff that took the "exotic trips".

It was the alien headed one.

I missed your comment before I said something similar down below, and you said it better than I could have. Just want to hop in and say I wholeheartedly agree. Fuck you Ant, Sue can suck my dick any time.

He done got u dair, bwoi!!!

This isn't even hate you old crusty weirdo.

Your EX GF Melissa Stetten made the accusations you unfinished Madame Toussadd figure



"Hi, reddit? Yeah, it's me, Anthony Cumia, woman-beating racist pederast. Listen, there's this subreddit..."

Pretty brutal when you play it out. Hard to have foresight when you're already ten drinks in though, right Ant?

Well when you put it like THAT.....

So the disgraced former shock jock who was fired for racist remarks and is currently fighting a domestic abuse case is going to rally outside support to defend himself against accusations that he fucks trannies? Let me know how that works out for you.

well when you put it like that

I don't want to give the [[[[[[[[[[[ bad guys ]]]]]]]]]] any ideas, but if we all keep commenting and upvoting this thread we can get onto /r/all and bring in a whole crop of virgins who don't know about Anthony being a dirty old Italian violent drunk fired shock jock pederast who likes trannies.


Et tu, pissy eyes?

Fucking brilliant


Where was this attitude when you started selling torpid sloth t-shirts you tranny fucker? ALL IN with this place back then, now you're no different than tits

What a moronic twist to try and justify your horse shit here.

You are receiving the kinds of downvotes and abuse that I was receiving 6 months ago. Amazing.

You were ahead of your time, sir.

Lol kinda like the Opie sucks guy. Should have made a Norton sucks account because he does

It already exists, it's /u/TheRealJimNorton

I would like to suck your pecka


It was just you and me there for a while.

Never should have doubted you

I never doubted you, although I don't think you're as much Team Opie as me.


Oh shut up

They are jokes, dude. Are you fucking serious? Do we need to break kayfabe for you? Can you imagine what you would have said about someone who took the shit O&A dished out as badly as you're taking this?

You truly have become a boob.

the man is an ass

you are what you eat

Then that would make him your mom's box, uhurhurhurhur!!!

You've been watching Vinyl on HBO.

Your a huge hypocritic and everyone finally sees it, you can't recover from this (trying to shut down a sub, censorship), you should end it now. You know what I mean by it.

He really should end his show.

And the facade that he is straight.

No, he should kill himself.

It's the same thing Ant and you know it. We loved you guys but when the show ended most of us were just here to make each other laugh when you guys failed to do so. Now you are trying to stop this sub from doing something you would have done if Todd Pettingil did the same thing, that's embarrassing.

This all could have gone away if you weren't such a hypocrite.

You could have just left it with your segment addressing this on your show and it would have petered out, but you HAD to go ahead and be a hypocrite. How does it feel to betray yourself you hollow fuck? We took what we wanted from your show and kicked the 3 of you fucks to the curb when you showed how full of shit you all were. We took the best parts of your work and threw you fucks into the trash.

I still cannot get over the fact I enjoyed today's show and found it quite entertaining to see him getting his balls busted by the callers. For like 15 minutes, it actually felt like something you could call O&A. So what does he do? He starts this shit.

Yeah, lets not forget that I really don't think anyone here sincerely believed that Anthony fucked a tranny, or really care even if he did.

This all would have disappeared in a week. But now it's HUGE.

I'm 50-50 on him at least getting a blowie.

But a 100% wouldn't give a shit if he did.

Ant - when you make a point like this, why don't you try explaining why it's a "moronic twist"? It's because you can't. It's obvious that no one here agrees with you, but I can't even fathom how you would disagree with the person you're replying to unless you're just blindly calling anyone who's making you look bad a moron because that's all you can do. Which is obviously the case here.

that doesn't even make sense, you stupid fuck


Speaking of horse shit did you ever give it to a horse back in the day wile pa was all liquored up? You probably did you weird fuck

Your ex Melissa Stetten is the reason this started in the first place. Why don't you listen to her podcast? She's the one who created this.

Don't turn him on to Melissa. You want her to end up with a smashed hand, broken rib and choke mark bruises on her neck?

You're a dumbfuck, and are really bordering on becoming more hate able and delusional than Opie.

As soon as he threatened to have the sub taken down was the point he did

Dude, you can't take an ounce of what you've dished out over the years. You're being a bitch.

Your ex outed you. It's FUNNY.

No, it's purely simple logic. Which has never been your strong suit.

How the fuck is this a moronic twist? You loved nothing more then when you thought this subreddit was in your back pocket. Now they're going after you instead of Gregg and you are doing the same shit- pretending your 100% fine with it when obviously it's not! At least Op has enough composure to not come on here and threaten to shut down a Reddit for racism and bullying, lol.

no one feels bad for you, so either make us feel guilty and kill yourself or stfu.

You didn't actually respond to what he's saying, Ant...

edit: to clarify, how do you not see that the comparison there isn't at least somewhat close? Can you compare the two to show us how it's not the same thing?

You already know how polarizing this place can be. They hate you one week, love you the next. Well, I can guarantee there will be nothing but vitriol from here on out, peggshells.

We don't have to justify shit, Peggshells. Unlike you, we don't have a law official that we have to respond to on a regular basis.

I wish that bad heart of yours would go ahead and stop working already.

Why is it a "moronic twist" and not "calling old drunk retarded guinea tranny fucker Antony out on his hypocritical bullshit?"


Remember when you dated a 17 year old and had her parents over at your house? Pedo-Tranonthy! at least the man/woman is over 18! your no better than sleeping with a goat!

Who gives a fuck if he slept with a transgender person? Why the fuck does that matter? He's a piece of shit, but not because he fucked a person who happens to be transgender. Let him be a fuck for everything else he does.

Just admit that Jimmy tricked you by saying that tranny cum cures cystic acne scars.

''it's like Spackle!''


this is catching a body

it's the most brutal post i've seen here in a while

I agree wholeheartedly. Ant is getting fucking crucified.

So that's who Johnsa Hog is..

Opie has gotten WAY more shit than you on this sub, and even he hasn't threatened to shut it down. Your father was right, you're a "pissy-eyed faggot"


Pay attention fellas this is how you lose subscribers to your internet podcast.

Anyone still subscribing to him after posts like this is a complete and utter retard.

Cancelling mine. Ant is now for censorship.

He always has been, remember Lobster girl?

Don't forget that he supported doxxing too!

He put out a fucking bounty on mine.

I'm cancelling as soon as I get home. Do you get a prorated refund or does cancelling just turn off the auto renew?

I cant even be bothered to torrent it and I loved the old show.

i 'm gonna donate to davey and then pirate the show

I really like Pat Dixon though :(

I could never like anyone with a fat woman's name.

Watch what you write here. That's my wife's name. Yeah her weight is above average but it's because of hormones

He's a real sweetheart! Asian Pat Dixon is awesome too.

Doesn't he do a free show every week that's pretty much the same thing as his TACS show? Failing that, pirating his show is pretty simple, and Joe Cumia's internet biker gang isn't going to come after you. If you want to support him, by a T-shirt from his site. It would support him more and you'd have something of actual value to show for it.

I really like LoS and ESD, but no way I'd give money to this retarded old fuck.

Well, you make a really good point. Really, really good point.

I cancelled when he posted his first drunken rant.

Canceling mine as we speak.

Yep just canceled as well. Stopped watching his show around episode 40 so not really a loss to me. Hope LOS jumps ship after this whole thing is done.

I subscribed for a total of four months, probably only watched parts of a total of three episodes, got the "jist" of where the show was headed, and unsubscribed. I think Ant owes me, an unhappy customer, at least a month's refund. Where's the god damned customer service?!

Shut up you dumb nigger lover. The single hair coming out of just one of Ants many pockmarks is more relevant than you will ever be. There are at best a handful of subscribers on this forum. A bunch of fucking jealous haters on here. I hope he does get this forum shutdown. Really getting sick of all these self-hating white idiots.

Which Ant ballsucker are you? Brother Joe, Fred from Brooklyn? You can tell its one of the dumber ones because of the poor sentence structure, limited vocabulary and the unhealthy obsession with Ants "Haters" being jealous of him for some dumb fucking reason.

There are at best a handful of subscribers

I highlighted the only part of this fellow's post that is not gibberish because I feel that all retards should come with their own cliff notes to speed things along and avoid as much of the awkwardness as possible.

Typical liberal nigger lover, bet you work for NBC with the way you ignorantly rewrite facts .

Calm down Joe, nobody's going to make you get a job

Lmao. Fucking hilarious

Shut up brother Joe you racist piece of shit. BTW u2 is the gayest classic rock band there is

Opie officially won fellas. Call it. Time of Death 8:17pm

It's actually pretty hilarious that Opie of all people is really the last one standing.

Yup, it's crazy. If he we're Ant tommorow's O&J would be epic... But sadly he isn't.

Ant is not down yet. He is just kneeling...

And slurping up that delicious tranny cum.

Opie is a shrewd operator. He's also an unfunny cunt, but a shrewd operator nonetheless.

Eventually, all hate for Opie will cease when he reaches that full transition into Morning Zoo Soccer Mom radio without Jimmy. This sub will recognize his comfort in this format and subsequently leave him alone. All the while, Ant will be on trial for burying a Tranny who had secrets on the outermost tip of Long Island.

cant they all lose?

If anybody can snatch a loss out of the jaws of victory... It's Opie.

Gregg "Opie" Hughes? Let me tell you something about Gregg "Opie" Hughes. You can't win against that dude. Good luck.

Dude's a winner. He's like the Trent Dilfer of radio.

Anthony addresses these issues at least. Not in the way he should, be he at least doesn't pretend to have no idea this was going on.

With that being said, how Anthony responded is exactly the way Opie would have responded, had Opie been man enough to address all of the things we've brought up.

Nah, Ant applauded this place and pushed this place to go after Opie, catered T-shirts about Opie to this place, then made the biggest hypocritical move ever about this place. Opie has done none of those things, you're just grasping to hope.

Opie is(has been) trying to move on from O&A in most ways... Including this place. He didn't use this place to prop up his "network" then dump on it when it didn't grovel at his feet.

I never thought I'd see the fucking day when Opie "Greggshells" Hughes comes out looking like the adult.


Real talk. I think most of us enjoyed you addressing the rumors today and found at least that portion of your show entertaining. That said, what you're doing right now is so beyond comprehension I'm not sure what to say. Have you lost your fucking mind? Your neo-con ass is threatening censorship and screaming bullying? I'm speechless.

Big surprise. Everyone else is a whiner, but wait it's happening to meeee!!!? Make it go away!

Ol' pissy-eyes can't take a little beating.

Next, Jim Norton will weigh in about how this is somehow different than all the times they bashed people (which included bullshit accusations).

It's all fun and games until it's you or one of your own.

save him, bernie

You come here and treat genuine cruelty like a video game.

You mean like you did for 2 decades while making millions of dollars from it?

Patty's wig, trolling Bobo with all these women, exploiting Lady Di, an alcoholic in her final years before death for some laughs, exploiting countless other homeless/retarded people etc. These examples are just a drop in the sea of cruelty you inflicted or helped to inflict upon others. And it was hilarious, just like this sub is right now but your dumb fucking ego won't let you see that.

Are you seriously trying to act like you have the moral highground here? Holy motherfucking shit. Go fuck your mother if you are really serious about what you just posted you undereducated hasbeen ghoul.

And no, the goal here really isn't to hurt or destroy anyone, the goal is to laugh. Something you and your triumvirate of faggots failed to provide for us for almost 2 years now. But don't mind me or the reality, go back to your racist Disneyland and enjoy the little time you have left until your kidneys give in because it's obvious that you've peaked long time ago in more areas than just your career.

Years and years of jocktober, exploitation of the mentally ill, laughing at horrible tragedies and the list goes on and on.

Wait, Lady Di is dead? I know she had a psychotic break, but I hadn't heard anything else.

Last I heard she's been trying out for seal team 6.

I don't think so, Dr. Steve would have mentioned it.

triumvirate of faggots

Jesus Christ. Fucking gold.


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If who you are friends with is no ones business but yours......why did you go out of your way to delete every possible mention of her from your twitter and instagram? If you are okay with being her friend why did you try so hard to cover it up and deny it?

No one here has personally attacked Sue in and way, shape or form. We've attacked you for being such a hypocritical douchebag. But keep doing what you usually do and try and deflect shit away from yourself. Or even better own it like a man and quit whining like a 4 year old.

And shut this sub down and I guarantee every black pride organization and equality league will be all over you and your racist little show. Every post you ever made in secret to niggermania will be dug up and exposed and the tatters of your career will go up in even more shame. You survived Times Square barely because you weren't worth Al Sharpton and the NAACP hopping on your ass but keep up the bullshit you two faced loser and see what hell you unleash upon the last vestiges of your career.

Jesus Christ, Dave. Take it easy lol lmao

He's right though this sub made Amy Schumer launch a defensive campaign and she actually has a massive following and everyone in the entertainment industry backing her up if this sub really wanted to fuck up Anthony's day it could.

I imagine Dave slowly ramping up typing and reading to the point where he is screaming the last paragraph with his hands raised in the air, like a pagan in the before Christ times.

Yeah I don't think he understands the power of people with nothing to do.

The first point here is important to acknowledge again... If there's no shame in your shit dude, you don't go having those social ties deleted coincidentally the minute we start having a little fun with your millionaire-hobo looking ass.

And shut this sub down and I guarantee every black pride organization and equality league will be all over you and your racist little show. Every post you ever made in secret to niggermania will be dug up and exposed and the tatters of your career will go up in even more shame. You survived Times Square barely because you weren't worth Al Sharpton and the NAACP hopping on your ass but keep up the bullshit you two faced loser and see what hell you unleash upon the last vestiges of your career.

You could've just posted this:

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."

LOL beautiful. But none of that pertains to me. I was referring to the lunatic fringe on here with computer skills. I'll just make a few calls to the NAACP and whichever group Jesse Jackson is head of this month. And if that doesn't work I'll just forget about it and move on with my life.

hearing anthony cumia talk about hate speech, and harassment is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard of.

This'll help lol

I disagree

Oh literal ShadowbannedKeithM

i have to agree with you there, SKM. He is not helping his case.


Comments like this make me howl more than they should.

"Duuuude, ya get ya she-cock, ya put the helmet between yer lips, stroke the shaft a lil dude, BOOM!!! Cums right in Ya crater face duuuuude!"

savage, bobby

didnt know there was so many calories in tranny cum

Lord have mercy.

Fucking gold!

You got your she-cock, yer coffee

Remember the advice you gave Opie with a smirk? Well we'll just speculate about this latest find. Good luck in court faggot!

I welcome threats coming from either Opie or Anthony. This faggot got beat up by a black woman a couple of years ago, beat a frail woman just out of her teens and is now sucking both literal and metaphorical dick. It's impossible to take them seriously.

Exactly. And when you consider the variables of each respective "speculation", and if were both true, Anthony's worst-case scenario in this instance is that he fucked a transsexual who (lets be honest) doesn't look half-bad. On the other hand, Opie's worst-case scenario would be his family falling apart. So the fact he's all cunty about a (true)rumor that really isn't a big deal in the current year, yet winks at the camera over the (false)rumor of the Margera-nonsense really makes him come of as...well, not good. Especially with this Planes, Trains, and Automobiles diatribe.

We aren't trying to destroy your life, you've done it yourself. Racial Twitter rants and hitting women have already turned big name comedians away fromTACS and cost you your job. I would never try to attack you Anthony if your show wasnt complete garbage, it's a fucking borefest and you have to be delusional not to realize that. You have the lowest rated show on your network.

Why don't you fire your vast group of yes men, quit ranting about race and get back to making the show funny again. The fans don't care about your boring POP POP Seinfeld watching ass, they care about you and a bunch of comedians making things funny again, get a co host or a revolving group of comedians to come in from the start of the show. No one wants to hear you pontificate about fucking shitty news stories. WE WANT COMEDY AGAIN!

Relax Ant, your defensiveness on this issue is really really odd. What is hateful about saying you fuck trannies?

The more I think about it, this is the really odd thing. He overreacted to this. How easy could this have been quieted with a, "Yeah, whatever. We're friends, we hang out. Go fuck yourselves, lol."

Instead, stuff was deleted, he languishes in vagueries on the show, and we're accused of hate speech and threatened. Ant's not sticking up for his friend, Sue. Why is he so ashamed of this story? He's being a pussy, or maybe using this as an excuse to justify going after this place for saying his show stinks.

Seriously, if it wasn't anything physical, he could have just made a couple jokes about himself, did a Dice impression, and moved on. No, this reeks of someone getting defensive for a reason.

This would have disappeared in a week. A few memes would have happened and that would have been it.

He didn't seem to mind our running with the Dani-beating story, but he's upset about us teasing him for making sweet love to a very nice, young lady.


His father, who he has issues with, wouldn't be rolling over in his grave about the beating on Dani thing; the banging a tranny though would have his father spinning faster than a battling top on meth.

For once, I gotta give us some credit here. Nobody is really giving Sue the business. They're busting Ant's balls.

"Absolute worst thing you can call a man." - Ron Bennington.

This is going great...

But seriously, why are all the tweets being deleted?

You have the gall to lecture random people on the internet about 'class' when:

A) you engaged in the exact behavior you're condemning for years and years as your job

B) you very publicly lost this multi-million dollar job for being a racist asshole

C) you're under investigation for breaking a woman's hand and ribs

and D) you're related to, and willingly spend time with, SAMCRO Bro Joe

This is the behavior of a preening and oblivious narcissist. by the way, that list above is in ascending order of egregiousness. BroJoe is the fucking worst and most classless thing about you, despite you being a racist, woman-beating, professional dickhead.

The king of hate speech and racial rants threatening us to get this sub shut down for "hate speech"

Are you putting the sub on gag order?

He put Sue's cock on gag order, tss.

(Dice voice:) I'll give you a gag order, on my cock..OOOOOOOoo



Please, let's not bring up hateful characterizations from Ant's past, like the gay Steve voice. He's moved on.

The funny thing is I'll bet there's been more than one serious conversation between Keith, Anthony, and his lawyers about what legal recourse he could possibly have against "the sub."

You are the ultimate hypocrite. In so many ways.

Get us shut down for hate speech, if you want, but you did laugh as Opie cried over your lost friendship. Maybe you're the cruel one?

Wow this really puts it in perspective for me.

"I learned it by watching you."

We're just having an open and honest discussion, you big phony.

I thought ppl here had no effect on ppls lives? Thought ppl here were to be laughed at by ppl like u and ur leaches? Sue seems like a great person,don't know what he sees in u

go away grandpa


Rich Vos will be appearing at the Funny Bone, Syracuse NY April 14-17.

To be fair, all of this is from Melissa Stetten's comments on her podcast. You should take it up with her

How did anyone find that? I can't imagine her having a podcast, let alone anyone listening to it


Shit gets planted. She knows she'll say it before upload, has a fake account to put it somewhere or another we can find it.

Well, it was posted 3 months ago, so at least it took a while for someone to uncover it.

Bashing people because they are my friend is another story.

I've been floating around this sub all day and have yet to spot one instance of that happening. Hell of a lot of evidence of your "friendship" that is being systematically erased in a damn hurry though, why's that?

And protip: stop making these posts, you fucking idiot. I mean, really, for our sakes; keep making them. A lot. But from your perspective it achieves the complete, 100% polar opposite of your intent every single time, dummy.

P.S Threatening to have this place shut down for hate speech after spending the last year and a half crying about getting fired for hate speech has to be the biggest dick move you've made yet. Except when you moved Sue's dick into your house and ass of course.

Love ya miss ya!

"I should be able to say anything I want about anyone or anything! Freedom of speech ! Open and honest discussion! Unless of course anyone's talking about me or uncovering my sexual history with a she male then we need to shut all that down"

"Hmmmm, maybe I will." Eww dont do that passive Opie shit, either do it or dont you swiss cheese skinned pube head muthafucker.

Anthony. You were fine when this sub acted as some crazed and dedicated mujahideen flying planes into the Twin Tits. But the moment you hear car bombs outside your Long Island embassy you get bitchy. This is blowback, pork dumpling face.

Fantastic use of blowback.

I also liked the 9/11 analogy, but with breasts.

"Pork dumpling face." I like you. Wanna meet in an abandoned factory and fuck?

Car bombs? More like black hookers on the Fourth of July weekend.

Also, do you think any of us have a problem with Sue? I think most of us think she's pretty fucking hot and really wouldn't have a problem if you were fucking her. Hell, she addressed the rumors without a problem and we all mentioned how cool she seemed. It's your ridiculous panic to delete any trace of the relationship and shit like this post here we're making fun of. We're laughing at you, not the hot tranny who likes fucking video games.

we still support your pegging. This is a safe and supportive place for you to come out.

Hate speech? Hahahahaha! Ant's a fucking douche bag. Holy shit. was all fun and games before...but now? This shit? Fuck him. Can't believe this is happening but...Opie wins.

So what was the purpose for you bashing everyone for years? You are the Terry Clifford now. Boo fucking hoo, flatso

Ant. See my user name?

Here, I'll re-write the post for you to make it better for you.

"Yeah, I'm friends with Sue, so what? Even if I fucked her, which I didn't, so what? Who hasn't wanted to fuck a sexy dude with tits? Haha.

You people are real pieces of shit... but funny. Just to try and keep any harassment of anyone down, please? The jokes are funny, but try not to bring anyone into it. Thanks.

Your pal, Anthony."

If any of them actually framed their thoughts this way no one would be bashed as they have been. It's crazy none of them see it.

Jimmy fucks trannies all the time, has made a whole career talking about it, and people here loved him before he got super wormy. So don't act like this is "hate speech", this is your old radio show's audience being funny. You really have us pegged wrong, which is surprising considering you have so much practice.

Ant's gone full cunt. Holy shit.

One of my comedy heroes, now a complete hypocrite. Goddamnit.

Other then you who are we trashing? I really havn't seen anything negative about Sue. People here are just calling you out on your lies and your bs. How does it feel knowing the people here have a place inside your head. You are no different then Opie. Just a sad pathetic old man.

Why does this bother you so much, also no one was attacking sue?

Also if it didn't bother you why were you trying to cover it up and having her delete tweets and you doing the same

You're making Opie look good

He knows that but he can't say stop bothering me so he made this up. Always got to play vicdumb.

LMFAO. You slam everyone on here for being losers! You say that you and everyone else laughs at this sub!


I guess dropping out of high school has arrested your development to that time, because you are a high school drama queen through and through. You can't get enough of this sub! John Doe has the upper hand!

I can't believe Anthony fucking Cumia is threatening to go full queer in hopes of shutting something down. What happened to that no apologies crap and railing against society for being crying fags? Every. Fucking. Day. Have you been hacked? I'd seriously consider that excuse.

The students have become the masters...

You're in over your head now. Maybe you should just round up Fred from Brooklyn and the other out of touch basement dwelling leeches in your poker quilting bee and stop worrying what a bunch of nobodies on the internet have to say.

Now you're getting a bit too real.

Are you fucking kidding me with this? I mean, this has to be a counter-troll or something, right?

How many Jocktober jocks ended up crying over the horrible shit that was done to them on social media while you guys laughed your asses off? How many jocks did you laugh at when they lost their jobs? How many fat/ugly/black/gay/women/trannies got bashed on the O&A show for absolutely no reason other than they happened to get the show's attention somehow? How many times did you send the 'pests' out on a mission against someone you guys were having a stupid feud with?

What about Terry Clifford? Todd Pettingill? Whoopi Goldberg? Anthony Wiener? John & Jeff? The list goes on.

Seriously Anthony, get a grip here. You used to play the game -- the game YOU invented -- now you're acting like a little bitch because the pests are having some fun at your expense. Instead of using it for material like you would in the old days, you're turning into a fucking hole and screaming "THIS ISN'T FUNNY".

You're fair game and anyone in your fucking orbit is fair game too. Your tranny friend isn't a fucking child (even though he/she looks like it), but is in fact a PORN STAR, which last time I checked is also a public figure.


(unless this is all a legal strategy to distance yourself from this board and establish that you had no hand in any online harassment for the upcoming proceedings with Dani, in which case, well played)

Guessing counter troll or court case jitters... He is going in front of a judge in 3 days.

Honestly, I'm guessing (hoping) that his lawyers might have told him that he needs to distance himself from this group because Dani is going to bring up all the online 'bullying' she's received since the incident, and will try to claim that Anthony has control over his online fans (pests) and is at least partially responsible for their actions. This could help her with her restraining orders and any future civil damages she might seek.

In that context it makes sense that he'd try to make it seem like he's at odds with everyone here and he has no control because they turned on him too.

I really hope that's what it is and that he's not just turning into an oversensitive hole.

Keep in mind, that kind of consideration is used for sentencing. The facts of guilt/innocence are unrelated to character in domestic abuse cases. Simply: did he hit her (et al) or not.

Yeah, I'm thinking more in preparation for civil action. If she can convince a judge/jury that he had a hand in her online harassment, it would be bad for Anthony.

I imagine that it wouldn't be too hard for her to demonstrate that he has a loyal fanbase known for launching harassment attacks against basically anyone he directs them to. Jocktober is pretty well documented at this point. It's not such a stretch to make the case that she was suffering a similar attack.

Most of the harassment of Dani (and Melissa in the past) has come from his twitter followers and on twitter. And he hasn't distanced himself from those pathetic sycophantic assholes.

No, this is no great legal maneuver. This is a man circling the drain.

I feel bad for "Sue" that you're too ashamed to admit your affair with him. At least he got breast implants out of you.

Anthony , you've become what you've set out to destroy.


The only way he could carry a weapon now would be illegally, he likes to live large regardless of his income and he beats up women. I'd say so, yes.

No, a teenage girl.


pre-teen hymen?

Friends who sleep over in the same hotel rooms?

Friends who share storage space in their assholes.

"I've made an ass out of myself!"

"I'm sorry I did that. I'm embarrassed that I did that."

Holy fuck this is gold. he's become the soundbytes he used to tool on to create an audience in the first place. Pure entertainment.


You're officially more thin skinned than Opie. Good luck getting anyone to take you seriously. You've been openly racist and openly pedophilic for the latter half of your broadcasting career. Not to mention you give Gavin McInnes, a man who is openly transphobic and proudly admits to being so, a platform to spread such message. Now you're gonna run crying to the same SJW's/anti free speech people you've been shitting on on a daily basis for the past ten years because for a day people were making jokes about you.

We thought you were such a badass when you got fired. We viewed you as a fucking martyr for free speech, but all of that is bullshit now. You've shown your true colors now. You can dish it, but you can't take it. Congratulations, Ant, you played yourself.




And enlighten me, how are you gonna have this sub shut down for hate-speech without implicitly admitting that you did indeed accept the turgid baby-cock of a trans-sexual in at least one of your holes?

Don't you dare try to play the victim when the mansion you're sitting in was paid for by doing just what we are, busting balls and having a laugh.

Now go back to laughing at us with your genetic-defective pack of sycophants, you damaged, pissy-eyed dago, and we'll get back to "not bothering you."

More accurately its Mansion WE paid for.....

pure class

What a weird criticism coming from a man who's about to be locked up for strangling a 70lb girl.

I bet if I posted this and some of the topics here outside of this sub a lot of people would have this sub slammed shut in no time for "hate speech". You HAVE to know that's very possible in today's climate. Hmmm, maybe I will.

You realize that your main source of income would be DDoS'ed into oblivion if you did that, right? If you think people calling you a tranny fucking faggot is bad...wait until these idiots pull off the gloves.

would be DDoS'ed into oblivion

This place couldn't shut down SXM's Facebook page at the height of it's post firing Ant love fest and it, at best, slightly inconvenienced O&J and Amy Schumer. Don't be silly.

DDos is something very different and someone was doing it to his site in the beginning. It would be very bad for him. Trust me, he doesn't want it.

someone was doing it to his site in the beginning.

And it never recovered...oh wait.

shutup stupid

You realize, no one has bashed your transgender friend here. Nor have a problem with her. Everything posted was about how you sucked her cock, may of bought her tits (not our words) and basically making fun of you. You have done the same if not worse and made a good living from it. You and Opie created this monster years ago. I didn't see one post looking to hurt your friends feelings or make her feel bad for who she is. You are the one being called out not her.

We'll just make another one

For having an Internet enterprise Tranthony sure doesn't know how a lot of it works.

I hope you go to jail or have to do community service around blacks.

I am genuinely surprised this is how ant is responding to this. I mean, call it overexciteability or retardation, sure. but hate speech? no one is making fun of this sue person for being his friend, just laughing a little that there is evidence out there that potentially looks like ant was boning what is essentially a dude. I admit the amount of topics and comments are a little excessive, but saying people here are cruel and were using hate speech, what the hell? just insult back or ignore it and move on. I thought he actually made sense in his video response, why the fuck push it and write this? does he really think this is gonna go well for him?

Didn't Ant also say he fought hard for Troy Quan not to be fired after his on-air homophobic tirade? Troy threatened to beat up a guy because he was gay. You don't get more hateful speech than that and Ant proudly defended it.

I dont even care that he's a hypocrite(even though Danny's comment was great). I mean, he's gotta say something. It just slipped his mind that his defense was probably the worst one possible given his history. I am honestly surprised that ant couldnt have handled this a little better

With few exceptions, probably none of the people who post regularly on this site subscribe to his network and he apparently now sees no problem with writing them off. I too am surprised at how this is all going. The hosts hate each other, the fans and the hosts hate each other, and the fans hate each other. It's full blown Lord of the Flies and it is glorious. I pray he somehow gets this hellhole shut down so i can see where that leads. :)

I honestly thought this was all boring fan fiction until he started responding to it. He couldnt be making more of an ass out of himself and I ususally dont have much of a problem with ant.

I think you're wrong about fans hating each other. They might troll but it's mostly in good fun. He's cleart not writing this reddit off. It represents for him a big source for free publicity. Anyone who wasnt an O&A listener wont subscribe to TACS unless they hear great things about. This subreddit could have been a great resource for him to grow TACS.

This placed began to turn on him the day after Opie cried during Gregshells one lol. Any opportunity there was for this place to be an advertisement for TACS has been dead for quite some time.

It has more to do with his show sucking. He's funny but doesn't quite seem to get that most people aren't Trump supporting white trash faggots. If he focused more on making a better show and less on trashing blacks/Opie/etc the subreddit would turn around. But threatening to have it shut down is too much

I would say Opie trashing is not enough

Right wing, misanthropic, Opie hating Trump supporters (and i'm one of them :) comprise the majority of his fan-base now. We really wouldn't like it if the show became TMZ with the occasional fuck and cunt thrown in like O&J has become.

That's the whole point. Good entertainment is above politics. If he delivered on that, no one would care about his politics or views on blacks. But the fact is, a majority of people do not have the same politics as Ant

"You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My tranny likes me. My subscriber likes me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get."

What a fucking pussy. During Jocktober you would influence fans, and laugh when they harassed other shows over the Internet. You did heinous shit to people on the show for years. You hit Bobo for getting drunk at your party. The dude is fucking mentally handicapped. What did you think would happen when he got drunk? You have this sub shut down, and I'll think about sending that video around to the media. Considering you're a public figure and all.

Also funny that a guy who's been fired for hate speech is now bothered by hate speech. You're a faggot.


In an entire world filled with hypocrite fucks, you are perhaps the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. You're worthless and weak. You have gossamer thin skin and you made your living ripping the shit out of people. I hope all of them are tuning in for this because you deserve it so much more than any of them ever did.

When you CREATE a monster, don't be surprised when it fucking turns around to rip your face off, asshole.

Yes, Tranthony....there is nothing we want more than for you to personally put this all out there. The sub might get shut down, but that would be the icing on the cake for you to make sure everyone knows your ex-girlfriend suspects you're pendulum swings both ways.

I'm so joyous that Tranthony is taking off.

Ant, I'm honestly curious, do you not see the hypocrisy of complaining that people are giving you shit now when you literally made your career on trashing things just for the sake of humor?

Bashing people because they are my friend is another story.

From what I've seen, no one has actually said anything bad about her. They're just giving you shit for being involved with a transgender girl.

It's cool to bash disabled kids on the radio though.

Or play a car crash sound for a father who lost his daughter in a car accident. "Pure class"

Or play multiple gunshot sound effects after reading the play written by the Virginia Tech shooter.

Not for being involved. For banging him, buying him implants, and then deleting shit and denying it. Your a phony, a big fat phony!

Holy Shit, Ant. You're really going to threaten to have this sub shut and censored? You got fired for you're speech. So was that justified now? You made fun of disabled kids. Played the Wilhelm scream when someone told a story of someone's dead daughter. Jocktober.

You get called out for fuckin a tranny after you're ex said something on a podcast and now you wanna run and tell whoever the fucks in charge. Shameful. You were one of the guys, Ant. And let's not forget you backing the sub when it was about Opie. I'll give the littlest of credit if you at least answer some posts and not just run like usual. You censoring for "hate speech" is insane.

since when has this drunken, pedo ginzo ever been trustworthy?

Um, it was your ex that put you on blast - (48.00 in).

You got a problem?, take it up with her. I doubt most here have a problem with your friendships. We just enjoy watching the wormy, pissy eyed way, you handle things both on the surface, and behind the scenes :).

Just stop doing radio, tv, podcasting, and social media and we'll leave you alone.

What a hypocrite!

Threatening people with hate speech claims when you were fired for similar shit and have cried out about it for years. Go fuck yourself!

Who is bashing your friend? I thought we were all bashing you for being a closet homo


The way you fucking bullied and humiliated Bobo for years when he has clear and profound disabilities, and only wanted to be accepted and have friends, means you will never have the moral high ground. Fuck you, you're a garden variety bully and it's unbelievable satisfying to see you have a small taste of your own medicine. Again, fuck you.

David Duke says what? GFY you crater face cunt!

David Duke's radio show is way more listenable.

You honestly have zero moral authority to complain about people being gratuitously mean.

Seriously, the last person.

This fucking guy puts a bounty out on my dox and then has the balls to try this shit. I'm HOWLING.

guy up on strangulation, criminal mischief, unlawful imprisonment, and assault charges kicks things off by using the phrase "pure class"

Then he plays the "bash me if you must, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back and watch one of my totally former, way in the past casual acquaintances that I barely knew take an internet beating!" card.

I don't think he really addressed this sub's latest find, did he?

He "can't help us" and he's "sorry" that we find his "friendship" with a tranny amusing, for some reason.

Damage, and inflicting it. That's what we're about, apparently.

Ant goes full-SJW. This sub has literally turned him inside-out.

"in today's climate"? what is he, a weatherman or sumpthin'?

Aside from the high hat, eye-gouging hypocrisy, pseudo-chivalry, disingenuous claims of transparency (tss), and casual threats, I thought it was a yeoman's effort.

Don't you have a court case to worry about?

what "hate speech"?! everyone here seems to like your "friend". You're the one everyone hates, stupid

Thanks, I was on the fence about whether you actually fucked her until you posted this.

Did you fill her boypussy up with your Guinea cum or did she want it on the plastic tits you bought for her?

Oh my god.

wow.... NEVER though 4 or 5 years ago that ANYONE associated from OnA would write something like this....

"Some of you are just horrid cruel people with no other goals than to try and hurt or destroy people. " is he fuckin serious!

He's not wrong. It's just that he is one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

He must have just gotten his estrogen shots.

You participated in a month of smashing other radio shows and DJ's personally yearly.

Goddamit, quit making me have to update my flair!

You come here and treat genuine cruelty like a video game.

You built your fucking career on this and now you're getting all pissy eyed because you're on the other end? Fuck off.

This kind of reminds me of the incident where one of the old forum groups announced Ant had died in a car accident on his vacation. The resulting hilarity is He turned into one of the biggest whining bitches, threatening to have ALL the forums shut down, finding out peoples names and possibly bringing litigation against them etc. Typical Long Island revenge wop shit. Of course it was a carbon copy of the Mayor Menino stunt but thats besides the point.....


He doesn't like those anymore.

You better be a post op because ant won't like you.

Nice underoos.

God damn this day is getting better and better. Thanks /u/Mouthful_of_cum !!!

thanks fam <3

I been lookin everywhere for u boo






"Gays running rampant." - Anthony Cumia

No problem Pegshells!

But seriously your rank hypocrisy is, in your words, astounding. And there's no malice, you dope. It's pure humor, and this has been a fucking hilarious 24 hours. Unless you're an aging shock jock with a secret.

Even Terry Clifford snorts in your direction.

What the fuck happened to you? When did you turn into an old woman?

Has Anthony spun this into a political or black thing yet?


2016-03-03 03:14 UTC

Holy shit. I said if people saw the homophobic, racist shit on that sub, it’d be shut down. You’re a moron.

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Lol keep ranting about niggers you teen grooming, tranny fucking pederast.

More and more he's turning into the character he played on Uncle Mingle

This is going great

Most people here have admitted they would bang a Tranny so good luck with the "hate speech" trip.

Most of the hate's been for the show. Not sure that's covered under TOS. We could just play them a sample and be good, I think.

This and the "You're delusional" post read exactly like responses from Jocktober victims.


Your ex Melissa Stetten is the reason this whole volcano errupted. Take it up with her. We all like Sue. She handled this whole thing with class. We all think she's cute. We just don't care for you, or Melissa.

Oh I quite like the stetton. She a definate 'would'

Notice how he glossed over her and just focused on us. She has more to give.


How ironic that one of the most intolerant and people-bashing figures in all of D-list entertainment is giving us this dressing down.

Go fuck yourself, you hypocritical piece of human gahbage.

The irony of you having a free speech platform shut down for a bullshit hate speech complaint is just too much. Anthony, you truly are the biggest piece of shit in the O&A community. I never thought I would say this but you are worse than Opie.

I agree; Opie's the better man of the two, and I absolutely fucking despise that no-talent prick.

This is true.

Opie is an obnoxious cunt who wants to be rich and popular forever.

Anthony is all of that as well, but also wants to the "thrill" of pedophillia in his life, like he's earned it.

He is literally threatening to do what o and a preached for years freedom of speech,people shouldn't get in trouble for what they say, etc. You bashed opie for being thinned skinned he looks like a badass compared to you sir.

Actually, I'm pretty sure we're all ok with Sue. It's you we have the problem with, just own it man!

"You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My tranny likes me. My very few subscribers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get."

--Anthony Cumia

He kind of had me until the end. I don't think anyone who browses this sub gives a shit if it closes down. We don't get paid to read or post here, its not like getting fired from a lucrative gig for posting "hate speech."

Nobody is bashing the tranny. Jesus, he has become as delusional as greg

bet if I posted this and some of the topics here outside of this sub a lot of people would have this sub slammed shut in no time for "hate speech".

What a world where Tranthony from the fucking Opie and Anthony show is threatening to turn us in to the SJW authorities for cruelty. Such a weird time!

Tell us more about how little you care about our effect on your life grandpa

Anthony, you're being a real stick in the mud...



Damn...this is sad.

I'm a radio guy. I love radio. From Vin Scully to the KHJ Boss Jocks to Hoo Hoo, Don & Mike, etc, I am a self admitted radio geek. No other show made me laugh as hard and kept me entertained as O & A.

Then Trant gets fired and I happily join the Tits hate train. (It's an easy ticket since Tits is so hateable). I've been TeamAnt since he got fired by SXM. Subscribed since day one...

I'm done. In the words of a Double D cupped no talent, "I'm tappin' out)

So in a manner of days it went from this sub "having no effect" to threatening to close it down for hate speech. What a lying, hypocritical ass.

Hate speech? Ant's threatening to go sjw.... Holy shit.

Anthony, you're not going to win here.

Pure class? Ruining lives? How do you think the fans (and especially Jimmy and Opie) felt two years ago when you singlehandedly took the show away from us?

Imo, based on the behavior you have displayed over the past few years. I think you would try to have sex with your niece Layla when she gets a little older.

You can see why Anthony loves trump so much. They share the same qualities. Thin skin and thin hair come to mind.

Hey Ant.. You're a fucking tool. Loser.


You can't stop this sub, you can only hope to contain it...... Wait... Never mind... No.. You cannot contain it..

Ant, you're bitchmade.

Somebody needs to link this to /r/subredditdrama again. I love when outsiders comment on this place.

They're probably getting sick of our shit too.

Haha. You old ass dick. We are just doing what you and your former life partner did for 20 years. Just because you got beat up by a girl and fired doesn't mean we will stop.

This place has zero effect on my life, you guys are a laughingstock!

I'm going to get you shut down for hate speech

literally a 60 year old man who fucks trannies.

If this subreddit hasn't been shutdown due to "attempts" of brigading then do you think your bitching to Reddit will work? We've literally done nothing but make fun of you for sucking and taking tranny cock. You've made porn stars cry, made fun of retarded kids, and played around with bobo's dick for years in the name of good radio. You played the up and down game like a hundred times... Let's not forget the radio shows you've bullied too. your current show is literally about black criminal statistics. But that doesn't really hurt anyone since hardly anyone ever bothers to pirate your show. You're hurt, it's ok. Just beat another girl, say the N word a few more times, and you'll be back sirius xm! Earning millions and not doing a show from your basement with the same fucking guests every week. nice try with the hate though

This is just getting sad. Pathetic.

This can't be real. You really are a pissy eyed faggot

Wait, I'm confused, I thought we had no effect on anything and no one cared about us.

You come here and treat genuine cruelty like a video game.

"I learned it by watching you."

Wow, you really turned into a fucking pussy.

You're the living, breathing Antonym of class (see what I did there?).

Remember when you invited Bobo to your house and he puked on your floor? And then you threw shit at him and screamed at him until he started crying? This isn't even to speak of the other shit we know about you and your more sordid dealings. God knows what else you've done.

Fuck you, Tranpa.

So allowing the speculation about Mrs. Hughes-Bam Margera to go on is fine? Shouldn't his wife and kids have been kept out it?

Honestly, it would've blown over (tss) in a few days. Most of us just had fun with this, poking fun at someone we've known for years caught up in a silly story. Yes, there was some anger from some, partly from your recent thread, so it was bad timing. You handled it really well on your show today, but then this . . . it's not right.

What class did you steal that confused child out of?


Anthony, why do you keep doing this to yourself? You know it just makes things worse. None of us (speaking for myself only*) even care if you're gay anyway.

4 words:

"We eat our own*"

*unless the focus is on me and my TRANSgressions, then its off limits, mean, hate speech that is mean, and you are all a bunch of meanies.

Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold.

"Hmmm, maybe I will"

oh man we're really squirming now, Tranthony. please don't expose this PUBLIC SUBREDDIT to your vast network

Fucking lost it at Tranthony. Does his show do call-ins? I don't watch it because he's just lost without Jim and Opie to keep him on track. Too much shit about black people. And I'm not that fond of them but damn, he really acts like they're worse than they are.

Each new scandal is better than the last. It's incredible. I can't wait to see what's next.

Imagine pitching (or catching as it were - haha right guys?) this scenario a year ago? Now, just another day on After O&A.

Wait, doesn't Anthony have his own shitty subreddit to post in. Hey /u/SpaceEdge can we ban this boozebag geriatric already? Why doesn't he ever post in his own sub? Has he perhaps cultivated over there a stable of plastic-bottled-liquor retards who would be upset that he bangs the odd ladyboy? Ahhhh... What do I know?

Funny, you never felt that way when you verbally beat the shit out of Terry Clifford for 4 years. what comes around goes around, ant. classic pussy boy who can dish it out but not take it.

I am sure Nicoleaki was a fan of your mouth running.

I bet if I posted this and some of the topics here outside of this sub a lot of people would have this sub slammed shut in no time for "hate speech".

My fucking god, did you actually just say this shit? Are you that far gone? I regret ever defending you.

lol wtf? Is this a joke? You are pathetic and now a hypocritical retard

we win, you lose

damn peggshells...

you've really stepped in it now

Nice meltdown gramps.

"I wanna kiss more guys"

'I'll just have a quick look on Reddit, whilst going to work' 'Oh...Oh dear'

I Love this sub, Its so much vetter than the show

This is a subreddit that nobody cares about, except you, Tits, and The Worm. Shut it down and we'll have r/pissyeyes up in a second.

And maybe r/titswormandtrant

HAHAHA! How the mighty have fallen. Go fucking suck a dick clit you pissy eyed faggot.

Somewhere, in some other dimension perhaps, spaghetti is hitting a wall...

lmao. You absolute pussy, Ant.

Nobody really cares that you may or may not have fucked a pretty guy. Your reaction is why people are piling on with this, because you keep proving yourself to be a tetchy little hypocrite, who keeps engaging with the "putrid little trolls". You would have loved this if it had happened to opie and threatening to get this sub shut down for "hate speech", after everything you've done in your career is disgusting.

I just thought I'd remind you that your a pissy eyes fag. That is all.

Ant is starting to sound kinda like a snitch.

Fuck you, you hypocrite sicilian half nigger. You're over.

I was going to post something poignant about how it's sad to be happy on my commute listening to best-ofs then coming back to reality to see this, but Ant's post is douchey as fuck. So instead here's my response:

"Quit crying you pissy-eyed faggot".

Man Ant, you used to be cool but now I realize you were just a thin-skinned little bitch. You guys made fun of Terry Clifford repeatedly who did nothing to you. You Jocktobered people whose only crime was horrible radio. Again, it was funny then but when your chickens come to roost you cry foul?

Fuck you man, fuck you in your tranny-fucking ass. Then again, the tranny probably topped you a bunch of times already, faggot.

Your dad is probably telling the other demons in Hell "My son is still a crybaby faggot."

danny where u at



Ant, we're just trying to have "an open and honest dialogue". You should understand. Or do you only like that when it's code for "talk publicly about everything that's wrong with the blacks"?

Such a sad man

Go for it cunt.

Trump supporter, formerly half of one of the meanest radio duos in history, co-signed on the sub's vicious Opie-trashing... the hypocrisy and irony here is absolutely suffocating.

If this place was "shut down" there would be no where talking about your show. A few ball-washers on Twitter with less than 100 followers? There is no forum talking about any of the shows. For Opie, who cares? He gets his paycheck regardless. But if you think shutting down the 1 place that generates any significant interest in your network is a good idea then do it. Most of us don't give a fuck, we just come here to laugh. We'll move on to the next funny subreddit

Shut up, Anthony.

some of you are just horrid cruel people

they learnt it from you, nazi.

Edit: and i hate these people here too. but come on, dont be a pot calling a nigger a whatever.

Does any of your recent behavior fall into the category of "Bitch-Shit?"

I'm not surprised Anthony "Moral Compass" Cumia is trying to sidestep that Stetten broke this. He's probably afraid of what else she knows.

If having been friends with Sue is a problem or funny for you sorry, I can't help you there.

Past tense? So once you stop fucking a kid in the ass, he's no longer your friend? Fair-weather Freddy Kruger ass fuckhead.

The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

...just horrid cruel people with no other goals than to try and hurt or destroy people....




The people here are shitty but not any shitter than y'all are.

This is so embarrassing. I'm ashamed of myself for ever having any respect for you or Gregg. Such immature children.

Still waiting to read about Anthony being found dead in his home.


All alone.

So nice to see people realizing what kind of scumbag Ant is.



Honestly, how many people here HONESTLY think he's fucking a tranny?

This is a big fucking joke, and in two weeks it would be forgotten. But now it's huge thing because HE made it one.

The former shock jock is lecturing us about cruelty. What's next? Will he make fun of us for having faces that exist as the Corsican answer to the question "What does Edward James Olmos's ass look like after a sandstorm?"

Ooh, tough talk there, pissy eyes. The places you want are /r/SubredditDrama, /r/ShitRedditSays, and /r/AgainstHateSubreddits. Go there, report us, see how much they give a fuck.

you're legitimately slow. Bobo had better sense

....who would shut down the sub? The sub's sponsors? Our boss?

Ant, for christ sakes, get off the fucking computer. Close your eyes nigga, go outside, jesus christ man look at what you've made of yourself, you old ghoul.

Yay, gramps is back.


climate change isn't real ant; you and nick should know that by now

Ant, if we posted "some of the topics" on your show on youtube, our channels would be canned for breaching community guidelines.

Was Ms. Lightning's asshole tighter than Ms. Golightly's?


Danny can't act holier than thou when he was one of the guys gathering audio for Jocktober. The show was a show, it was fucking entertainment. To sit there like you're better than Ant when you worked on it is insane. And to say you were just "doing your job" is a cop out. That shit was and, to me, will always be, funny. I was entertained. Agreed that Ant can't have it both ways but stop with the holier than thou attitude. You feel strong because you grew out of it? Stop it.

Danny is every inch the self-righteous, egotistical shitheel he always was. He just knows what bandwagon to hop on.

haha I like Danny, for realz. He's always made me laugh and he's a smart dude. And I agree that for all the shit Ant's said over the years, he's not in a position to call people out. But his attitude annoys me. You're right about knowing which bandwagon to jump on.

I'll be honest, he had some good lines on the Secret Show to the Future, but you're right, he's in no position to open his mouth about jack shit. He only grew a hair across his ass when he got his dumb ass fired and his open invite to the Compound hedonism parties revoked.

Oh my God, this whining motherfucker Anthony is such a hypocritical shithead.

Holy shit Ant, hide your insecurity better.

Hey Ant: If its no big deal or "a problem" (it isnt, once again its just jokes. You know, the ones you made for 20+ years) why is this the first time we have heard of it. Your friends are always advertised on video and social media. Youre quick to snap a pic with you token black friend and show him off, whats wrong? Didnt find it neccesary to show off your "friend" because it doesnt benefit you? Why all the scrubbing clean of social media? We see pics all the time of people at your house. Why so ashamed of your friendship with a person until being confronted about it? Me thinks thou doth protest too mich

"Well, we tried. Just thought we'd comment on your sex life. Good night."

Lol wow he's actually really upset.

No bullshit, I think he might be in love.

This cant be anthony. I mean really he is going to threaten to shut us down over something he says he has no problem with? I mean how different are we from all the shock jockkery that he and ole titmiester brewed up back in the day? Either he is trolling us, or has completely broken down as a homosexual

He's trolling or freaking out bc of court next Monday. Tough to tell.


Does anyone (other than Pissy Eyes here) really care that much about this sub? It amazes me that this guy can be so easily pulled into this shit with us. I imagine most of us are just here killing time at work.

EDIT: that said I'm sure the obese, unemployed folks are doing most of the heavy lifting.

It's probably people in boring jobs with a lot of time to kill. At work they have a "network operations center" and all those people do is watch the clock for eight hours a day, they have all the time in the world and they're employed.

If I was friends with a guy like Ant I would have to expect a little shit thrown my way. Also, isn't this the guy who trolled woman against Casey Anthony.

The fact that this is what really drove ant off the deepend is hilarious to me. Years now of constantly being called a racist, a pedophile, being made fun of for getting arrested for domestic violence, and this is what makes him go off. And I dont know why hes talking about it like were making fun of Sue for being his friend? We are making fun of HIM for letting his little friend fuck his ass. How does he not acknowledge that?

I guess people outside of this sub would also be interessted in your sex life. And I'm not talking about the tranny sex, which is fine with me, although it is hilarious in your case. No, I'm talking about the constant child grooming, which is nothing but despicable.

I hope that you get caught and that they lock you up for good. You've already have been shower-raped once in your life, so you better prepare for your prison days in advance, you overconfident ginny.

This pocked marked dego just dosent know when to quit.

If you notice how the tone of this message goes from almost reasonable "I get it. I'm a public figure" to a whiny threat of getting the sub shut down, it's pretty clear Ant was drunk, decided to be reasonable and try and fix all of this but his drunken rage took over halfway through and ended up making it worse.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This is so much better than than the current shows. Oh my....

Read this in Terry Clifford voice, then ask yourself how low Anthony Cumia has sunk

This HAS to be some kind of legal thing. Ant loves the fans on Reddit forever and then one day wakes up and hes crying about us?? Threatening to get the sub shut down? Sticking up for Opie even?

Just doesn't make sense.

He is a sensitive gay man now. An Anthony Whatley if you will.

That was all before he took it up the ass.

Anthony Cumia is a blithering old moron. If only his firing had led to suicide, he could have died loved, like Kurt Cobain, instead he's just sticking around getting sadder and dumber, like Lady Di. Correction, Lady Di still has people who care about her.

What's the hate speech that's germinated from the Lightning Sue development? Did it spur users to advocate transgender discrimination or abuse? All I see is a lot of ribbing, ranging from lighthearted to sharp-edged.

"Some of the other topics" Anthony was probably contributing to under multiple aliases if people of darker complexion were in the barrel.

Threatening to expose anything under the inflammatory umbrella to the nebulous internet police reveals insecurity about homo-dalliance association, I'm sorry to say. "This forum said the worst thing you can say about a man to me, now watch me turn snitch about every off-color thing that's ever been said here (even though I was lolling along if it was about bashing ******s)!"

Might be time to get off the grid, dude.

Well, that does it. I'm out. Sub cancelled. I'll catch Gavin, Pat and Dave elsewhere. What a little bitch.

Bit hypocritical Anth. I personally don't care who ant is friends with. PS you have to know letting tubs know you read this shit isn't a good idea.


These responses should always get more points. It's hilarious when Edgar chimes in.

You're a good friend

some would say a good buddy.

This is some Alex Jones style COINTELPRO shit right here. Would bet he's trolling this sub. Either way this is bizarre.

Would bet he's trolling this sub

If that's the case, then he's really bad at it. He's doing the ol' "look how retarded I am!" trolling, which isn't trolling. It just makes the person doing it look stupid.

Literally Opie.

Pull yourself together man! You are turning into the Pissy eyed little queer that your Dad always feared. Take the hit! (and the Peggin)

good god the gift that keeps on giving. i love watching people implode!!! now go suck sue's dick.

God man what happened to you? Hate speech threats are more faggy than sucking cock!(Which i don't know/really care if you do) "You can act like a man!"

that really irritated me as well. hate speech? whats hes a fucking cuck lib now? my god what a faggot he has traned into.

people tend to get sensitive when you hit them where it hurts, with truth. He's only been upset at this sup when we said his show was failing and when he slept with/blew a tranny. There's overwhelming evidence of both.

I couldn't be bothered to read what this out and proud homosexual man wrote but thanks for the congrats ant !

You gonna squirt, bitch?

Ahhhhhhh humminahumminashoodoomow humminahumminashubbarubbadubbadubba!

It's ok Ant, the heart wants what the heart wants, now go get your fucking shine box you mutt you!!


Patrice is also frowning from the great beyond that Anthony couldn't attend the benefit with Sue in tow.

I'm a public figure. Bashing people because they are my friend is another story

Lol, he's a tranny porn star, you faggot. He's as much a public figure as you.


Then I guess maybe we could start our own website and charge a monthly fee.

You hypocritical jackass.

Oh my, I havnt been on the sub in a few days and I come on and I'm given this gift, this fine offering, from mister cumia. What a pleasant surprise :)

love you anthony but holy shit you've turned into a little bitch

Okay, just out of curiosity. Does everyone here hate Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy now? I mean is everyone just hate-listening to their shows?

Does everyone here hate Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy now?


I mean is everyone just hate-listening to their shows?


OK, thanks. Just checking.

Check my fuckin pekah

O&J I put on a few times a week for nostalgia since I still have a satellite sub. Most of the time when it's on, it's just kind of there, and doesn't really engage me one way or the other. I could be wrong but I sense a renewed humility in Opie and a desire to work on the things he catches flak for; what I perceive as an absence of this in Anthony, and the general unwieldiness of his platform, is why I listen to him only in snippets here.

Oh yea? Well the JERK STORE called and they're running out of you!

As dog-shitty and sappy as this sounds, Ant was my hero, he was probably the funniest fucking guy I have ever listened to and always made me laugh back when my life was in a shithole, and now, Ant is just a hypocritical dickhead.

Is he?

Those links suck. They don't lead to anything special, or even anything.

So why were all the instagram pictures deleted?


Grow some fucking balls, Ant.

I can't believe what a bunch of pissy little faggots you and Opie have become.

he does have balls. in his mouth! OHHHHH

This old man has become an old woman.

I was on Anthony's side this morning but now I can't stop laughing. Holy shit dude.

I want you to succeed, Anthony. Truly. You have been twisting in the wind for the past while.

Call Luis Gomez and seek his counsel on how to handle this, because you are clearly lost.

lol this bitch is talking like he has any power to shut this place down.

bring it, ya hippocrate bitch.

You guys are right. It makes no sense for a former shock-jock to make such a weaselly little faggot type of response like this. He is absolutely fucking that tranny.

OK faggot, what's next?

So you're not denying you fuck trannies?


How the mighty have fallen. Remember when you killed on Letterman?

Please just be funny again. You're a funny man. Be that guy again. Stop being a racist butthole.

Jesus fucking christ, I'm a huge Anthony fan but he is officially lolcow material.

PLEASE do not stop the hat speech!!! I love Jim's jokes about hats!!!

Who's @freethewave on Twitter? I got your back, brotherman! ;)


Hmmm, maybe I will.


If ant really goes to reddit to get this sub shut down i swear to god. You were the ones behind jocktober for fucks sake. You always said the fans would turn on you and here it is. This is eternal jocktober and the shitty radio show is your guys lives.

Holy Shit. I am amazed at how effective this sub is at pissing people off. Somebody should make a list of all the people who have had their lives ruined because of this sub. Joe Derosa, Anthony, Opie, Kurt Metzger and many more.

Kurt declared himself the victor. Many, many times. Just like Anthony, Kurt can't stress enough how this sub doesn't bother him. Not one bit. Nope. You can't even add Jay Mohr to that list...he wouldn't even let Joe Derosa say this sub's name on his podcast. Then proceeded to tell Joe that his Bob Sugar audition for Jerry McGuire was so good, they had to rescind an offer already made to Owen Wilson...which never happens (according to Jay).

Lmfao Anthony calling someone cruel give me a break.

Sticky this sad meltdown ASAP!

"Hate speech"? Just take the L, dude.


Jesus Ant, all you had to do was ignore us. Now you've gone and whipped the hyenas into a frenzy again.


Wow - I just got done listening to a jocktober from 2010. What a fucking turn around. Lol

Oh how the mighty have fallen

Yeah, an Anthony's been having a really hard time too!

Ant, if you really do a "Vagina Beauty Contest", who will you bring in to judge it?

Seriously how the fuck do you float that concept when you're well aware of what's going on in here? I almost gave you credit for turning yourself into an outrageous parody. Then you post this shit to remind us that you don't get it at all.

Hahaha seriously Ant I kinda always been on your side but honestly go fuck your yourself. You are no better than anybody on here. You were funny on the radio, that's it. Now go get your fucking tunebox

Open and honest discussions.

Have a gold star Anthony. No post and the resulting fallout had ever made me laugh so hard.

Haha faggot.

anthony is the kinda guy who'll die of cancer and before that he'll apologize to everyone to try to make himself look and sound like a good person but he isn't a good one and will die a bad person , i bet not a thing in his life could considered respectable and admirable aside from chasing Howard Stern's ass sniffing for any reason to bash howard on his little D-level podcast that never had a guest bigger than Rich Vos , anthony is really just a bad person who's not contributing to help the community , even bill cosby looks like an angel next to anthony " i'll never be famous " cumia

anthony is really just a bad person who's not contributing to help the community

Which probably wouldn't bother most of us if-

A) He was at least honest about as he seemingly used to be

B) His new focus wasn't politics, telling us precisely how he thinks our community should be

C) Wasn't a child-grooming/fucking/beating chattering skeleton

That's a big 10-4 Good Buddy.

"He was bangin' cocks two at a time!"

isnt this every person who responded to o&a hate ever? what a fucking pussy, "HATE SPEECH" my god what a faggot.

"No more funny."

no shame in banging her anthony




Hello, I'd like to complain about your show. Now I've never watched your show nor do I intend to. Because you know what? I don't watch trash. You know why? The place for trash, is in the gutter, not my mind. And you know what else I'd like to complain about? This city I live in. They're suing me for putting my trash in the gutter. They say I should put it in a trash can. Well you know what belongs in a trash can? Your show. Because you know what? IT STINKS!!!


I subscribe to your show, but you have to realize that some Jocktobers have cost people their careers. Can imagine them, disgruntled ex-employees and general SJWs use this to fuck with you, Jim and Opie. Though Opie is much worse from a strict entertainment perspective. Frankenstein's monsters....

I'd like to add I made a thread asking people NOT to attack SUE as she may very well be a mentally ill young man who can't take the abuse. No one was giving her shit, if they were it wasn't brought up here. I think most of us tugged our pricks to her tbh.





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So what you're a fucking fag now? I stuck up for you!



Hahaha. Okay then Peggshells get it shut down then hahaha.





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I love what o and a used to be. I love this sub, you guys are hilarious and brutal and clever. I love the fact that the pests are more active than ever and have refined their sleuthing and insulting to such a high level. But angry jim and classic anthony made me laugh so hard so many times. I want them to be as funny as they used to be. These hot news days on this sub are super entertaining short term but long term, these assaults are pushing them away and making their shows worse. I dont care about tranny beating or racism, I wish ant or jim would earn the subs love and support by just being honest and funny, they have so much to gain.

The show is over, you gotta accept that and move on to enjoying the shitshow that is the fallout

Exactly. Ant doesn't have to feed the trolls, but he keeps doing it, over and over and over.

The radio shows are long dead but this shitshow is fun.

Thanks Dr. Retard.

I like you cumia but come on son.

I'm losing more and more respect for you. It was more joking around then hate speech. In fact most of the humor was directed towards you and not Sue. You can make fun of whoever you want and have made a career off it. We see the humor in all your situations which YOU got yourself into and we can't joke. Guess your butt hurt but take a joke dude.

Your comments sound like an old man yelling "get off my lawn"

An old man yelling "get off my lawn" is early Elvis next to how Anthony is coming off here.

Hahaha. Grandpa don't learn

You're a pathetic old man Cumia.


Words hurt

Anything else Tranthony?

I love when you post.

You'll never learn, will you Anthony? You're every bit as dumb as Opie, perhaps more, at least he doesn't have the senselessness to entertain us.


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So classy.

Jesus dude...really?


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"I'm Ant Andersen and in case you didn't know, this is my show and it's fucking boring."


Can you and Gregg both man the fuck up, have a fist fight or stare into each others eyes while giving each other a good jerk, and fix this shit? Jimmy is miserable. You are deteriorating at a LaMotta pace, and Ope, even with all his many sociopathic tendencies, KNOWS that he will never get back to where he thinks he should be and should have been a decade ago without you.

Its SOOOO fucking salvageable still. Swallow your pride and get back to the funny.

We won't stop until everything you care about is destroyed. Have fun with your show, we are going to destroy it and make you never be able to broadcast again soon. There is nothing you can do about it either, the Hate has been manipulated

Where does this notion that this is all about being cruel trolls come from? This is a group of people united by a brand of vicious humour and mean teasing popularized by you and your peers, sir. You'll note that with every "attack" made on this sub there is usually a pretty goddamn witty comment or observation, intended mainly to make people laugh. You used to laugh at these comments yourself until you became fodder. Hell, maybe Opie's getting a good chuckle out of us now that you've been so kind as to take the heat for a while.

Still a fan, but goddamn.



lol@ this sub using "You did it first!" logic. Using made up screen names to attack a public figure. Yeah. totally exactly the same level of bravery there. ROFL. It's amazing how this sub collects so many people that are functionally retarded in the exact same way. This place is like a fucking psych study.

Damn, there are a lot of replies in hurr.

I'm actually feeling sad for Anthony.. he's obviously going off the deep end and doesn't know it.

This sub doesn't give a niggerloving cunt about hate speech.

I still love you Herr Cumia. Even though you put me on the pay no mind list when I tried to talk to you in your studio (there was only 2 people in the audience). If only I had sweet sweet fake titties to go with my girthy dick.

I was a bit late to whatever has been going on. I just finally got back far enough through a bunch of unfunny bullshit, hating on Ant for shit ya'll have no idea about. Neither do I, frankly why should we?

It's Ants life, but in my personal opinion? Whatever the case may be with Sue and Ant? Who cares? If they are just friends great, if they have a little thing on the side that's awesome! Before ya'll trash ant for whatever you think he's doing, you should take a step back and realize that you're 34, balding, unemployed and jerking off your cat is your favorite past time.

I've had sex with a tranny, yeah so what? I've also fucked a lot of girls too! But I guarantee you that there isn't a single shitbag in this reddit horseshit that wouldn't jump in a second to live his life. He's had an awesome career on one of two great radio shows, (You think Howard Stern and Opie and Anthony), that ran its course, he started up a fucking awesome show from his multimillion dollar home. He fucks, he drinks, hes got guns and little kitty named Beav. Fuck, I live his life but on a smaller scale. No millions, but I have tons of guns, whiskey is a steady flow, and I just bought a 203 for one of my M4s, (by the way, Ant... you need to move to Texas, I mean I own a fucking 40mm grenade launcher.) but I digress.

Dude is a funny fuck that gave you faggots years of entertainment, then just like a scorned bitch you turn on him. Maybe ya'll aren't even real fans. I hardly get on reddit, and I originally joined this OpieandAnthony page thinking it was a site for fans, but as Ant has pointed out in the recent weeks, it seems like its filled with nothing but little pussy keyboard John Waynes, with no wit and questionably falling somewhere in the spectrum.

Okay, I realize you cockstains will jump on me for this goddamn novel I just typed, but after reading some of ya'lls horseshit just for an hour I have had enough, I don't see how you people can have all this meaningless, senseless hatred for things and people that don't effect your life at all. Yeah I made a few jabs before I figured out the whole story, but not like yall, I did it like any O&A fan would with good natured intents. Fuck ya'll, fuck reddit and fuck your twisted, demented altered perspectives on that useless existence you call a life. Ant, hope you see this and just wanna say, thanks for all the laughs you, Jimmy and Op have given me and all the other scumbags over the past two decades.


I agree that this place goes overboard whenever it gets a hint of something to attack anthony on. I'm not an active participant in any of it, aside from canceling my sub, but I will disagree with you on one thing. I absolutely would not want his life, and I think most people here wouldn't want it either. He has pending felony charges. He is nearly double my age and lives very unhealthily. He has sex with unattractive 18 year olds that are way too young for me. I don't like cats. He has to deal with a hateful monster of a fanbase that he created. He has a terrible public reputation and even though it doesn't mean much it still can't be fun. He doesn't have "fuck you money" (according to what he said before he was fired from sirius), so he still HAS to work, even if he does live in a much bigger place than me.

Honestly nothing about his life inspires envy except maybe the gun collection. That would be fun to have but I don't enjoy shooting enough to spend that kind of money on it even if I were rich.

Eh, I think he does better than he leads on, on air. O&A were never the ones to really flaunt it too in your face. I will agree with you there, the O&A show attracted some of the fowlest creatures ever to walk the earth, and now even though the show is gone, he still has to handle these fools. And that whole situation with Danni, I think he got a bad rap on it, she tried to say her hand was broken, but she was moving it and crinkling it up. I think they had both been drinking, and they had a fight. She being the woman, will always win in a "he said, she said" type thing.

Disagree completely about him doing better than he leads on and not flaunting it. All he did on O&A was talk about the guns he bought, how much he spent on gambling, cars, his house, huge parties, yard dinosaurs, etc.

He has massive expenses. Do you remember when he talked about how much it costs to heat his pool? It's more than my rent, and I live in an expensive part of Brooklyn.

The last time he mentioned it on air, he was still paying a mortgage. Taxes, utilities, parties. I'd bet he has to make 300k just to maintain his lifestyle. Not to mention saving for retirement.

He's also lost huge amounts of money on women. I think he said his divorce ended up costing him either half a million or 1 million dollars. Then there's the clothes/gifts for the never ending cycle of young ladies he's with.

The network may be doing well, but a big part of that is how many people it now employs. Each one takes money out of the pool that would otherwise go to anthony.

BTW I'm not saying he's guilty of beating up Danni. It's just something hanging over his head that makes his life less enviable.

Well I will say he definitely might be depressed. I mean from what we know, have been told Op and Ant haven't been best buds as they used to be. I think, and my opinion of course, I think he misses Opie and Jimmy. Being able to go in there every day, and just riff and laugh with his buds for hours. Plus how it ended, he kind of was tossed out and shunned. With the Danni situation, getting fired from XM and now all this bullshit that popped off from nowhere and having to deal with twitter and reddit douchebags. I think he might be a bit depressed, plus he drinks a lot. I mean I'm not judging, I drink alcohol, not beer but bourbon almost every day. Not to the point of being drunk, and also I haven't been drinking as long as he has. Hes 32 years older than me. I started drinking when I was a senior in high school, I'm 22 now. I just couldn't imagine being in the public eye. You and I have never had so many people talk about us, our life what we do. Speculate and make up shit out of their asses about us. Never met the guy but eh, I think hes a pretty awesome guy. I just think dealing with what hes dealing with could make anyone turn into a dick.

I started drinking when I was a senior in high school



You know who Anthony Cumia is, if he says something fucked up he has to answer. deletes the Tweets to cover it up.

There, FTFY

Ant.. Pay no mind to them. I seen this topic yesterday on here and thought wgaf! Don't let them play you like they play Opie. Frankly you should've told to "don't worry bout it" speculate speculate!

All of sound like whiny bitches. None of you are important so stop pretending you are.

Anthony, sorry if it pissed you off. I personally was just stoked for you, shes pretty hot and its something new. If you say you didn't do anything that's fine. I'm just saying I wouldn't blame you if you did. These sub-reddits though are what you and Opie created. Nobody honestly hates you here, nobody is trying to ruin your life. We are all just fans imitating what you guys did for years. You cant hate us for doing what you did on a daily basis for 20 years. Best of luck to everything. Im still a fan of the mythos you created and a fan of the network you are building.

You get Sue to shut this place down for harassment and i'll buy more subs than Bobby and Roland combined.


u tell em ant. these faggots are all pathetic losers.

Fuck off brother Joe.

Please sir. This homophobic language of yours sickens me,

the man is an ass

DDos is something very different and someone was doing it to his site in the beginning. It would be very bad for him. Trust me, he doesn't want it.

He always has been, remember Lobster girl?

I could never like anyone with a fat woman's name.

Doesn't he do a free show every week that's pretty much the same thing as his TACS show? Failing that, pirating his show is pretty simple, and Joe Cumia's internet biker gang isn't going to come after you. If you want to support him, by a T-shirt from his site. It would support him more and you'd have something of actual value to show for it.

I really like LoS and ESD, but no way I'd give money to this retarded old fuck.

Honestly, I'm guessing (hoping) that his lawyers might have told him that he needs to distance himself from this group because Dani is going to bring up all the online 'bullying' she's received since the incident, and will try to claim that Anthony has control over his online fans (pests) and is at least partially responsible for their actions. This could help her with her restraining orders and any future civil damages she might seek.

In that context it makes sense that he'd try to make it seem like he's at odds with everyone here and he has no control because they turned on him too.

I really hope that's what it is and that he's not just turning into an oversensitive hole.

I'll be honest, he had some good lines on the Secret Show to the Future, but you're right, he's in no position to open his mouth about jack shit. He only grew a hair across his ass when he got his dumb ass fired and his open invite to the Compound hedonism parties revoked.

Don't forget that he supported doxxing too!

Ant's trying to "manipulate the hate"

Are you sure?

He's right though this sub made Amy Schumer launch a defensive campaign and she actually has a massive following and everyone in the entertainment industry backing her up if this sub really wanted to fuck up Anthony's day it could.

Fucking brilliant

The show is over, you gotta accept that and move on to enjoying the shitshow that is the fallout

I imagine Dave slowly ramping up typing and reading to the point where he is screaming the last paragraph with his hands raised in the air, like a pagan in the before Christ times.

Omg u didn't see the episode I was on ??

That was all before he took it up the ass.

He's trolling or freaking out bc of court next Monday. Tough to tell.

Mole? I'm talking about my old friend from work dude.

He is a sensitive gay man now. An Anthony Whatley if you will.


Yeah I don't think he understands the power of people with nothing to do.

Wait dude did you think I was taking abut you? I was taking about my friend Jay who retried at 35 and his friend who I used to work with. I was using his example to show that bartenders in NYC make good money

I'm cancelling as soon as I get home. Do you get a prorated refund or does cancelling just turn off the auto renew?

Oh my god.

Yea I don't get the obsession with his house. I mean, it's alright, but it's not anything I would be bragging about on the air.

Thanks Dr. Retard.