Ok gang.. let's prove them wrong. What do we like?

21  2016-03-01 by Hamburger212


Denny Falcone

October nigga

I hate Opie so much.

Above all, openness and honesty.

And It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

if you guys like its always sunny id recommend the episode commentaries on youtube. The ones with the doctor sorta suck but the other ones have some interesting behind the scenes shit

The St. Paddy's episode was no shit awesome.


Nathan for you

Viral videos filmed in Syria.

On the real dawg, I got some doozies if you want. I got one yesterday where a Syrian colonel is making two middle-aged detainees slapfight eachother. When they would only throw girl slaps, he literally takes their arms and does the swinging for them like Smithers and Mr. Burns.

Scorch P.F.G TV

Heck yes!

Atrractive women in an age appropriate bracket to ourselves.

Define "women"

Gender cant be defined how dare you

I'm whats known as a two-spirit

A fuckin injun, huh?

I wish. Just another white guy gettin' SCREWED by the system


Fuck off, define bracket.

The useless skin that surrounds a vagina.

And what is age appropriate? Fez said half your age plus 7 and I've been living by that for a while now...I need to know.

Perhaps more people than Fez....

It's a flawless formula that works for every single year you plug into it.

LOVE the fact ill be dead someday and finally out of my misery.

The faster you do it the faster you end our misery

It's suprisingly hard to kill yourself unless you have access to a firearm, and even then you have a % chance to shoot your face off instead of blow your brains out unless it's a shotgun (and even then).

1) Pills, taking lots of pills usually just fucks up your kidneys, it's hard to die from it even with vast quantities, most of them induce vomitting before lethal amounts are taken. You can up the odds by adding alcohol and anti-throw up stuff and putting a plastic bag over your head, but still SUPER unreliable.

2) Hanging - Again extremly hard to do. You can try suspension hanging (not falling and breaking neck) but you have to block the proper artery, done right you are supposed to lose conscikousness quickly but it's extremly difficult to get that fully blocked and maintain it. Plus you run the risk of getting discovered or your hanging device breaking in the first 10 minutes and waking up a retard.

3) Jumping a long distance - This one is more effective mathematically but there's still the 1-2% chance you will just be badly BADLY BADLY hurt and not die even falling from extreme distances and landing on pavement.

4) Drowning- Some people think it's a good idea to swim out as far as you can into the ocean or some giant body of water until you get exhausted and then you wont be able to swim back and die. Drowning is NOT a peaceful death, it takes minutes of your lungs struggling for air but only inhaling water and trying again, as you retch and retch till eventually everything goes white.

Also unless you are truly hopeless (99% of even legit suicidal people aren't) your survival instict will kick in and you'll probably make it back to shore anyway and think of another method.

5) Suicide by Cop - Easy to fail, cops might shoot you in the legs or just tazer you. Unless you have a gun, and if you have a gun why not just shoot yourself in the head anyway (careful not to just blow the front of your face off)

6) Jumping under a train - This has a high % of actually working but is incredibly painful. Usually suicidal people are not afraid to die, but they sure are afraid of pain. And once you are under the train it's similar to the jumping off a building thing where you might end up just BADLY BADLY hurt beyond recovery but still alive, making any further suicide attempts nearly impossible from a wheelchair breathing through a tube.

7) Carbon Monoxide / Hibachi Grill thing- This one seems more pleasant than the others but you run the risk of really fucking up the people who discover you, or burning down your own building, if that's the kind of thing you are worried about. Most suicidal people don't really want anyone else to get hurt, unless you are a germanwings pilot.

I've tried every one of those twice

Helium... It's like the official method of Australia.


bloooooooomin brain damage

Wow, you have really done the work on this

I think #7 is the best and most painless but do it with a car in the garage and take a little nap.

Maybe the swimming into the ocean method would work if Jaws was still around.


It's harder than you think, you're not really trying to do when you start than by the time you wouldn't care if you oded your tolerance is way too high

why don't you tell him how you really feel

Colin Quinn and Ronald Bennington

I masturbate to sports team mascots with children's heads photoshopped on them.

a bit out of my wheelhouse but to each his own I always say

I respect your opinion honestly I do. Can we agree to disagree? And agree that nothing is hotter than a dog planting a woman?

of course, I'm not some kind of monster.

Of course not! You're a member here! You're in good company dare I say. My friend.?

Terry Clifford.


Funny jokes. You know, the kind of jokes that makes you laugh. Ye. I like that.

I also like when a woman looks good. You know. Like a good looking woman. I like that.

ffffffffffffuck man, i know what you're talking about. TOOOOOOTALLY




The Bonfire

Anthony doing his Vince McMahon impression and In Bruges

In Bruges is fucking awesome.

I don't know why it would be better doing it there but ok.

O&A 2004-2013



I graduated in 2004 and went to Newgrounds quite often in high school and saw this lil unknown bit there, you may have heard of it. It was about this caller winning a 100 grand bar. I was hooked since... long story short it was funny at the time.

wtf is with all the newgrounds references lately?

what's that? shitty chip cartoon looks like newgrounds? oh, lame.

It was full of elite turd nuggets.

Not to pat myself on the back or anything but I was the first one to make the reference when the first Chip cartoon clip was posted so I'm not changing unless it really has become stale like you said it seem's to be.

fuck a pat, have an upvote

I will and since we're on the topic I was the first to my knowledge to post the "I'm black yall cb4 clip" when it cameto sherrod but I stopped months ago because everyone was doing it. I feel like a cunt for admiting this I'm sorry, thanks for acknowledging me.


The Nopie Collection on YouTube.


Trailer Park Boys. I get the feeling that neither Jimmy or Anthony would get it. Anthony would call it "Canadian garbage" or some shit. It's fucking brilliant. A trillion times funnier than Senfield.

Calm down with he Seinfield hate. Both are great.

I loved Seinfield. Probably just frustrated with the way people talk about it now. Television in general is just better now. Can you think of any sitcoms with a similar formula that are critically acclaimed today?

its always sunny in philadelphia

"Let's see what happens when we go toe to toe on Bird law."

Not the same at all. I loved Seinfeld, I can't go a day without quoting it, but I don't see how it's similar to Always Sunny. All comedy ages poorly, the stand-up parts of seinfeld with him in front of the brick wall are very forgettable these days.

a group of 4 friends with 1 girl that get themselves into wacky situations and theres one thats extra wacky...idk it looks like a modern day seinfeld to me

Those 4 friends include a secret gay, an actual retard, a serial killer and an out of touch millionaire

yeah, instead of jews theyre just weird. still the seinfeld model. from what ive seen its a good show but it looks alot like a modern seinfeld

The creators described it as "Seinfeld on crack" themselves. Gugl it, Gugl it.

worst case ontario Ant and his crew of discerning multipaths would just laugh and laugh at you for enjoying something so oblique as TPB

I love the trailer park boys, and above all else Randy Bobandy.

Jimmy and Ant refuse to see any show that came out after 1989 (except seinfield i guess), thats how they keep their material sooo fresh, and we keep enjoying mash references in 2016.

"Fuckin Randy's guuuut, is full of dirty little cheeeeeseburgerss!"

"I got shot through the belly, Mr. Lahey!"

"It's just a fat wound, Rand."

Seinfeld is too new for Jim. He claims to have never watched a full episode.

I believe him. Jim is too busy listening to the same 11 Ozzy and Kiss albums over and over again like the obsessive homo-worm he is.

I think the greatest TPB character is Donny


You are right hes great, but not enough character depth, hes like the bottle kids, there to enrich the magical world the boys live in.

I heard that donny was the guy that plays bubbles

Sure sounds like him at times.

Nah, it's the Green Bastard from parts unknown.

You listen to their podcast? It's decent

i didnt want too, because i love the guys and didnt want to be disapointed in case it was bad.

ill give it a try now.

Seinfeld was for the most part before my time. I'm 23. It still holds up unbelievably. I used to love trailer park boys. The last few seasons have felt remarkably forced. Always sunny is getting better by the season

I almost agree with all of this and I'm the same age. Only part I disagree with is that I think Always Sunny dipped in quality for a few years, but it's back to being good now.

I don't disagree. The last two season have rekindled my faith in the show. Every season has a few gems and a few forgettable episodes but these last two have been mostly gold

Older comics.......

Colin Quinn, Dave Attell, Bill Burr, Bawby Kelly, Kevin Brennan, Doug Stanhope,

Younger comics....

Soder, List, Big Jay, Pete Davidson

Thats 10 comics right there off the top of my head and im pretty sure 90%+ of the sub would agree they like most of them. I/We dont hate on every comic just to hate, theres almost always a valid reason.

I like to make warewolf movies.


No, the retard spoke better than Vos.

Grainy sex tapes featuring skating reality stars and blonde Philly whores.

A good hairline photoshop

Norm MacDonald and everything he's ever done, ever.

Comedians that really make you think

You'd get along great with the opester. Student of comedy, that guy.


I sure notice a lot of man-crush action on Norm

The sound of an A-10 Warthog's GAU-8 Avenger gun run.



Imagine being the target of that fucking roar

I'm really into butt stuff.

I put an abacus up my butt because I like math.

Oh no, I think I'm being made fun of but I can't tell. Worst feeling in the world.

I'm agreeing wit you. Up tha butt is where it's at.

Oh thank God. High five for ass fucking/licking and general prodding.

I finally got my girlfriend to admit that she liked it a few days ago. I nearly went out and bought a ring. NPI

Eddie Pepitone

Doug Stanhope

Norm MacDonald


i think thats true for most part. i gave up a long time ago even wanting anything from ant. but I think if he came out with something funny like bringing david and bobo back together or doing something with scorch like 85% of people that hate him now would turn around.

I like all of you delightful gentlemen.

Dr. Steve

I like kittens, and when people trip over their colostomy bags and spray everyone in the self checkout with liquid shit.

I enjoy my white privilege every single day. And making mascara run.

The late 1990s and early 2000s era.

Confirmed Limp Bizkit fan.

The Attitude Era!

Definitely. WNEW and early XM days. Once they did the awful terrestrial crossover stuff and the "merger" happened it started to go to shit.

Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret was great...cant wait for the new season of Game of Thrones...wait why am I writing these things?

I don't really like things, they are correct.

Things that are Gem mint 10.

Sexting pictures of me naked to myself and pretending I have a twin brother who wants to hook up.

I like it when my girlfriend takes a cold bath and pretends to be dead :)

how do you get the inside of her cunt cold?

I'm really heavy.

Stale bread, water without any ice, the latest season of The Simpsons and dirt.


I like soup. A hot bowl of soup on a cool autumn day.

I would say but everyone would shit on it.

this sub finds self confidence sexy

Ron and Fez, Colin, Jim jefferies, Dan soder, denny, erock

Generally making the world a better place ... Just kidding. PECKAHS!!!

Chubby white girls with pretty faces.

They do usually aim to please, because they have something to prove. God bless 'em.

Lucky for them, I'm easy to pleasey. Or unlucky, I'm also an early bird. Which means I cum way too quickly. Don't be like me, it's humiliating.


Colin Quinn, Patrice O'Neal, Ted Sheckler, The Office, Seinfeld, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Fargo, NHL 16 on PS4.



I still like Jimmy's stand up. At the end of the day he'll always be in my top 5, no matter what other ill-conceived or executed side projects he engages in.

If they cant captivate their audience it isn't your job to tell them how.

Video games and faggy music.

Also anthony jesslenick his special on Netflix was pretty good


Messing with people in a good natured or malicious way

Ice cream and cake, a ride on a Harley, seeing monkeys in the trees, the rain on my tongue, and the sun shining on my face.

Strong independent women who won't be slut shamed!

The smell of funions and a menthol cigarette

I wish i could kiss u right now

Colin, Bawby, Jim Jeffries, Vos

basically everyone except Opie, Anthony with Jim

Dishonest hypocrites, apparently.

The Weirdfellas podcast.



"This new society that we live in."

Pizza, comic books and grind.

In fact my perfect day would be reading comic books while eating pizza and listening to grind.

How many denim vests do you own, dweeb?


What do you put your dumb patches on then?

Nigga I want to strike back here but you are hilarious.

Fawkin hilarious, Ghengis Tron. Dvv dvvv

I wan-see the boat movie

Video games, but I'm not a pleb like everyone related to the show

Lady Di and Marion in yoga pants dry humping and singing The Monkees

Sopranos and The Wire

Jeb Bush's campaign. A comedy goldmine.

I like angels, rainbows, unicorns, dunkin donuts coffee, Ron Bennington, Black Sabbath and Ozzy.


CQ, Norm, Patrice.

And Mister Sprinkles.

Dan Carlin Hardcore History, Gilberts podcast about old movies, stanhope podcast

Neil Hamburger.

The On Cinema At The Cinema Oscar Special (And the series) is better than the entirety of TACS network. Anthony can't laugh at himself.

Chip, east side Dave, sam, Anthony when he's being funny, Colin Quinn, jimmy. Everything I don't explicitly rail on I love.

And besides, I'm far more broke than Anthony but pay for a sub, so relax.

Mostly big ass porn and weed

Liquor and whores.


Black Metal, Death Metal, Comus, Lisa Sparxxx and Dragon's Dogma on PC.

Comus the folk band?


Didn't expect that here

You're welcome. I'm a man of great taste and dignity and bbw milf porn.

My son


Movies about gladiators




Radio wise - Jackie era Stern, Dot com and Black Earl era Ron/Fez, Lynn Samuels, Art Bell, Pre Compound Anthony, and Anthony with Patrice. Also like podcast wise - Dallas Penn era Combat Jack, LoS, some Rogan, Brilliant Idiots.

Bookwise, mostly 60's - 90's pulp and detective fiction - Lawrence Block, Charles Willeford, Crais, Himes, Westlake/Stark, etc.... Also have an affection for old magazines like The New Yorker, etc.... I like small snap shots of different era.

Movies- Peckinpah, Romero, Scorsese.... Lots of pulp, horror, and crime films from 65 - 95 or so. Love documentaries like the older HBO America Undercovers and PBS Frontlines. I mostly watch tv shows in the vein of HBO dramas/actions. Comedy wise - Seinfeld, Drew Carey. Britcoms like Absolute Power, the IT Crowd, etc....

Music - Sludge metal, Outlaw country, and 80's -90's rap, some New Wave mostly, but it changes.

Can we have a full synopsis of your facebook page?

budweiser, miller, coors

Point taken. Sometimes you're just bored, and well....:).

i jack my dick

Copy>Pasted from your OK Cupid profile? Fag.

Definitely. WNEW and early XM days. Once they did the awful terrestrial crossover stuff and the "merger" happened it started to go to shit.

The Attitude Era!

Confirmed Limp Bizkit fan.

It's harder than you think, you're not really trying to do when you start than by the time you wouldn't care if you oded your tolerance is way too high

i think thats true for most part. i gave up a long time ago even wanting anything from ant. but I think if he came out with something funny like bringing david and bobo back together or doing something with scorch like 85% of people that hate him now would turn around.