Bonnie Mcfarlane on Doug Benson's Youtube Weed Show

0  2016-03-01 by ShabazzJenkins


This show is boring as fuck

Doug Benson is an awful host. There's no flow to his show and he stinks at holding a conversation. Legion of Skanks is the best show about stand-ups getting stoned and shooting the shit because they don't make a big deal about it. Benson's weed shtick ran its course.

The first time I saw him on LOS, he appeared totally sober until the subject of weed came up. And from there he spent the rest of the show doing his best Breuer impression.

LoS just gives this show a run for its money. They hardly ever mention , you can only see them pass a bowl if you watch the video. If you do it daily then why is it such a big deal and why do you have to mention it every four seconds DUDE WEED LMAO!

Duuuuudddddeeeeee. Weed.

Benson sucks too much for me to want to watch this.

I was going to watch then I saw Todd Glass. He takes over every episode he's on and fucks up the conversation.

Her being on this show is surprising since Rich and Bonnie have a teenage daughter and Rich is a sober guy. Bonnie gets down.

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I have no idea how Doug Benson amassed a fan base. This man is terribly unfunny and a complete bore. He is the worst comedian I've ever seen perform.

Another shitty generic podcast. I can't tell these idiots apart.


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