Who gets paid the most and least on TACS?

0  2016-02-29 by Lilcumia

  • Gavin
  • ESD
  • Pat Dixon
  • Legion of Skanks
  • Mike Finioa
  • Dave Smith

In that order


Luis Gomez pays Ant $50 per episode to be on the air

Anthony since he's bankrolling the massive losses of his network every month.

Why do you give a shit? Boring.

Now do dick sizes.

Gavin is a fool. He was forced out of Vice right before they started doing documenchries. jajajaja

I agree that Gavin stinks but I also think he's actually the biggest draw to TACN. /pol/ is absolutely infatuated with him and there are people on there that actually pay for the network just for his show.

Does /pol/ not believe in torrents anymore?

There's just as much reason to believe Gavin was stunting Vice's growth. He was a right-wing blowhard even back then but Vice's demographic is left-wing hipsters. The TL;DR for that link is a quote from Shane Smith:

"Gavin liked to push buttons, and he got a lot of personal notoriety for dealing with race issues," says Smith. "This is not what we're about, it's never what we've been about, and it's not the way we want to go."

Im filled with pride not recognizing some of those names

How does anyone that doesnt inexplicably like it still subscribe to that shit? How do you force youself to pay attention? If there is a real answer here I am very curious to hear it.

Regardless of who gets paid the most, Everyone loses. including the listeners.

1) Gavin 2) LoS 3) Dixon 4) ESD 5) Finioa

Bottom 3 are probably close.

Here's how I figure it -

1) Gavin get the most because he's got an established fanbase draw from. Also Anthony's comfortable with him, they both have a mutual admiration thing going on. He was also hired early on when Cumia might have been looser with the purse strings. Also Gavin doesn't have a big crew.

2) LoS - Early hires. But there's three of them. I can't see Jay douching Luis and Dave out of money, so it's probably an even split between all of them. Luis and Dave called it "help pay the rent" type money, so it's probably not huge. Also, they retain the rights to one of the two episodes they put out, so that might devalue them a bit to Cumia. And they have a decent sized crew, so I bet they pay for any incidentals themselves.

3) Dixon was probably a LoS recommendation. His podcast is good, but LoS was/is the bigger podcast. Dixon also I think has a similar deal to the Skanks in that he does a separate free episode under his own brand. So Cumia probably got a deal on him.

4) ESD got kicked around by Sirius so much that I bet he's happy to be paid to broadcast anywhere. He mentioned $200 an episode, so this is a cheap hire for Cumia.

5) Finoia is Jay's roomate, and I like him, but he's pretty unknown, so I can't see him making big bucks. He and Cumia get along well too.

I thought that a couple weeks ago, someone on here said that he signed Bob Levy? I'm glad that was a joke!

The other day on the now epic battle with Anthony, a couple people on here said something to the extent of "You only have 792 Subs" How does anyone know that?

He's probably getting low thousands. But it's unlikely to grow much more unless there are serious changes.

lol if thats true, He'd only be getting 5544 a month, and thats IF all of the subs where month by month

I guess I should have done the math before I asked.

I guess I should have done the math before I asked.