98  2016-03-02 by Dennyislife


that's not a denial

The omission of a denial is basically a confession.

He just did an angry dismissal of the cakestomp campaign.

Holy shit, is this how we unite Opie and Anthony?

if we reunite them at this point the show would be a man transitioning into a woman and TWO tranny fuckers? That's just silly.

This comment made me guffaw

2 poles and 2 holes, it works.


You're wrong Chip

Fuk you muddafukka i hope your mom gets cancer

Careful Ant, you punch this one it's a hate crime.

Fucking lol.

so explain the numerous pics that both ant and sue deleted. The hotel room, the pics of her at his house in the daytime, with beavis... Come on dude.

He'll never dive into those details, he knows he has no way out of it if he tries to explain it away. The blanket "so this is what you guys are up to now to fuck with me" speech is all we'll get.

yeah and it looks like Fred is sticking up for him by saying that the guy who brought it up is a typical reddit person with 5 followers. Fred would have 0 followers if it were't for sucking ant's dick and fetching him beers.

Yes Fred, you sure have us beat! Playing cards in a McMansion with Ant's money and Big A's rotten sauerkraut breath permeating the room, we are all truly jealous of the life you are living.

You know, because the quality of your poker game depends on the size of the house you play it in. Fred, please.

Did you ever know Fred personally? Or was it just a "hey" at compound parties?

My first experience with Fred was when we had Matchstick Guy in at the old XM studio. Fred was mulling around outside when Matchstick Guy was leaving and I was sent down with a wireless mic to catch anything good. The XM studios were 5 stories up. When Matchstick Guy is heading onto the street, Fred hip checks the guy super hard and it was obviously not an accident. Immediately, I'm like "Dude, wtf are you doing." He tell me "No, it's OK, I made eyes with Opie, he wanted me to." I called him an idiot. Next I saw him was in the parking lot for the Jones Beach Virus show where he told me "he had a bone to pick with me". I stood my ground and told him it wasn't smart and the show could've gotten in trouble from that stunt. He then would show up to all outside parties and bar events (Bar 9)as he was a daily Paltalker and was friendly with some of the regulars there who in turn were friendly with Ant.

When he wanted to come to Ant's he would hit up people he knew hung out there. I have a FB msg from him asking ME if he could be invited to Ant's house for some party. You're not even asking the guy throwing the party just his friend. "Room for 2 more at Ant's this weekend?" Something like that. I'll try to find it.

Fred is a herb who thinks hanging out at Anthony's house is some kind of white trash status symbol. Why would you need to mention a mansion besides just to brag that you have a rich friend. I took so much shit for being Ant's friend but I never bragged about "playing poker in a mansion". Every person at that poker table is the reason I stopped coming around. Big A. Mike The Cop. Fred. These people aren't your friends dude, they're your yesmen. I was dismissed for saying no.

Edit - I played poker once with Mike the Cop. He said "tss" or "wassat" every time somebody said the word "chip". This went on for hours. That was my last poker game.

Edit 2 - Fred begging me to come to one of Ant's parties.

what does he do for a living? every time anthony tweets he replies with some kind of dick riding comment. does he just follow anthony's life 24/7?

Lol @ dick riding.

When I used to troll around Paltalk with a paid account, he seemed to try to make us think he was some kind of P.I. His voice and mannerisms are very intimidating if you're not used to that sort of talk, but I don't know if it's from watching TV or from a real life as a private dick.

haha.....sounds like a fucking clown.

I see you've gotten over your little cry about not being treated fairly here.

When it's time to bask in the misery of someone else, old Kike Nose can't get enough, but when it's directed at him, turns into the biggest faggot alive.

You're exactly like Ant, you were his little bitch boy for years, quit trying to defect into the winning armies camp you sneaky jew.

Well, I guess ALMOST exactly.

it's almost impressive how unlikeable that guy is


2016-03-02 19:00 UTC

Sitting with friends playing poker in a Mansion > Sitting at home on Reddit being a idiot with other users

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I'm at work getting paid while I'm here but whatever.

Shoulda spelledt it Luser..tss

Who the fuck is Fred anyway? Wtf happened to Steve from Bayshore? What is he, too straight to hang with Ant now?

It's unfortunate that he's conditioned to think that what he did with that legal-aged boy was somehow wrong. It was hypocritical, maybe, for being on the anti-gay team for so long, but whatever. Would have been cool if he just owned it, but the deleted images speak more than any explanation.

Yeah it's embarrassing to see him basically shouting "I ain't no queer"

more sad because you know when he says that he has memories of his dad's belt or fist coming at him while his father yells "faggot" at him.

He knows it's ok, but that the last of his fans would drop him if he admitted it. The folks from N!ggermania won't be too kind to him when more proof surfaces.

I and most of us wouldn't care. It would be just another weird part of O&A fandom. We all like Fezzy the snowflake, and he lied about being gay too.

Come on dude.

Yes he has!



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If the cock doesn't fit, you must acquit

Your honor, allow me to place this boys penis into my rectum to prove to the court that it wouldn't even reach my prostate if he tried.

lmao this fucking sub

Lets be honest here. There is absolutely no way some guy who looks like a pre-teen girl is hanging out at Anthony's house more than once without Anthony getting at least one blowjob. Anthony is known for being completely anti-social, he doesn't just pal around with nerdy homosexuals for the fun of it.

I just like showing my guns to teen boys. They have interesting things to say.

No, no,'ve got it all wrong. See, just like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, Ant is living a life of philanthropy in his golden years, merely donating money to young disadvantaged shemales.

He donates so much money they call it a 'golden shower'

Yeah this really is the only logical way to look at it, unfortunately.

Say what you may about Anthony, but his reputation for honesty is unblemished.

Oh, absolutely. It's not like he's been busted on several lies just in the past few months, this guy is a straight shooter. Well... a shooter at least.

He used to be.

Not so much after his guns were confiscated though.

unlike his face

You sure about that? He once claimed that getting fired in Boston was completely intentional and then later flip flopped on that.

Tbh that was tits fam

That was definitely Opie. Anthony just played along when he brought it up a couple of times to avoid calling Opie out on the air and then having to deal with Greggshells for a week.

Greg Hughes: Radio genius.

Gregg ... Or the alternate spelling: Greqq

It was all fun and games when he was releasing his Greggshells shirts

It's still fun and games. We've moved to the...........wait for it.............lightning round.

ewwwewewewewewewewewewewewee +1

He does realize there isn't a meeting here, right? no board of directors.

I hate to break the 8th wall here (tss)... But this shit just happens. It's beautiful. A tree doesn't have to think why it grows, it just does it.

It was you're ex who said it. Then you and your bf delete all those tweets.

Ant acts like he didn't encourage a campaign against Derosa and Opie.

He's delusional

It was you're ex who said it. Then you and your bf delete all those tweets.

Yeah, Ant, if there's truly no story here, why all of the damage control?

This is proof he reads this sub much for us being delusional and having no effect

Or he's been getting a fuckload of tweets about it

He read this sub so he and his homies can laugh at us

YAH HA HA HA they're calling me gay HA HA HA

Hmmmm...Second time this week he's trying to cozy up with Gregg.

panic setting in

Could it have something to do with the fact that Ant has around 20 paying subscribers left, 3 of whom are family members?

His family members can't afford subscriptions.

Bro, watch it, Brother Joe still has guns. Easy.


Honestly I thought he would do something like this when he had his first meltdown like half year ago. now he's acting like Opie to Howard, Howard doesnt even acknowledge opies existence

Like anyone could run out of ways of saying how much his show sucks.

I'm still seriously amazed that the audio isn't crisp coming up on 2 years in.

He clearly has a thing for men with tits. Look who his radio partner was for 20years?

I love how he responds like a drunk passed out in an alleyway always now.

"OH.. So blah blah blah, What?! Am I just too... blah blah blah FOR YA??"

He REALLY didn't want this to come out.

Nor does he want to come out himself. Yessssss.

Ant, you transparent shemale sucker. Flashback to him thanking this sub for coming up with Greggshells (or was it something else? He definitely thanked us for trashing Tits on something). Now all the sudden Tits is his compatriot in hating this place. Go get fucked by a ladyboy dick, you grandma haired rib puncher.

And no, we'll never run out of "your show sucks" as long as it does in fact suck the same amount of dicks you do.

"Grandma haired rib puncher" -Excellent.

Ant loves peckas!

"Typical reddit guy with five followers," says the lonely old weirdo from Brooklyn.

Older people really don't get the internet.

No, the show still sucks but now we know you'll take a dick as long as it's attached to something that looks 12 years old. Oh Anthony!

At least he's being tolerant for once!


Hes MAD.

Hes been swallowing too much testosterone lately.

If she's been at the Compound when other hanger's-on have been there one of them will eventually crack & admit Ant has been fucking this ladyboy. But, could be possible he only brings her around when he's alone.

Those leeches would never rat on him.

They would if they day comes when they fully realize the boat has taken on water...You'll be hearing a new story daily from one of those cuckolds.

I wonder if Ant lets Fred from Brooklyn blow her.

danny has been reduced to reddit

He was already autistic so he fits right in.

The hush money will bankrupt him

Paying rent on his new York studios.

Paying rent on his former new York apartment.

Paying Joe and his sister and various other family members.

Paying all his hangers on.

Buying food for the mansion so all the hangers on and can eat.

Paying for big parties all the time.

Paying Keith and his wife.

Paying his board op.

Paying Dani hush money for now.

Eventually having to pay Dani a civil settlement.

Paying for general upkeep of the mini mansion he lives in.

Paying utilities of mini mansion.

General expenses like clothing and gas and food when he eats out.

Trips to gamble.

Hush money to girls we don't know about.

Possible payouts to Melissa Stetten for a while.

Gifts to the girls he grooms.

Hush money to the tranny.

Eventual large payout to the tranny for complete silence.

Possible payout to the Times Square hooker since it's odd she has never surfaced.

Hmmmm how the fuck does Anthony have any money left? Did he make a lot more than we suspect or does he just have some damn good investments?

paying for air conditioning all year long paying Livestream/app/website paying a shit guest booker

and anthony is a terrible investor, i think he paid twice the market value for his McMansion


I wouldn't be surprised if he comes and outright says he banged a tranny on his show. It would SORT OF defuse the situation. It isn't hugely likely but maybe. I.E. pull a sheen, maybe he will talk about his aids too.

lol like fred from Brooklyn would risk his hanger-on status

I don't know if Ant is into the shemales, but this tweet is disingenuous. This sub didn't start this, Melissa Stetten did. And it seems like there is some evidence that Sue Lightning is friendly with Ant. If I were him, what I would do is just fess up to knowing the--ahem--gal, say that he knows lots of crazy showbiz porn star types, it's no big deal. He's hung out with Bailey Jay.

But, if Ant goes down some kind of deny, deny, deny road, well, he should consider the famous line from an old poem: "What a tangled web we weave / when first we practice to deceive."

That is true he also had Bailey Jay waxing hairy assholes in his bar. Don't know if that means he fucked him.

He'll say on the show today, "Look, a lot of people come to my house. Most of the time, I don't even know who's here. There are trannies, strippers, retards and a whole bunch of people. I can't keep tabs and as for the hotel pic, it's 2 different rooms." He'll ignore the mustang thing and all the deleted pics.

the gun picture sort of disproves that defense anyway. he gave sue a gun, so obviously some level of trust existed between them.

yeah, they were probably flirting on the couch with each other and she asked to hold his gun, then he said "how about this gun" then they fucked.

Fuckin' peckha suckuzzz.

I love how he keeps bring up opie related stuff like the cake stomp to show solidarity with opie now that he's getting shit on.

The exclamation point here is a bridge too far. Such a tell of someone trying to be happy-go-lucky hey I'm in on the joke too guys! Guilty.

Anthony Cumia ‏@AnthonyCumia 26m26 minutes ago Anthony Cumia Retweeted Δshley Butterfield With the relationships I have with ex girlfriends, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea!

wow anthony seems on edge, its almost like he got struck with a bolt of lightning.

who amongst us can blame Ant if he went at the ladyboy doggystyle a few times! He's not made of stone!

I like how he keeps trying to lump Opie and Jim into it, like he's fighting the good fight for everyone.

No one would've given a shit if he didn't come in here and yell at us for no reason

yeah, he was mean!

If he wanted to be with a man with tits, he'd still be on XM.

Then how does he explain the fact that his favorite song from "Grease" is "Greased Lightning"?

Ol' fragile ego Ant. It's not his debilitating alcoholism, girlfriend beating or him looking like the guy who drank from the wrong chalice in The Last Crusade...

...instead he choses to refute that we lie about his show sucking to "troll" him.

What's the endgame here?

Why can't he just see the humour in it and run with it? Most people here wouldn't give a shit if he owned it like Jimmy.

That's one thing that always annoyed me about this subreddit. Retards trying to psychoanalyze Jim, basically pretending that they're Patrice with none of the humour. Some of Jim's great lines and stories in the past were tranny related. If Anthony ran with it everyone would respect him a lot more.

tl;dr What a queer lmao

Because most or all of the people here aren't subscribers. The people left paying for his show are hardcore racists or right-wingers. They won't take kindly to this behavior.

Yup. He essentially rebranded himself when he was fired for tweeting about the (tranny-chasing) in Times Square as this.

No going back for him.

we gotta take him down....

He's done a fine enough job taking himself down over the past few years.

if you look young enough, he'll probably go down without you even having to ask



Didn't Ant say the only way into the compound is by having a pussy? Now he's playing "poker" with his friends and being fooled by twelve year old boys who like to play dress up.

Even Elliot Smith's ghost is trolling Ant, I fucking love this.

Weird that he brought up cake stomping, I thought he enjoyed all the shit Opie got for that.

No we still plan to carry on with show sucks and cake stomp as well. This is just bonus time!

What would Ant's father think knowing his son is a homosexual?

I hope it's true, and I hope he comes clean. It might take the hot air out of his societal/political balloons, and redirect him back to the funny. People who like Anthony for his comedy will appreciate the addition of this wrinkle to his already colorful backstory.

"the funny" ugh....

Ant lost all sense of humor about himself a long time ago.

He paid for the boob job? Haha, what a perverted Diva!



You guys following the discussion thread for today's TACS episode?

Sounds like he's trying a lil too hard with the "I LIKE GIRLS!" angle.

It's also especially funny that the long ago teased "squirting" episode is now definitely gonna happen.

Ran out of...?

It's in addition to. We can have varied interests, Ant. Not as varied as yours maybe, but still.


2016-03-02 17:33:55 UTC

So this is what you guys are gonna run with now? Ran out of “your show sucks” and cake stomp ideas?

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

I did not have sexual relations with that dude

and so what? what he does in his personal life is only for the interest of faggots who watch soap operas.

We would not really care if he wasn't such a homophobic jerkoff all this time. The only thing better than this is if it were an n-person. I say that as someone who cannot stand the feel good dishonesty around men with tits.

Besides, there is zero entertainment coming from either show and this shit is hilarious.

They would if they day comes when they fully realize the boat has taken on water...You'll be hearing a new story daily from one of those cuckolds.

Tbh that was tits fam

paying for air conditioning all year long paying Livestream/app/website paying a shit guest booker

and anthony is a terrible investor, i think he paid twice the market value for his McMansion

That was definitely Opie. Anthony just played along when he brought it up a couple of times to avoid calling Opie out on the air and then having to deal with Greggshells for a week.
