Sue_Lightning breaks his silence. Shows more self awareness than OA+J combined.

106  2016-03-02 by yzyman


Sue is already the best and most likeable girlfriend/boyfriend Anthony has ever had.

perfect lets set them up.

this sub's new mission should be to wed them

And the Boy named Sue should definitely be added to some kind of "Goodfellas lower-rung" with Denny and Esther

What would their celeb couple name be? Suemia?



Aue? No? oh :(

Seems like a nice guy

Chill dude to be sure

A real swell bloke.

A mans man.


ya kiddin!

Ant would say a Netflix and chill dude

Let's chill out with the "guy"s and "dude"s, yeah? I've already jerked off to this nice young lady's videos twice.

Heh, you're alright, Lightning.

i shit in my own hands laughing

That's a strange consequence of laughing.

Not really, if you shinkel-bout it

Sue breaks her silence while Anthony breaks her ass-hymen.



A Rite-Aid?!

He/Her/It seems a good sport, you savages play nice with him/her/it.


Yeah, Sue/Stu rules.

Shut up, faggot. It's another dumb faggot-whore.

Don't get all pissy with me just because Ant's new bf has a bigger cock than you. We're above that sort of thing here, sir.

I choose to start my white knight career here. If her standards are low enough that she's fucking a full-bodied Two Face, I certainly have a shot.

The sub has passed you by.

This kid's got something special about her, but I can't put my finger on it.

A big fat piece?

There is something weird about the tit job. The nipples look out of alignment or something.

It's almost as if thin boys weren't meant to have big tits.


Sue needed a better surgeon that day.

Sue needed a better psychiatrist to explain that she's a male.

hahaha that sniff rang like a shotgun shell



What is the point of fucking a tranny if her dick is smaller than yours? Honestly.

I usually say that to them right before I close the car trunk.

He really is a pedophile, I can't deal with it anymore. It's so obvious because they generally don't have gender preferences, and she looks so much like an underage girl. That is exactly what he sees in her. Really legitmately disturbing.


The Little Cock from Little Rock.

Is it a prerequisite to have a "big fat piece" to be a tranny?

Well if you're gonna install a piece in your waterworks why not go "ALL IN" and get a big one?

I think you're a little confused.

aren't we all today

She'll let you if you ask nice and let her hold your gun. Tit for tat, right?


you can't put your finger in it, that's for sure

I like video games too Sue. We should hang out. I can't afford to buy you new tits though.

what about a #4 happy meal?

Shit, what if it's one of those times you have to choose either a boy or girl toy? :/

buy her an ipad


The thing gets it. The thing gets reddit.

She's more man than all three of them.

Notice neither of them are denying it....

Anthony's non-denial speaks volumes.

AMA request

A fine young lad

"It's a parody. Gotta laugh at yourself sometimes..."

(S)he took the route Opie could have taken from the beginning to avoid all of this sub's riff raft.

haha I highly doubt he could have avoided much of it...

If he even so much as tried to play along and be chill about it I would have lost interest long ago.

Damnit, she's likable.


Or savvy enough to know how to manipulate Reddit nerds.

Considering his/her age and occupation, that's the one I'm going with.

You have to ask about specifics of their sex. Who penetrated who, did Anthony ask for any weird fetish shit?

She seems really into costumes so I wouldn't be surprised if Anthony got her to dress like a Nazi or some weird shit. Melissa said Anthony made her dress like a Nazi for sex.

Anthony's lifelong dream is to be fucked in the ass by Hitler.

That's probably why he has such an obsession with time travel movies.

source on the melissa thing?

She said it on the podcast where she revealed the tranny thing

That had to be a joke, right? I mean Anthony, that tranny loving pedophile wop, has enough of a sense of humor to make it a funny thing to dress her up like hitler, right? I'd be very concerned otherwise.

Can we make Sue Lightening our new Queen?

Jesus fuck no. The sooner we forget all this the better.

Nice try Anth.

I take umbrage to us being called "human garbage."

It's accurate!

I like her. And by "like her" I don't mean what you think, I want to fuck her.


You know what? I'd fuck this guy.

If either opie or dopie could produce a response like this id have to consider liking them again.

You two should hook up, as a joke ofc


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A mans man.

Anthony's non-denial speaks volumes.

buy her an ipad