I got a response from Anthony.

49  2016-03-02 by cbanks420lol


Translates to yes I did fuck it, those rooms are different.

Thanks for confirming faggot.

Deleting shit does not make anyone look guilty of anything.

Nor does frantically calling the other person in question to have them delete incriminating stuff on their twitter

Nope, not at all.

We oughta give these 2 faggots a break.

It is ok to like assholes and dicks Ant.

No need to be ashamed, fairy fucking faggot.

Ah, just one more ting, Ant'ny...



I never understood the idiots talking about the bathroom pics. Clearly of the same hotel but different suites or different bathrooms at least.

That response translates loosely in my opinion into -

"Ant's dick's all shitty, his dick's all shitty, from Sue's asshole".

great, now I have that damn song in my head again

His coolie needs a diaper

Same exact bathrooms. Did he think he was fooling us by flipping the image?

dun goofed, we backtraced him



Careful, brother Joe might get in touch with his cyberpolice contacts and there'll be hell to pay.

That's a confession if I've ever saw one.

It's like we're on The First 48 for faggots in denial.

It's not that he fucks trannys, it's that he fucks anything child-like.

as snowy from Michigan once said on air, you hit the nail on the hammer...

he just blocked me, like a homosexual

and fucked a tranny, like a homosexual

Notice he still hasn't denied he's a tranny fucker. He doesn't want to hurt his boyfriend's feelings.

Oh, it's been noticed! Much to our gossiping Gerty delight!

Ant wouldn't be brazen enough to take a selfie with his secret transsexual lover a mere ten feet away on a bed waiting for him. and it probably is a different hotel room, and a different time, but the same hotel. so he took her there one time. looks too similar not to be.

plus, how could he even say it was different rooms if he's only just seeing her picture now? it's another one of his sly dodges.

a clever dago ruse, one might say

Anthony's a gay

Columbo - a 40yr old reference

Ok, it checks out! It really is Ant

I don't understand how they could do Jocktober for 8 years and still not understand how to respond when it happens to them.

If Anthony was smart and not an alcoholic, he would run with the tranny bit and make fun of it himself like Scott did, but instead he gets defensive and self righteous and acts like a Todd.

Nice modern reference, Banacek.

2 different bathrooms, both paid by ant at separate times.

He says it's not of our business how or why he knows someone. Doesn't deny knowing them at all.

No, this sub is not getting to ant at all


im stunned ant is in the trenches, engaged in hand to hand combat with redditers one by one as they storm his fox hole.

could he at least update his references? How many times is he gonna mention Columbo or Dick Van Dyke or quote from Jaws?

Not that it changes much at all, his delete things response and that first sentence, this shit is just completely obvious, but just curious they do look sliiiightly different, even though there is some camera flipping and mirror reversal and image stretching all going on in the picture that was posted. But what were the timestamps on the photos/tweets those came from, where they around the same time or no

Somebody figured out that the pictures were taken years apart. The noteworthy thing about it is that confirms Stetten's story.

Yeah that Anthony one is super old. You can tell because he doesn't have a grandma body in it.

And he still has his gun


Why wasn't it immediately apparent that the Anthony in that bathroom photo is an Anthony from a long time ago when he was tan, working out, and looked like Clark Gable, and not today, when he looks like Estelle Getty in a bad dye job.

It doesn't change anything. He can't explain away the pics of her inside his own house.

EDIT: Also everyone is assuming the bathroom photo is a hotel. It could be his NYC apartment.

It's been confirmed it's a hotel.

Does he have to make 40 year old TV references with everything he says?

And then he blocked you, I'm guessing?

Anyone have their own life here?

He does have a point, why the fuck are you faggots so invested in this? It really does scream autism

Well, I do have Asperger's.

i'm not surprised. carry on.

because this shit is hilarious

Ohmygod does it? THAT'S INSANE!!!