Dennis Hopper gingerly expounds to Anthony about his family tree.

26  2016-02-29 by ElegantLordOTheManor


still one of the best scenes of all-time

Yes I've scene it many times.



Ohhhh cause Anthony is Sicilian too! I get it, man that's hilarious, can't believe no one ever put the two together! Good find!! Bravo sir!

Woah there, pal.

Using a hate site to debunk something makes you look stupid.

Then again this is the Opie & Anthony.subbreddit, so you'll skate with it.

Excuse me, sir, but I believe you may be lost...

The TACS subreddit is that way -------->

I, too, can link something from a hate site that supports my point of view. Have you heard that Sandy Hook was a hoax?

Have you heard Tarantino loves black cock?

I heard he loves feet, but I can't confirm.

hahaha, I have no idea if the true romance scene is true or not, but you cant use a site called "chimpmania" as a reputable source either way. come on, man! i shoudlnt have to tell you that.