We've Come Full Circle Folks: O&J Support Bob Nelson

7  2016-03-01 by PeteFo

Added bonus: Jim says civilians "dont know what hack means".


Did he use the word "civilians"?
He's not a fucking marine, he tells dick jokes.

He said: "Stop trying to use the words comedians use". In his baby boy voice of course.


Hes completely seperate from the everyman, but not in the way hes sees himself. He thinks hes reached some sort of fame and interesting reality, when in reality hes just out of touch with his fans and other humans in general.

I think we should take comedians up on this. Us civilians should stop using words like hack and act like we understand the craft of comedy because we don't do it for a living. I am totally fine with that.

In return, I want every single comedian to stop making jokes about things they never did. So unless they were politicians previously, no more jokes about politics. Unless they were chefs, no jokes about food. No jokes about acting, working a 9-5 job, getting up early for work, being married with kids, television, video games, sports, whatever. Their material is limited to the craft of comedy itself and nothing else. Fair trade off, I say.

Most comedians or people in show business.

Even the beloved Patrice

Jim doesn't know what "hack" means. He's demonstrated that fact time and again over the years

The entire Chip comedy is by definition, hack

Sounds like something a baby boy civilian would say.

Jim doesn't understand Chip either. Ironic really

Did Jim REALLY say that?

Wow, Kurt really does write for Jim.

I opened for Bob Nelson. He was sort of a jerk. A born again Christian. Made fun of me and the other opener for "writing jokes" (he used a gigantic pencil to mock us, not kidding). He sold like 10 tickets, charged like 4 grand and me and the other opener didn't get paid because the show was such a failure and Bob took all the money. Very Christian to stiff your opening acts. This was like 5 or 6 years ago, I do not like Bob Nelson. His act was a turd escaping from the pant leg of a cancerous hobo.


It was a now closed club called SOTP in N Attleboro, MA.

Thank you for your service Jim.

- a civilian

Is he related to PauL R Nelson

The guy who does the same football bit since the 80s?

Rofl, he has been sitting across from a nimrod who misuses that term on a regular basis for over a decade.

Saget said civilians too. They were talking about non comics using comic terms- Opie proceeds to say that Bob Nelson had 'strong' material and Jim says Alfred Molina had a 'cameo' in boogie nights which Saget then corrected him on. Then Opie drops in 'where are you at on the oscar diversity' thing. Again, the only reason you ask that is because you're PRAYING that Saget shits out a viral quote your dirty bird name can then be attached to, which would be terrible for Saget and great for Opie. TL:DR said lets see what Opie is like, havent listened in many months, was not disappointed.



It was a now closed club called SOTP in N Attleboro, MA.