Did Sam just post a photo of him and his wife on Instagram?

2  2016-02-28 by greygooser


What's up with that stupid fucking incredulous face he's making?

'Whoa we're eating at a restaurant, this is so whacky and crazy'

it's probably hard to know what to do with your face in pictures when you've spent your whole life avoiding your reflection. he's moving his facial muscles in a new way every time hoping to finally turn the phone around and not see a picture of a cavewoman staring back.



I don't know If Sam is just going bald but it looks like he's back on human growth hormone. He's getting that Joe Rogan cannonball head and his jaw does not look like it did in pictures from 2012. I think the boys juicing

You don't think Sam's quirky,ironic faces are GOOD?


Wednesday Addams haircut isn't very becoming.

Neither is Sam's Doc Brown.

Of course the grown man that eats chicken nuggets would order a plain cheese pizza.

what is wrong with a plain cheese pizza?

Nothing, if you have the palate of an eight year old.

I get that sam eats childish foods like fishsticks and chicken nuggets but come on is it really time to make fun of someone because their pizza doesnt have toppings on it?

Can't afford topping on that night time salary.

I didnt even know people could be pretentious over pizza toppings. I'm sure youre a rather large gentleman.

Yeah having adult tastebuds must make me a larger gentleman nice logic faggot.


you have a snotty pretentious attitude about pizza, dude. and that people that eat it without your favorite toppings are below you. that is not a point in life that someone in shape comes to.

You getting so upset over someone insulting your favorite kind of pizza shows exactly the kind of morbidly obese loser you are. The fact you had to irrelevantly bring up my weight tells me you're the real fatty here.

So upset? It's just getting ridiculous how little the things to make fun of these people can be. I've never heard anyone have such pretentious opinions on the food other people eat except for Roland. And the whole "you said it first so its actually you" is overused and pointless.

Well this isn't the first time you have brought up weight when trying to argue with someone on reddit. It's not even the first time you done it with me. You're obviously an insecure fat cunt that fixates on the weight of others because you're an obese loser. Which would explain why you love fantasy football so much because it's the closest you can get to playing sport without dying from a heart attack.

what!? I honestly think you have me confused with someone else. I mean, youve obviously done your research, but I can't even think of another time I have called someone fat on the internet for no reason, until I discovered someone being pretentious about pizza. I have never fixated on the weight of others, and if you really think you have this figured out, youre gonna have to accept youre wrong. I have been average/skinny my entire life and if youre going to use that way of thinking to make judgements in the future I just think you should know and accept that you are entirely wrong.

and how often do you think it is for adult people to play sports? I do a bunch of shit for physical activity, but yeah you got me, I dont play in a heck of a lot of football games. What are you the local football hero?

No you did this the last time you tried to start an argument with me on here. You brought up my weight despite it having nothing to do with what we were talking about. And then you kept replying to me because I clearly embarrassed you and were desperately trying to get the last word in to feel like you had won. You are a predictable loser.

what the fuck? I dont remember that happening at ALL and if it did its either an extreme coincidence or you just have a fat air about you because I can remember ONE time in my internet history where someone said it to me randomly so I said it back to them. I think it's a stupid anonymous insult when neither side is going to prove it either way, anyway. other than that I have not pointlessly brought up someones weight in my entire years on reddit, and if you can find it, because it looks like youve been doing your research anyway, I'd be amazed. you can go through my 3 years of post history though and you will not find it once.

Well I have you tagged as "baby - calls people fat" and remember you doing it. Unluckily for you post history don't save past 6 months so you can't prove me wrong. But considering you've done it again is proof enough to show what a repetitive dunce you are.

you'd think you'd be able to find ONE example. 6 months is a pretty long time, especially for such allegedly repetitive behavior. but it's fine. I'm sorry you feel that way. It's unfortunate, though, I would been really curious as to what you were talking about.

You're clearly a faggot that has to turn every time you're called out into a pages long discussion so i'll just leave your pathetic responses ignored now because you obviously have nothing to offer besides denying your shithead behavior.

Come on K1bbler it really is just a fucking pizza.

called out? your stance was a bit Roland-esque and I was giving you a little ribbing over it. I didnt know it would escalate into that. And this can end, sure, but if you ever happen to run into an example of me being a baby that calls people fat all the time feel free to get it to me. PM, make a thread, whatever you want, and I'll accept it with open arms, and no hard feelings :). Welp, toodaloo.


since when is pepperoni considered an adult food?

I enjoyed that.

I bet he had a half-slice and drank cokes until the calorie count got a little high and then switched to seltzer

In that clip where Sam almost makes Chip cry, one of Chip's comebacks is "Oh yeah, lookit yahr fuckin' Schweppes." And Sam replies "What? This is a sparkling water."

He was drinking basically flavorless carbonated water.

He really is the emasculated, milquetoast fuddy his mommy raised him to be

I know the one on the left is Cathy Kelley, but from the pics I've seen of Jess that could be her next to Sammy.

PS I know I am a huge creep but I'm just surprised he actually posted a pic with her after all these years.

Thats Jess. She's a good egg for marrying our Sammi.

Thank you for introducing me to Cathy Kelley.

I know what I'm masturbating to in the dark tonight.

Sam and his wife better be tag teaming these random hot whores that hang around him; or else he's a faggot.

Sam would be perfect to play Ron Perlman's character if they made a prequel to The Quest for Fire.

sam has a large no lip mouth

I thought Jess was supposed to be hot? Or is she trying to look like an Arab immigrant?

No need for a @BaldSam account...he should graft his unibrow onto his forehead.

She either let herself go or this is a bad picture of her.

Can you imagine being wed to a twinky man-child who still obsesses over wrestling and "action figures"? She's probably given up.

if thats her then yeah it looks like it

So Frumpty and Dumbty are back together again!?

I don't care I just wanted to say she's a frump and he looks as if Christian Bale was in a homemade version of Planet of the Apes

I bet he had a half-slice and drank cokes until the calorie count got a little high and then switched to seltzer

what is wrong with a plain cheese pizza?