Do you guys think Anthony and his pals are laughing at us tonight?

75  2016-03-02 by FunkyTreasure

While he scrambles to have everything erased that links him to that tranny who looks like a pre-teen boy, is he having a chuckle at us dumb jerkoffs who think we can have an impact on people's careers?


After beating up his last girlfriend, it really takes balls to date Anthony.


What are you? Nostradamus or sumpthin'? tss

Heheh there it is. Vurry good


Where ya gonna be at this weekend?!

It only took 4 days after Anthony said we were delusional until this place had an impact on his life.

It's truly pleasing

This should be pinned to the top of the sub with the avalanche of transexual jokes beneath it.




Tranny Removal, All Posts Stat!

Ant is on iceskates right now tamping out tranny fires like a shitty wack-a-mole game

Why wouldn't they be.

This sub has no power, and won't affect his life at all...

BAAAHAHAHA I know I'm fuckin laughing.

I haven't been this excited for an episode of TACS since Thanksgiving.

Do his poker buddies stick by him? Do they continue to play cards and joke about how bad Opie is when they know that ant is sucking cock? Does gavin stay with ant's network after all the shit he's said about trannies?

They do stick together, but that's only because Ant is slathered with viscous tranny jizz


Old Man Cumia is pulling out his individually placed follicles right now, reading this sub screaming, "BUT DADDY, I PROMISE I'M NOT A FAGGOT!"

Papa Cumia failed. All that work trying to make his son like pussy did nothing but bury an insatiable lust for cock.


🎶 Sucked a tranny's dick falalala 🎶

Reminds me of buzz's huge clit FA la la la la

That makes it straight FA la la la la

Ant was right; This is a joke of a subreddit.

So what if he was comparing us to /r/tgirls the man has a point (and so do his ladies, now).

A gaggle of she-males are having a mighty chuckle.

It takes Tunisian knife fighter to a whole new level.

More like sword swallower.

Snake charmer

The klan won't be happy about this one

Apparently there's NO bridge left that Ant won't burn.

I always thought he wasn't totally upfront about that Tree Fort.

This sub runs his life lol

This is such a great plot twist.

Anyone else notice that even after the show has dissolved it's Ant and Jim that are still the interesting ones. After Opie got his wish he got worse and still there's no new stories around his fat tits.


Why u gotta bring ur opie hate up all the time? We get it.

We're through.

Hope u find a nice tranny since u hate tits so much

You can't sweet talk me.

Damn... I missed something. Apparently ant got caught with a tranny or something? Any original link?

Yeah, me too. All I see is a lot of trap jokes and fon't know why.

Hard to laugh with a mouthful of cum.

I hope the judge subpeonas his security cam footage and gawker publishes the sex tape




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can someone tell me what the fuck is going on with Ant and a tranny? I'm so confused.

Anthony has sex with a tranny.

That's how the wop LAUGHS atcha.

Do it for SAL. And TRANNY.

You fags don't see the irony of making hundreds of posts on a sub dedicated to three people that you don't even like

Yeah, Opie, Anthony and Jimmy are the losers here. You guys are winners

Isn't there a shitty U2 song you should be covering somewhere, Joe?

Le epic "accuse the poster of being one of the people who are the subject of criticism" joke xD

It would have been more original and funny if you said go to bed

How many upvotes did you hope to get from that hack response, you social approval calculating faggot

Anthony has sex with men.

You seem to be personally invested in this.

Dude is everything okay? We can hash this thing out if you're up for it. I'm here for you.

You're here. You're a loser. Shaddup

No I think we all see it, homie.

When did we pretend to be winners? I think we all know were the salt of the earth

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