Holy Fucking Shit, HAS THIS SUB GONE TO SHIT!!!!!!!

0  2016-03-02 by WWEfanOnly

This sub is completely ruined by unfunny, gossip little hens.

The Bam lies were worse enough, but now this sub is onto another lie, and is being spammed every minute with the same fucking shit. HOLY FUCK!!!!!!

Getting this sub put down.



Ok, Keith

Ok, terrific.

WWEfanOnly does not like a good storyline ?

oh right, it has to be fake, for you to enjoy it

The wrestling faggot is right. Nothing to see here, let's move it along! There's certainly no trail of evidence to create a link between Ant and Sue Lightning. Oh, wait...

You disrespecting my people!? Well, I got news for you friend. Instead of kicking your ass right now. This Sunday at Summerslam Eastern 9pm, check local providers for details, let's grease up and rub against each other for 10mins. Like real men!

WWE is fake just like the tits on Ants new boyfriend/girlfriend

Shouldn't you be agreeing with this dunce?

Wwe is fake and Santa isn't real.

Would you jerk off to John Cena fucking a tranny?

Why do you keep coming here saying how bad the sub is. No one knows who you are or give a fuck about you. What do you mean gone to shit, you haven't contributed anything here.

You're the only one embarrassing yourself wwefan, yuck. You're the kind of person we don't want here.

I was thinking literally the same thing. I don't know all the names on here but I've been here a while now, I at least recognize some people. this guy just pops up out of nowhere and talks about how the sub has turned to shit...compared to what? the WWE fan fiction sub?

Yeah exactly, and I know I would remember that embarrassing name. Who the fuck is he to dictate what is good or bad here.

No one knows who you are or give a fuck about you.

With the regrettable exception of Amy Schumer this statement applies to every single person remotely associated with O&A , including you sweetness.

I agree but this dude hasn't contributed anything to the community here except WOW THIS SUB SUCKS. That's all I'm saying, I don't think I'm some gift to the sub or anything but I do contribute things except criticism



Gay user name but your thoughts are pretty spot on. I mean no one here is actually funny, well they all think they are hilarious, but they are actually repetitive dopes.

I've literally Laughed Out Loud at some comments here. Yes not everything is funny but it's better than most shows/podcasts.

Also no one individual here is probably as funny as Dave Chappelle. But as a collective, it's really good at times.

Funny to see as soon as Ant addressed it this entire sub went very quiet where it was post after post just minutes before.

What sub are you looking at? Post after post is still being put up about it. Anthony addressed nothing, denied nothing. All he did was try and take down all evidence that he had ever communicated with Sue Lightning and had her/him doing the same. But lots of people saved it before it could be deleted. So any denial he makes can be refuted easily. And once again I suggest you look at the sub and see just how quiet it has gotten. Because it damn sure hasn't. Anthony can dish it out but he can't take it. So desperate he's now trying to tie himself back in with Opie.

I've literally Laughed Out Loud at some comments here. Yes not everything is funny but it's better than most shows/podcasts.

Also no one individual here is probably as funny as Dave Chappelle. But as a collective, it's really good at times.