TACS right now: The "Look at how straight I am" Show

92  2016-03-02 by Ant_Sucks

So far multiple mentions of how attractive some girl is, pictures of vaginas. And now he announces a squirting show.


"Dude aren't girls hot man? I sure do love pussy bro seriously man, you know what I mean? Chicks, dude, woah."

I expect the next month of TACS to be like this. He's really freaking out.

Omg. It's AJ Poopyshits.

A.J. Poopieschitz is shaping up to be a real sleeper hit.

What is this?

Old Sam character

Actually it was a Ben thing that Sam ran with.

i doubt ben could've brought the lifelike queer touch to it though

That was the beauty of Ben though. As long as Ben was having fun it was fun. No fucks ever given. I can remember Ben calling me while I was in the middle of the replay to ask why I wasn't at the bar yet. We'd drink for hours and escape into midday NYC like vampires.

ben also has the honor of being 1 of 3 people referred to as "sniff that fawwkin guy* by opie, the others being howard and anthony. i guess opie being convinced you're the mastermind behind a conspiracy to destroy and defame him is a broadcasting rite of passage. i think you might be next. we'll see.

I never had any problems with Ben. Whatever happened between anyone else is their business. Loved him to death. Still do.

Guess that makes me a faggot

Tits and chicks, chicks and their tits


every fucking time

I believe it's a German name.

Great callback


How happy does it make you that Anthony is a faggot? I kind of new he was a faggot the minute I found out he makes people call him "Anth".

This is pretty hateful.

It doesn't make me anything. If Ant chooses to be more sexually liberal with himself, good on him I say. I'd love to see him own it honestly.

All the deleted pictures and tweets are what I think people take issue with. Why cover stuff up if there's nothing to hide? It's 2016. Nobody cares except him.

He's afraid of lifting Jim's bit. Parallel thinking; and all these days.

If instead of doing whatever he did he had Jim come out and embrace him like "oh my god we can share everything now" it would've been a slam dunk. It's like Kanye with this ass fingers thing, you completely control whether or not anyone else cares about it.

He's not helping with his bizarre obsession with that generic, unfunny Mike Finoia.

Hey a couple Mediterraneans that like to pass around a little boy ass. Just like the Ancient days.

Big Jay is really the patient zero of Unwarranted Finoia Appreciation Syndrome.

Looks like no one has made a TranthonyCumia twitter as of the time i'm posting this.

"Ain't nothing like a piece of pussy, except maybe the Indy 500".

I expect the next month of TACS to be like this cancelled


This is the equivalent of having the black guy on his show the day after being called a racist.

Yeah he's Carlton'ing the shit outta this one.

What happened to that black gentleman? Is he not providing the service anymore

Anthony talking as he looks at the camera, glancing off camera now and then as he tries to read from his computer screen. "Oh yeah man, I love when the woman and I are both aroused and I insert my penis into her vagina. Sometimes I am so excited she has to guide it into her and then I begin to push in and out of her vagina until I finally ejaculate my sperm inside of her. Woooo boy does it feel good. Am I right Keith? No unnatural gay or transsexual sex for me. I tell you I'd never want to put my cock inside of a tight firm young transsexual ass and pound it deep and hard and grab the tits I paid for him to get. Both our ball sacks swinging in unison while beavis looks on and playfully swats at them!! Oh yeahhh fuckkk...errr ohh shit yeah Keith is right we need to take a break. And when I come back we'll be talking about ummm cunnilingus and how best to eat, is this right? Eww gross..uhhh I mean yeah eat a womans vagina."

Her tits were great! Felt like big bags of--Er, uh um, sand!

♫ Oh Darrell

I never had the chance...

send your cock my way

I'm sure we'd have a fine bromance ♪


Callback of the year

No, he just remembers to mail his hard drive back the day before he leaves.


Damn. He really fucked the tranny, didn't he? Wow.

how the hell do you still watch that shit?

Few days ago : we laugh at reddit

Todays show : says he wants to kill himself after checking reddit

It seems as though he would rather look like a pedophile then a gay


A Squirting show? Didn't he promise this like week or so after the network launched? Why do it now all of a sudden? Ohhhhh old pissy eyes Cumia has to fend off allegations that he loves the cock.

A.J. poopyshits for cohost.

Ant will be fine. He still has his handful of subscribers to stick up for him against the Reddit meanies.

(Among other hilarities, they're already starting to insinuate that Stetten [somehow] staged this whole thing.)

Stetten is just a puppet of Obummer and his SJW army.


I sort of assumed that Stetten was making shit up at first, considering her track record of internet fibbery. But with all the evidence that has piled up, yeah, Ant fucked that ladyboy.

I noticed the same thing, trying way to hard.

See, you faggots? This sub has zero influence.

fucking hilarious

thank you for the intel, sir, you're doing God's work.

There's nothing gay about trannies

Except the penis. And the balls.

They're men.

Sir you have no idea what you're talking about

It's gay, like a vegetarian eating a salad with a tiny piece of bacon in there, it's still eating bacon.

Ant ate the bacon friend, he ate the bacon.


I believe it's a German name.

i doubt ben could've brought the lifelike queer touch to it though

Guess that makes me a faggot