"The Anthony Cumia Show" is an anagram for "Ant, Why Is He A Homo Cunt?"

171  2016-02-28 by justbabbling


This post confirms that everyone on this sub is autistic. Good observation though.

What, do you think we all make paintin's or sumptin?

623 matchsticks...

"97x. BAM! The future of rock 'n roll.............97x. BAM! The future of rock 'n roll.............97x. BAM! The future of rock 'n roll........"

Obviously he planned it that way. Him and his buddies would laugh and laugh because we didn't figure it out until just now

We did it guys.

Maybe change the comma to a colon so it doesn't sound like you're asking ant about someone else

You just love colons don't you


Good point, but I can't edit the title.

I'm not going to check... I'll just take your word for it.

Of course it is. We noticed the first time it was announced, as we do with all new phrases.

Thanks for sharing.

Orangutans are the best overall Monkey in the world.

Orangutans aren't monkeys... I think.

not bad, but mine's a lot better: "How's the Anthony Cumia?"

I like this.

Wonder did Ant ever fix that error where people could literally steal shows after unsubscribing from the TACS?

"Steal" implies worth.


Where did the W come from?

EDIT: I'm retarded


EDIT: I'm retarded

Already acknowledged


This is what Joe Cumia Sr. would say to Anthony's mom.

I'm waiting for everyone to start running the anagram gravy train with everyone's name and run this to the ground.

Fuck me you are right, good catch.

Maybe you should have interviewed Bill Nye.




No comma or question mark

That's not how anagrams work, dipshit.

This post made me realize this forum is dead and irrelevant..so is the show :(

I kinda liked this post actually

Yes, I also guffawed.

I like this forum because I learn new words like "guffawed" here

and "also"