This sub is a complete mind fuck.

1  2016-02-29 by NortheastPhilly

This sub changes the way I look at the show. Things can seem one way, and become totally opposite in 1 weeks time. I don't know what to think anymore. I'm beginning to question my own existence.


Questioning your own existence is the first step toward ending it.

OP should follow his instinct and swallow the pills, the pussy way to commit suicide, unless youre a DR you dont know how many pills will do the trick. I say to OP better to be safe than sorry.

If I wanted to kill myself I would at least get the job done. Unlike Norton the wrist slasher

Be careful, you get a beer or two into the Worm and wacky and crazy things start happening!!!

I know man. It's crazy!

What show?

So, you're saying this sub is affecting your life?

just the way I see the show


outside of here, you've probably only seen me in burr

OP should follow his instinct and swallow the pills, the pussy way to commit suicide, unless youre a DR you dont know how many pills will do the trick. I say to OP better to be safe than sorry.