Gavin says he's agnostic. I thought he was a born again Christian? GAVIN WATCH -- Hypocrisy Exposed !! -GAVIN WATCH- !!

0  2016-03-01 by brothermanbrotherman


gavin is whatever he percieves as being the edgiest thing at whatever given moment

He was interesting for about 30 seconds. He's fucking insufferable.

I really enjoyed how Ronnie B treated him at the Tacsgiving show. Basically rolling his eyes and ignoring Gavin and his OUTRAGEOUS opinions. Saying nigger and faggot over and over again isn't comedy. The Christian thing is all about fitting in as a conservative talk guy. Nothing more

Exactly. I'm fucking sick of these douchebags that make their brand to troll. That nero guy that he's always retweeting is the same way. Oh a gay conservative troll. How edgy.

Wow the same cast of characters making the same observations, again.


That's why it's hard for me to take him seriously. I think he makes good points at times but he tries so hard to be contrarian that it makes him kind of boring.

I'm a fan of his, but yeah, this is totally accurate.

I think he means he's agnostic(undecided) in terms of whatever they're discussing. Who would have thought that context matters... But I guess the sub will eat it up 'cause it supports their want to dislike Gavin.

Exactly what he means. This thread is HuffPost gotcha worthy.

he's clearly using the word agnostic instead of neutral like some kind of retard

Does this count as the Gavin McInness video of the day?

I don't know his own religious values, but I do know people that attend regular Catholic mass and consider themselves agnostic.

My experience with agnostics is that they generally do believe in God - they just don't consider themselves Catholic, Protestant, etc.

I think by definition an agnostic doesn't believe in any God, because there is no proof that one exists. They just don't actively NOT believe in God.

It means that they don't think it's really possible to know if God exists or not. Agnosticism is not an uncommon trait in Christians.

It's kind of splitting the difference. Most atheists will readily admit that they don't know if any God exists. They just don't believe any evidence is around to support it. I see no reason for calling yourself agnostic, atheism pretty much covers it.

Yup. Agnosticism is pretty much the overlap on the religious belief Venn diagram.


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He said he's agnostic(which means not knowing) on the issue of Obama's birth certificate. Nothing to do with his religion, this post is retarded.

Time: 18:56



What is so great about him? Because he says nigger on the Anthony Cumia Network? He said that he became religious again because he saw his sons heel....what the fuck does that mean? He panders to conservatives and says shit to make people uncomfortable. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

he gives his opinion on things and can be funny about it. if you see anything else there you just disagree with him. but some people dont.