Happy Lasagna Hair Leap Day!

127  2016-02-29 by Peter_______________


You did a better job with those individually placed noodles, than they did with his individually placed follicles.

Hahahah LOL that's such a good joke, individually placed folicles LOL, I wish that joke came up in every single Anthony post.

Hi Tony :)!!!!

it would be better if they said he was black/middle eastern at every single opportunity. I dont think I would ever stop laughing!!

Its actually an improvement over that Brillo pad head of fake hair made up of shaved Arab pubes that he sports in real life.

For some reason, lasagna makes him look less of a creepy pedo.

"Gee your hair smells delicious."

The splat of sauce on his forehead adds to the realism. Bravo.

It took me a while to notice that because the lasagna blends seamlessly with his skin texture.

Hey! For once his hair makes me feel like I wouldn't mind eating something instead of reminding me of scrubbing pots.

He looks more dignified.

More realstic then the re-planted taint hair he has on there now.


Sidebar pic, please

Somehow this is the most racist thing I've seen on this sub so far.

jeez anthony looked rougher than normal in this mugshot

It truly is a wonderful time of 4 years

That lasagna is going to drip down into the herpes and spoil.

I'm gonna submit this to my fav website he would fit right in



Is this the beginning of the transition?

Cops better check that lasagna wig for a hidden gun that he does not deserve to own anymore.

Hahahah LOL that's such a good joke, individually placed folicles LOL, I wish that joke came up in every single Anthony post.