Fucking had it with all 3.

84  2016-03-01 by outtogetcha

Always hated Opie aka Bosoms. Ant is out. Fuck that minefield face. I'll never side with a full blown racist pedo. Today, Jimmy's retarded fucking "announcement" that he's voting Trump and his uneducated ignorant motivation as to why. And his god damn unwatchable cartoon trainwreck... Jesus fucking christ, I can't even enjoy the good ol' Chip classic bits anymore because I have the image of those awful cartoon nostrils flaring, burned into my brain now.

Completely out. Fuck the lot of them and their horrible fucking shows.


what took you so long

I clung to the idea of still supporting the worm. We all used to love the little fucker at one point in time. But he's not defendable anymore.

I still enjoy jimmy I just don't like the dumb cartoon

I can forgive so many of Jim's flaws because he can be quite funny on the radio and his flaws aren't malicious. He's a worm who likes to please everyone, there are certainly worse things you can be.

He only please people who has fame or pays him


Holy shit...this guy could be on the verge of a revolution. Instead of talking about these guys positively it could be funnier if we talked about them negatively. This could change everything.

I know right? I thought this sub was for casual discussion of the old show or current shows. And here's this guy speaking negatively?

The perverse thing is that Opie bothers me the least. He just says stupid things on the radio and twitter; I can't hate the substance of him because he's too dumb and shallow to have substance. I hate Jimmy and Ant because of what they are.

go and listen to the patrice playlist and you'll change. he is fucking insufferable in all of them.

You're new to this


You must be losing your mind. What opie "is" has always been the issue, and always been the focal point of rage.

He's a douche who puts up the monumentally false image of being awesome. His regularly occuring ruination of everything funny that happens on his own show is akin to creepy animals eating their young. He jealously turns himself into the biggest douche possible because he's psychologically fucked, and honestly believes he's pulling off something Andy Kaufman would be proud of. And the only reason he thinks that way is because he's so vapidly stupid and scared and delusional.

You can make complaints about Jimmy with the way he argues a few politics, and his stances on addiction and celebrity. But look at the effects and compare them with tit's. They're superficial.

Opie bothers me the least too. He's just a lame dad now. We all know about that shitty dad humor that starts to happen to middle aged, married men with multiple kids. I can't really hate him to much for that. He's still lame but I atleast get it. Anthony and Jimmy are just pathetic.




OP's coat just got taken.

Wait, Jimmy's voting for Trump? What's his logic?

He gave the same reason that the rest of these brainless Trump supporters have..."He tells it like it is, he isn't one of these lying politicians!" He is a dummy

What a fucking moron. Go get the NSA to spy on everyone while you're at it Jimmy.


Americans deserve to be spied on! We brought this on ourselves!

Jimmy has no concept of the 4th Amendment.

Ooof. I hadn't heard about this either.

Isn't that a different way of saying, but still pretty much synonymous, with saying that he's a "non establishment politician" who could win for the first time in over 50 years?

Because it's far from just Trump supporters who are pointing that out.

It's something that hasn't happened since Kennedy, and some people (I'm not saying they're right or that I side with them) are happy about it for exactly ... precisely ... the same reasons they were happy about JFK.

What the fuck are you talking about? Kennedy was elected to the House then Senate before he was President. He was a goddamn war hero that went directly into politics after WW2. Wow, what an outsider. He was a carreer politician.

OK, I'll admit I'm wrong. I thought he was in his early 40s when he was elected, and I thought that pissed certain people off, and I thought it was one of the associations implicated in his assassination.

"Camelot I'm Irish And Forty And Good-Looking Go Fuck Yourself" does sound pretty trollish. Or it would if all of it was true.

He was in his early 40's, but he was hardly, "non establishment". He compares way closer to Obama than Trump.

I won't lie, a lot of that Oliver Stone shit sticks in my head even though I meant to dismiss it more than 10 years ago.

Back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left...

Ohhhhhhhhhh Meeemee Beeardsley.

It goes beyond Oliver Stone. I was mesmerized by the movie PT 109 as a kid, believing John was the coolest war hero ever but later learn the events portrayed were most likely exaggerated for political reasons.

That's very true, but Trump? The man has been a running national joke for the last 10 years and now people are ready for him to run a country?

It's like being so desperate for water that you end up drinking piss.

what's wrong with piss

That's exactly the situation. Conservatives were made to be so pissed off by how the brand new internet made fun of Bush that they've been absolutely starved for payback.

They'd literally drink piss instead of water if it gets the egg off their face.

It's essential to recognize the newness of the internet and how it's shaped the way people think. The brutality made available by anonymity is no fucking joke. It changed everything. We're psychologically more fragile than we could have guessed. Thin skin everywhere you look.

It sort of makes sense when you think about it. A large part of America didn't really get the internet until around 2005ish or high speed available on your phone internet until maybe around 2010? Immediately they're thrown into the pit, getting called idiots and mocked by people who have been online for years.

I can definitely see a lot of people getting bitter by the culture shock.

Tempered of course by 9/11 and 24 hour cable news.

As far as timelines of the masses getting internets, pretty much every girl I've ever wanted to look up, popped up on facebook around 2008-2009. I'm fairly sure most of them got the internet just to use facebook.

Also, a lot of the 50+ crowd stuck to older shit like AOL or something banal like Yahoo comment sections until migrating to facebook. That's when the shitstorm began.

Turns out things can get heated when you take millions and millions of people with vastly different belief systems and ways of approaching things and force them all to interact. Eventually everyone believes they're being persecuted and that they are just standing up for what's "right".

It's the great mixing pot. Take a show like Crossfire, with people trying to make intelligent points and knowing they have accountability for the things they say to each other, and change the setting to a dark, dank bar. It won't take long before the same points are made. But the reactions to those points ... won't be the same.

Our new political dialog is to wish cancer on each others' family members.

Coupled with the crippling fear that 'people' are coming for their stuff. I watched a Louis Theroux documentary on a load of yokels who were convinced that a UN army was coming to their state to disarm and subjugate them. That was 98, I assume they are still waiting.

I used Facebook a lot from 2008-2010, I stopped going on and just used twitter from 2011-14. After that I checked out Facebook again because it had been years, and I was like "what the fuck is this?" Everyone just spewing political nonsense. I was used to it just being people making plans

I just want to chime in here and give my 2 cents.

I like piss and bush.


Exactly. He was a celebrity businessman who was primarily famous because of his shit hair and two unoriginal reality tv shows, one of which was cancelled, and the other continued because of the celebrities participating. Now people are comfortable with this narcissistic, dumbo maniac being a choice to be the spokesman for their country.

The man has been a running national joke

You really think you are smarter than Trump?

What makes you think he's a national joke?

The man is a genius and surrounds himself with the best and brightest people. Hillary is a criminal.

Eisenhower wasn't a politician...but he was a five-star general in a major war, so not exactly the same as Trump.

Tsss...yeah why not noseenhower or sumpthin


Have you even read his plans moron.

Go here to read his actual agenda and stop sounding like a brainwashed idiot- https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

Then go here and have some fun- r/The_Donald

Do you expect me to believe anything Donald Trump says? He is simply pandering to a conservative voting base. Talk about Muslims, immigrants and say that your a successful business guy. A Trump supporter calling me brainwashed is fucking hilarious.

Read his plans you moron. Immigration is a major issue. Only a mongoloid retard would think otherwise.

Go watch Morning Joe, you brainwashed, cucked faggot.

Ugh, is that the best you have? To just assume I must be a MSNBC watching liberal? Also, how did you miss my point completely? His stance on the issues mean nothing, because he will change his stance on anything to get elected. Immigration is a big issue? Duh, but the solution isn't building a fucking wall you dope. You sound like Anthony, bitter old man who will support a republican no matter how stupid he might be. You aren't good at this. Go jerk off with your buddies over at /r/tacsdiscussion You aren't even intelligent enough to continue debating.

You're both dickheads and american politics is retarded. How the fuck do you end up with such people to chose from?

It's like the Bill Hicks joke. Whoever really runs your country went "i think we can go dumber".

Stay out of it Frenchy. Or whatever Euro-trash country you come from. Probably another place we bailed out in the past.

Seriously. You have to admit that all your candidates look like they're from a god damn cartoon. Bernie is just a stereotypical jew liberal. Hillary is just a silly looking shemale feminist. Do I even have to say anything about Trump? These people are fucking jokes. And you're getting played.

How am I getting played? I've said negative shit about all of these candidates. Don't act like the rest of the world has its shit together. For better or worse, people like you will continue to obsess over American politics because we are the most interesting country in the world.

I for one will vote for whoever the Klan endorses.

4 years of easy material.

Son shows up on the show. Last chance at fame if he becomes President. Slot available as court jester.

He has the goofiest voice ever, and he looks like a fucking dope.

He's the only honest person in the race. He's the only legitimate free-market candidate. If you support Marxism, then sure vote for a 3rd Obama term.

We got it. You posted the same fucking thing 3 times in one comment chain. You like Trump. Noted.

Tell us how you really feel!

Wow Opie and Anthony have really got this guys goat!

They should give it back.

There's no goat. There never was a goat.

I get it.

Trump is almost as big a piece of shit as Anthony is, but I'm tired of both full-blown-racist Anthony's ignorant neo-con screeds and Opie's HUR-DUR-WHUYS_EVERBURDY-MAD trendy liberalism. And Jimmy is just a sour, bullied cunt.

ALL their political leanings are selfish and hypocritical, because all three of them are selfish and hypocritical people.

PS- Jimmy's cartoon sucks because he has zero imagination and/or passion and he hates everyone because he hates himself. As he should.

Opie has hardly come off as a liberal to me. He has no stance on anything

ALL their political leanings are selfish and hypocritical, because all three of them are selfish and hypocritical people.

You are a whiny, self righteous, moralizing holden caulfield-esque piece of shit. Grow up .

Jim is more Holden Caulfield than myself or even the whiniest of posters here could be.

And you're line-toeing TACS caveman. Jerk off to Al Sharpton dying then get off the internet.

Jerk off to Al Sharpton dying then get off the internet.

or sumptin...tsss.

That's right, you and your hero like men that dress as women now.

I've never hid my penchant for self indulgence and hedonism. Glad to hear that the old man has (allegedly) also discovered that a hole is a hole is a hole. hope he's into feederism and pony play too ;)

Upvoted for honesty.

They have been given adequate time to become entertaining again. They are now less tolerable than the worst show they jocktobered. It's time to let go.


Remember when he had the charity idea that all the living presidents should get together & charge $1million for a photo with them?

Not only did Jim think that was an idea rich people would do, he didn't want to say the idea right away for fear people would steal it


Maybe you'll enjoy Amy Schumer. She speaks truth to power, man!

These brainwashed faggots sound like every Tumblr retard on the internet. Fucking morons.

It's the "goons" from Something Awful. They ran out of gaymur gurl's to white knight.

They really do all stink. What should we spend our time doing besides obsessing over these faggots? Anyone want to start a scrapbook?

Can someone tell me what's wrong with being racist? I don't get it.

I'm voting for Trump

Dear god, thanks for letting us know. I've been waiting anxiously.


Any updates on who home127 is voting for?

I keep checking google alerts and they haven't said.

I heard he's leaning towards Ike

All in Trump myself. My life isn't going to change no matter what goon is sitting in the white house. Trump at least guarantees some comedic value when he turns North Korea aid negotiations into Lets Make a Deal with bushels of wheat.

Who fuckin cares


I've never "supported" anybody. They're shitty hacks, they've always been hacks, they fell ass backwards onto the radio, and were one of the only things on the stations I got at work that were remotely interesting for years, or were easy for me to find when I was on a work trip which was a very frequent occurrence in the 90's.

I like hacky jokes, I like dumb shit as white noise that I can drop in and out on, their golden age with Patrice and others constantly in dragging the whole show upwards was an aberration, them being awful is the consistent rule in their careers.

When I first found o&a it was because I had crossed the border and was scanning stations looking for that guy that used to be like "Hi I am Sergio the master baker" and his shtick was that he pronounced cake kinda like cock, and constantly talked about his cake, and offered cake to everybody around him in various situations.

I was disappointed that I found o&a instead of a station with that guy. I still kinda am. That's what they are to me, they are button monkeys.

Nothing they have done has changed my level of regard for them, everything they have done that pisses people off here is just them being more entertaining to me then usual.

And Jimmy? Really? NOW he's shitty? His big closer that he deliberately ended a special with was basically "I'll drink pee and you know it LOL".

He is doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing, be happy for him, most carnies don't get to live indoors year round.


Oh shut up. You haven't had it with any of them. You will continue to come here to read and discuss anything and everything about "all 3" like everyone else in this shithole. What a pompous moron you are.

Yet you cant stop following all of there lives religiously.


THEIR, fucking lunkheads

But I still kinda wanna listen.

as much as I love this sub, the SJW's always come out of the woodwork. who do you faggots plan on voting for? Hillary?

You're delusional.


What a worm.. Probably doesn't want to burn bridges with "The Donald" by having his own thoughts for once

hey mate, thanks for the word. I have un-followed on twitter and unsubscribe on youtube.


My last hold out was Jimmy, but princess has become super cunty.

Your post title is the motto of this sub.

Haven't consumed any content that either three of them have made it a while. I only like the content of this sub.

I only read the title and I agree.

So does that mean you're going to stop spending your free time posting about them on the internet?


What, someone's not voting for the decrepit old jew?! Better grab my le pitchfork!

Yet, you're still here.

This seems like the perfect place to be with that mindset.


So you hate a guy cause he's voting for trump? You're such a cuck


Why is he a racist?

Oh no.. not the quitter speech.

No one cares.

I saw Jim in Boston a couple weeks ago and honestly, his stand up was great. Legit laughs. I had some hopes for the Chip show, but I just can't see it now. I was originally going to donate $25, I figured that would be a fair for 6 episodes of something decent. If the show is trash because 'Chip' wrote it, that bit of the joke needs to be more obvious to not only casual fans, but people that actually like the character. Jim Norton is still okay in my book.

Even listening to clips of Opie from 4-5 years ago you realize how unlistenable he has become. That's ok, because I don't listen to him at all now. He was part of something big on radio for a reason, but now he doesn't need to be.

Ant, yea, well...

Butthurt someone isn't voting for the jew?

You are an idiot, and I can't wait to see your face when Trump wins. You sound like an emotional girl.

Trump will be a much, much better President than the criminal Hillary Clinton. Did you see her newewst batch of e-mails? She's a fucking criminal.

Trump just makes you feel bad because you are a brainwashed moron who buys into everything the media tells you. Why don't you do some independent research on his actual positions and maybe you won't come off so hysterical.

Get a grip, faggot.

Why don't you do some independent research on his actual positions

What are his actual positions faggot?

Anti gun, pro immigration, make money by inheriting.

Keep telling yourself that.

don't have to, there's video and tweets of him saying it.

Because people cannot change their view, right? I am sure you put all your trust behind every other candidate.

The reason people support Trump is because there is at least SOME chance that he will do what he says. We all know none of the others will.

Downvote away little faggot.

lol, you like to be told what you want to hear. hahaha. either way, he loses big to clinton. hope you can live with that.

Your comment is a joke.

I can live with Clinton. Sure beats supporting any of the other faggot asses in this race, either side. i am all set for life and would not mind watching it all crash.

Thanks for the downvote you little baby.

lol, you're all set for life. Dude, you got your video games, you got your blow up doll. Boom.

Boom, I got my paid for house. Duuuude I got stockpiles to last 10 years. Too bad I'm not a 3,000 pound whale like Bawby. I can't wait to laugh at idiots like you suffering. Go Clinton!!

lol, surrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee

Uncle Paul, is that you?

I could not care less about convincing you my love. I'll be the one laughing at you if this shit crashes. If it doesn't, I still live comfortably.

Edit: I still love your little cunty downvotes. Pretty pathetic you childish twat.

Crashes? Your armageddon dreams where it's mad max and you can hunt for your food with your ar-15 are a loser's pipe dream. you're a mix of alex jones and ant. you should be embarrassed for your self as much as your family is to know you.

Lol. I don't wish for it at all, but it can always happen and I will be all set for it. I have no need to hunt for food, I told you already I am stockpiled. Yeah I have weapons, only to defend my food and oil/solar power from losers like you that will be suffering.

Why would I be embarrassed? If shit goes south, I'm not the one that will be a mooch. Your fucking loser ass will be. But you are already a known cunt to your family, so I am sure they will not be surprised when you need assistance again you cunt.

Alex Jones is a faggot. Almost as gay as you. You're a cunt.

ok, good troll job. I'll give you that.

Not trolling. But I'm done with your stupid ass. Later cuntboy.

Keep downvoting.

Timmy, dinner is ready.

Hold on mom, I'm doing research on reddit. Can you pick up 40 cans of creamed corn for the apocalypse?

Project much? Tell mommy you want some bagel bites.

You faggot ass cunt. I would love to see your bloated fat ass in person. Must be quite the spectacle.

boohoo why does everyone keep downvoting me whaaah :,( you know it's possible (crazy but possible) more than just him is downvoting you? you really are an annoying fag so what do you expect

you're "done posting" but i'm sure you'll keep responding like you have been. you're an embarrassment

oh shit i forgot, you're set for life. i don't want no trouble

Downvotes are for faggots.

Oh look at me, i downvote!!! God you are such a faggot.

Go stare at your 300 cans of sting beans in your bunker 'man cave' and jerk off while you play video games as your mom tells you dinner is ready. LOL

Sting beans?

I'll be laughing at you sweetie.

bedtime, you have to make the bus at 7:30am or your mom will yell.

Again, you with that projection. It's ok....someday you will make it on your own. I am way ahead of you, but you keep reaching for the stars. I'm rooting for you, because you are a special little snowflake.

Uh-oh...I see a downvote on my last comment. Must mean one is coming from you!!!

Why don't you do a modicum of research for yourself, moron.

It's possible to be familiar with Trump and disagree with him. It's also possible to research his policies endlessly and still be an idiot.

LOL...of course the downvotes from all the liberal cock lovers on reddit.

Another reddit Bernie supporting cuck is upset that someone made the smart choice to jump on the unstoppable Trump train

I just want to chime in here and give my 2 cents.

I like piss and bush.

It sort of makes sense when you think about it. A large part of America didn't really get the internet until around 2005ish or high speed available on your phone internet until maybe around 2010? Immediately they're thrown into the pit, getting called idiots and mocked by people who have been online for years.

I can definitely see a lot of people getting bitter by the culture shock.

Sting beans?

I'll be laughing at you sweetie.

THEIR, fucking lunkheads

Stay out of it Frenchy. Or whatever Euro-trash country you come from. Probably another place we bailed out in the past.