11  2016-03-03 by ShitdickJunior


Officially worse than Opie. Never thought I'd see the day.

I hate to say it but... Fuck man. I didn't think someone could make me hate them so much with one Internet comment. I didn't even care about all the tranny shit, but this really makes me lose all respect for him.

I wonder what Gavin would think

The only saving grace is that this is just evidence that his entire life is falling apart.

i dont even want to hate anthony like this. its too bad he went there.

I wish he didn't but thinking back it's not at all surprising. Remember, this is a drunk offensive degenerate who loves befriending cops. His whole life has been him acting like a piece of shit and finding a way for some authority figure to be at his side. He might as well be a SJW; if he had a sliver of personal info about any of us he would try to get us fired from our jobs, no question.

That's quite possibly the worst thing he could have said.

Insulting brainbread Opie and his family = selling Greggshells shirts.

Making fun of Anthony's sexuality = hate speech, apparently.

The best part is that I think most of us sort of enjoyed the show today (at least the portion about this whole debacle) and appreciated that he actually talked about the rumors. Hell, some of it was pretty goddamn funny. So after doing a decent show, he decides to come on here and make fucking threats about "hate speech?" Is he daft?

But he really doesn't give a fuck about any of this.... He's full of cum and lies.

That's much gayer than anything he could do with Sue Lightning.

from what i am seeing this sub is the most pro Tranny place on Reddit.


He's back!! And he's drunker than ever!! He's back!!! Fucking trannies forever!!

Imagine if he did get this place shut down. Somebody could write a great article about how a shock jock who made a career out of attacking anyone and everyone, no matter how famous (see Howard Stern's daughter) had a reddit page shut down because they were discussing the rumour that he was having sex with a transsexual who, though of age, looks like a 13 year old. Throw in a little bit of how he's currently on trial over accusations that he beat his girlfriend and you have some great click-bait.

Fight! Fight! A nigger and a white!

Anthony needs to hire a PR person. Where the fuck is Mars when you need him.

Anthony should just post a selfie with his mouth ajar, brimming with millions of Sue Lightning seed with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. /#Brave #Empowered #NotAshamed

Than all this will go away. Own it. And it cant be used against you!

Empower yourself, the way Jimmy Norton has.