[Meta] This sub has one of the highest comment to subscriber ratios I've seen across reddit

63  2016-03-01 by TotallyNotObsi

It's really something. With a subscriber base of only 13k readers, the top stickied post currently on the sub got 900+ comments in just two days.

Plus Chip cartoon thread has 300+ comments in less than a day. Subreddits with far greater subscriber counts will rarely get over 200 comments even in very successful threads.

And most other half decent posts get at least 10 or more comments.

Folks, we're a true powerhouse with a dedicated fanbase. The moderators love the direction of this sub.


And it's all thanks to downvoting posts like these.

From your lips, to god's ears.

From your pekka to queers rears.

double fuckin guns. home run knicker hater

I know

I'm parallel thinking that one for later.

How about the fact that Jimmy Norton comes to this sub pretty often, and admits to enjoying it. Although Jim gets trashed here pretty regularly, I would guess most of us would be flattered if Jim Norton thought any of us were funny. Anthony Cumia from OPIE & ANTHONY comes here to read about himself, and occasionally project his problems on us. I know we all hate Kurt Metzger at the moment, but he is becoming a bigger name in comedy & he still can't shut up about this place. Ronnie B and his staff have talked about stuff discussed here, which is hilarious. It's a strange sub-Reddit, the numbers do still surprise me though.


cool it brown noser


fuck yah i'd be flattered

what r ya, a piece of shit someone stepped on or sumthin?

What are ya Sharon Osbourne's breasts or sumthin?

Jimmy's great but you have to expect a human log ride to do some cringey shit from time to time.

The correct term is 15 yard penalty.





And at least 400 accounts are Benjamin's so it's almost 100% participation

Ironically if they were doing a good show(s) it would be 1/3 to 1/4 of that.

Yeah, the "hey wasn't that great?" posts don't incite much participation.

Very true sir. We have some real losers here!

do you still stalk Opie?

we all do, faggot

making fun of him on twitter doesn't constitute stalking lol

Well then why'd you ask?

I don't get it

That's what Foot does, bother him on twitter, yet then you say that doesn't constitute stalking.

You're thinking of FootThingOnHisFoot, which is BaldOpie, I think this guy is Ben Sparks, is it not?

Ah, true, I thought that was BaldOpie. I think this character is benjamin72, could be Ben Sparks.

Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet.

Gobble gobble

Aww... :(

It's a wild subreddit.

I was told to downvote this post so I did.

this sub is a living, breathing, organism of destruction

Compare the comment to subscriber numbers on some other more popular subreddits for yourself:




Heard you the first time champ. You've already sold me and I'm never gonna check.

Appreciate the effort but stop doubting yourself and you may yet make it out of here and into a vagina.

Let it go!

Like Gabe at the beginning of Cliffhanger?

Agreed, she wasn't worth saving. A 6 at best.

Good call.


Let it go!

" no buddy! It was you, who dropped it. "

Merle always was a charmer.

Leave it alone.

Don't tell me what to do

Yeah comparing this sub to Sterns makes it look pretty bad.

Tsss...yeah coz it's like a 6'7" long or sumpthin

Tsss...yeah why not to port or sumpthin

i liked the second one chip


Knickahs is fawkin zooted or sumthin.

Fuck yeah! Let's get nautical.

subs . . what is he Jared Fogel'r sumpn?

Subscribership means nothing if no one is active, there are Subs with 10x as many subscribers but a fraction of active users compared to us.

It means everything.


everything means nothing to me

It's like there's 50 or so cocksuckers doing a comedy writing workshop around the clock and about 100 trolls-a-trolling that facilitate it.

That's really interesting thanks for letting us know!

Shut up!

can i tell you my favorite Matt Dillon story really briefly?


shutup stupid

Louie beans.

we're a true powerhouse with a dedicated fanbase.

Or ya know, a bunch of assholes with too much free time.



that's funny fanbase


We are good eggs.

I came.

Yay pudding

Love the numbers.

Big whoop.

I'm very good at logging onto 50 throwaway accounts.

Another thing to note; for being the most "toxic" sub, being the most "negative" sub, it's the one sub I get the most karma from..

Obviously won't be the case for this post, but I am just pointing it out.

edit: -7 only? thought it would be more you shit cunts

It's the truth told in a mean hurtful way.

O&A posters giving out free upvotes like Obama handing out free money in Detroit!

From your pekka to queers rears.

I know