What are Jim Norton's worst all-time (wormy) on-air moments??

10  2016-02-29 by Moveinslience



Giving Schumer his platform to lie about stealing jokes.


Oh no no, she didn't tweet it out though.

Oh literal cakehornnigga

Repaid him with her talent - by guest starring in Episode 2. Uuuycck. She fucking stinks.

Either the Brock Lesner/Norm incident or the time he stopped following everyone on Twitter like a junior high school girl and Colin called him out on it.

That, or any time any caller as some off comment about him and he immediately gets incredibly defensive, calling the caller a bitch boy

Like the spitting incident

Spitting incident?


jim kicked norm macdonald out of the studio so he can get a picture with lenser



Don't have a time stamp because I'm a lazy fuck

wha the fuck is a 'lenser'? Also I would like some audio if you've got it.

  1. Jimmy arguing with Stanhope about AA.
  2. Jimmy arguing with Ant about the Black Panthers at a voting station.
  3. Every time he condescendingly calls someone an alcoholic. We get it Jim, you're a subject matter expert.

he was right about the black panthers thing, no level-headed person would be intimidated by that. interference with the voting process gets you thrown in jail real quick. i'm right there with you on anything related to alcohol, though. when it comes to that stuff he's a boob.

Authoring a 5,000 word screed on Facebook about some dried up crone celebrity who didn't pose for a picture with Lord Norton.

hey man, when you feel that inspiration coming on you just gotta let is flow through you, stream of consciousness like Kerouac style.

The 9-11 walkover where he kept calling some guy a "Baby Boy" because he lacks enough knowledge to argue rationally

edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Eur0b73pk @ 1:50

"...Why are you calling me a boy? I'm 31 years old."

Such a condescending faggot thing to say.


My favorite part is Opie's weird emotional outburst around 1:25

"Don't fuck with me, trust me."

Nah, the Opster was just looking out for the guy. He's one phone call away from calling in a favor from his old mob buddies from his caddying days. That dude is lucky he even got a warning.

Have you even seen the way those Philly guys raise the roof? Would you want that coming after you?!

Yeah Joey Paisano in the heart of Little Italy will come and smack 'em up

You don't even fffffooockin' KNOW what I think about 9/11, you aaaeessss!!!

trrchhrust ME:

Reminds me of this:http://tinyurl.com/o8247zd Starts to get heated around 4:30.

We shouldnt condecend to moron truthers?

Pretty sure that was the point.

What? the childish "gatekeeper" conspiracy talk or the man telling the child what he is?

That's infuriating. Little Jimmy can only talk like that in this sort of setting or with Kenny hulking over his shoulder. The guy probably walked away so he wouldn't punch or strangle him.

A 28 year old who believes that shit and uses nothing but logical fallacies IS a child. You seriously cant hate jim more than that fucking THING with his superiority complex

It sounds like you've gotten into it with 9/11 truthers in the past. I don't really care about them, they are stupid, but it seems like something that has pretty much died out anyways. I'm sure I'd get pissed off if I actually argued with one.

No he walked away because he had no argument because jim is 100 percent right about truthers


i just re listened to that and if you listen to the whole clip jim and anthony both gave that guy a LOT of rational arguments. he only resorted to the baby boy horseshit when the guy absolutely refused for the sixtieth time in a row to have a discussion like a reasonable human being instead of insulting them for being sheep based off of arguments he can't even begin to defend.

unfortunate fucking example dude. if you listened to the whole argument and your take away was that NORTON was the one who couldn't argue rationally then your weird agenda is blinding you to the point of fucking psychosis.

the bearded 911 kid was the complete real life embodiment of what you're accusing jim of being. he literally has nothing but condescending 'ohh baby boy!' type arguments from start to finish. i'm gonna assume you either haven't listened to the whole thing or haven't heard it in a long time.

Were you listening to the truther child? He was talking in circles and using that fucking terminology like "gatekeeper" Are you really taking his side over jims?

Those Hipster NY faggots are wastes of life, but what Jim was doing was equally cringeworthy.

I dont agree only because he was pushed to it. Have you debated a truther? Its like arguing with an 11 year old hyper kid. Im on jims side here... hes only human...and they ARE children

You are an asshole if youll take sides with a truther

It's not the best way to carry yourself but let's not pretend that guy wasn't a grown baby, and that Jimmy somehow didn't apply logic and understanding to that argument better than the manchild who huffed and ran off did.


  • schumer defense
  • twitter unfollowing (probably the worst one. colin destroyed him)
  • not getting celebrity pics (multiple occurrences)
  • getting below-par customer service (multiple occurrences)
  • chasing a 'stolen' bus
  • Jocktobering for years but cant take any self-criticism (all 3 of them)
  • changing his accent when talking to ozzy

Ah, c'mon man. That Chasing the Stolen Bus story was gold. So was when the idiot called the cops to report black ice....the rest though you are spot on with.

Jimmy and Steve C trashing Gene Simmons because

  1. He didn't want to stop and chat with fat necked Jim in the BATHROOM
  2. He didn't stop outside the bathroom and thank Jim for having him on the O&A Radio show once before.
  3. He went about his business and didn't have a lengthy conversation with Steve C, even after Steve explained he worked on a radio show Gene was on one time in the past.


Hate Gene Simmons, but holy fuck are these cocksuckers entitled. Direct quote:

He was walking into the bathroom, I was the first one out. I said "oh, hey Gene Simmons!" he said "hey, how ya doing." As Jimmy came out we waited, we were gonna talk to him. And it was just SO god damn dismissive and condescending. And we totally explained who we were, EXACTLY who we were. Mentioned the fact he had been on the show, we JUST wanted to talk to him! And he just -- and his response was "That's nice. That's nice, I have to go." - Steve C

Then Jimmy adds the end of the story where Gene was in a rush. Jim begged for a photo, Gene said "you can walk with me if you want" and the photo didn't come out good because they were walking.

ALL HE HAD TO DO - was stop. For ONE second, and he wouldn't stop or look at me, so FUCK you, Gene. - Jimmy

E m b a r r a s s i n g

These idiots didn't for 1 second consider maybe Gene was in a hurry and had somewhere to go, and maybe he was weirded out and put off a lot by the fact that these fat adult men confronted him in the bathroom, WAITED FOR HIM OUTSIDE, and then followed him begging him to stop and pay them attention, and take photos with them, and chat with them for a lengthy extended conversation just because their professional paths crossed ONCE.

EDIT: I posted all this before finishing the clip. Apparently this all happened after Gene had only done a phoner. Jimmy ranted to Steve about it after it happened for three hours.

I fucking love it when stars refuse to sign things or be bothered by these so called "fans."

Check out Bill Burr refusing to sign something for some entitled asshole in Newport Rhode Island:


Famous people are just people- get over it.

I would be happy to meet Bob Dylan or Neil Young. If they said "you can walk with me" I would be honored. I'd feel like a complete creep begging for a signed pic. Value the person not your little bullshit memento. If that is what you want from your supposed hero then you are not a true fan. You're a creep with a mental illness.

I attended the Culinary Institute of America directly after high school, and before I decided that cooking was for alcoholic coked up cuckolds and transferred schools, I got to meet Billy Joel.

I had left class early and stopped into their tiny bookstore and there stood Billy Joel. Being a stupid 18 year old, I said "holy shit, you're Billy Joel" and he said "Yup, and who are you?"

We ended up talking for five minutes and he dominated the conversation, mostly asking me why I liked cooking and how I liked the school. He was there with his (now ex) wife eating dinner. After we went back and forth for a short time we shook hands and parted. Why? Because that was enough...

I always cringe at people who "need" a picture or autograph. Fuck you. Jimmy makes me criiinnggeee.

Excellently put. I always laughed when Louis C.K. explained that he doesn't take pictures, and he's been famous for less than 8 years, not 40 like poor old Gene.

When he didn't get preferential treatment from the NYPD....


Any time he gets in rants about customer service or anything like that, it always becomes obvious he was lucky his parents let him live at home for free until 30 and then Florentine helped him out with cheap rent so he could work on his stand-up career. He kind of acts like he knows how everyone's job works (like when he yells at Roland or something for not getting a guest or an intern) when its obvious he doesn't get it.

Also him blaming the mentally ill for a lot of stuff and his weird anger at them, even for like minor OCD stuff, because even he admits he's viewed as pretty crazy.

Jimmy couldn't handle alcohol and lived with his parents until he was 30... Why's he got an advice show?

a "comic", a faggot, an unlicensed forklift operator

Removing all of his friends from twitter.

Sharing his banana with Gene Simmons.

I missed this one, wha happen?

he shared his banana with Gene Simmons

shared it where? theyre fuckin poopers or somethin?

Came here to say this. Such a femme worm.

Ouch. He was really awkward, grovelling and pathetic there. Getting one thing signed is fine. When you go for the second thing it gets a little creepy. I was just hoping to god he wouldn't go for a third thing after Malcolm was like "I've got to go." Did Jim even say thank you at the end? Malcolm was cool with it and almost wanted to talk about the poster a bit but Jim was was nervous like a little faggot.

Am I dreaming or did Jim not rant for ages after this that he didn't know why the fuck he wrote ''Viddy well!'' on it?

And he gave Erock shit for getting things signed for his young family members and THE SHOW!

"I think she just wanted to end things because my past was too much for her"

I cringed when he called Chris Hansen a hack. It wasn't Jim's worse moment, but it showed that he had no idea what the word meant.

Dateline Chris Hansen? When the hell did this happen?

It should be in one of these Youtube clips

Ouch, that was cringeworthy. Dafuq Jim.

The Nic Cage plane ride.

Granted, he made it funny, but the thought of Jim sitting next to Nic for 6 hours on a flight, shuffling around, figuring out ways to talk to him, is so god damn pathetic.

When he shits on good music and actors. He says these things like there facts.

The clip where he shits on Joaquin Phoenix and saying that he just whispers to make it seem like he's acting well. Ok jimmy, you tell a two time academy award nominee what makes a good actor.

He also has this seemingly fake LOVE of great films; he defends Kubrick movies like he defends Black Sabbath. Nothing is as good as them.

He was shitting on The Who one time, and his entire argument was just him saying the lyrics in a dumb voice

and don't forget, he accused U2 of stealing Sunday Bloody Sunday from Black Sabbath's Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Shawshank Redemption is overrated but oh, how he marvels at Escape from Alcatraz.

Whenever Jim talks about music. His knowledge of music is pathetic. Teenage girls know more about classic rock.

Anytime he's spouting his thoughts & theories instead of a quick comeback line to something someone has said.

when he wished death upon that lady who went to Africa and killed a lion, when he doesn't dare to say anything to Donald Trump Jr., or he wouldn't dare say anything to Brock Lesnar, or he didn't say anything to Jim Breuer when he said he took his family to Africa and had armed guards outside their tent to shoot any animals that came near

In this clip where he calls a caller "baby boy" a million times. One of the "baby boys" was especially infuriating, as if he won the argument just by saying it.

Edit: it was the "baby boy" at 12:07.

This is pretty great example of the stark difference between Jim and Louis CK and why they're where they're at in their careers. Jim comes off like a fucking absolute moron here. Even Opie comes out better than Norton here!

When he came into the studio foaming at the mouth with rage at the NYPD detective for something but refused to tell anyone what exactly he was mad over. He went on for at least 15 minutes but didnt give word one about what he was mad over exactly. it was ridiculous.