Jim's voice acting was actually really good

0  2016-03-01 by okconsumer

Despite the shit content that was produced, I though Jim's voice acting was pretty good. I hope he gets other non-Chip Show related voice work.


He does voice acting 4 hours a day. He acts like he doesn't hate his co-host Monday through Thursday.

Blinky McBlink Fuck should only do voice work. On top of not being a visual treat, the nerves constantly firing in his eye lids is incredibly irritating.

Also he should have someone write for him other than his bum ex-girlfriend

I was under the impression that Kenny may have written those episodes

At the end, the two credited writers are Jim and Jenny

Jim in a Disney film as a creepy uncle would be great

I like his voices, but thought they were more subdued in the cartoon vs on the radio.

Because Ted Scheckler makes his widdle throat hurt.

Have you actually tried to do Ted? It's fucking painful.

It certainly can be, but voice actors usually learn how to get the voice down without straining the throat. Gotta use dat diaphragm.


A guy that talks into a microphone all day and night was good at talking?

Even ignoring the content of what's being said, Opie is terrible at speaking on a technical level.

Truer words were never spoken.

He barely even did the character voices.