Chip Chipperson Show focus group

153  2016-03-01 by IrsaysLiver


Hahaha. This is pretty great

The audio was very well mixed.

Someone we know could learn a thing or two from this guy.

I spent about 20 minutes on the whole thing.

$80,000 dollars you say?

You should've kept in the part where he urges her to destroy it

Too much work involved.

Looks like longer than Jim spent on the cartoon.



Oh look, someone hung their picnic basket from a tree with a noose. I can think of a better use for that.

oh snap

I was expecting George C Scott yelling, "turn it off"!

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What movie?

I think its from the movie or a documentary about the 'Grizzly Man' and the tape is the audio of him actually being killed by bears.

Looks a bit like someone we know.


Haha! No- without the tits, it's him! Hahaha!!!

One tit goes this way, the other that way.

And the bears busy eatin him goin "whaddya want from me?"

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check out the grizzlies, maaahn

I liked him more in Dumb and Dumber.

And not a steve c reference to be found. the world has truly moved on from the old show.

Probably the most predictable death ever.

Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man.

Werner Herzog (the German guy and director with the headphones on) is listening to the audio when Timothy Treadwell is mauled my Grizzlies. The woman is an ex lover of Timothy's who has the tape.

And no, there is no audio or video of the mauling. It's reported to have been destroyed.

there is no audio or video of the mauling. It's reported to have been destroyed

Yet another lesson Jim can learn from this.

This is apparently the audio of the bear maul attack. I wouldn't listen to it. It's almost as bad as the cartoon

Fake and gay.

I hate Timothy Treadwell and I'm glad he's dead

at least i can cum to this

I don't remember the name... isn't this some guy listening to the audio of a murder or something?

It's actually a bear eating a couple alive.

That's some brave shit from Herzog. Hearing shit like that must scar you for life.

Calm down Auntie

lol, holy shit yes I remember now. What a crazy doc.

A couple of what?

A couple, as in a man and a woman. The man was being eaten as the woman was screaming and hitting the bear with a frying pan. The bear eventually got her and ate her too.

Hey, it's literal ThrowThrow117.


Haha. Dude, so many morons around one can't be sure what's a real question or not.

Tru dat.

All our photoshop masterpieces are trampled underfoot by this plump, juicy piece of genius.

That's great. But I actually laughed harder when I saw that scene in theatres. I like Herzog a lot but there is something about the way he shows how horrifying it is and how great he is for not showing it to us, mixed with ihs accent and sensibilities, that was just really really funny.

facking hilarious, irsaysliver.

Nice one, IrsaysLiver. This will be the funniest thing to come out of Norton's shitty project.

can we get george c scott one?

Perfectly sums up my exact reaction.

well done

thanks brah.

I'm shocked he even released it. I would be really, really embarrassed to release this.

"I vould razzer leesen to a man being eat by a bear zan hear dees again. Vy... Vy is zee goblin farting zo much?"

Ironically, it would take a Canadians level of cupidity to enjoy the Chip show.

Opie must love it.

Ah another American taking uninformed shots at Canadians. Hillarious Chip.

I tried sarcasm a few times in Canada. Never again.

The blinking was audible.

You should come back and try suicide, we would appreciate that more.

I was going to give you a downvote for being a humorless Canadian, but then I read your screen name and you won me over.

If I lived there it'd be a moot point by aboot now.

That's where my downvotes come from. From Canada. You humorless fucks ruin everything that catches your eye online. You passive aggressive douche-bags. Fucking die, already.

I tried sarcasm a few times in Canada. Never again.

The blinking was audible.