Monday on TACS...

21  2016-02-27 by dejavu4thedead

Oh boy, I hope Ant doesn't read us the riot act!


You know we all love a good laugh, but sometimes there's a limit, heh heh heh. What's the end game with these people? heh heh heh. You know.. these redditards are just taking it too far.

Pffffff... I don't know heh heh heh.

You just won

joe devito!

He's not going to say shit, which is why he always pulls this on a weekend when there isn't a show for a couple days.

But if he does, someone better be recording it.

he records it.

What I meant was, some hopeless soul could put a clip on vidme or something.

just goofin ya, dont fret that will happen

I'll bet you he won't take any prisoners.

You might as well call this one The Comedy Central Roast of The O&A Sub Reddit!!!


Tss good wordplay yumah

He could do a whole show of trashing us and nobody would notice for like 3 days until someone posted a clip

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I for one hope he doesn't do his fake laugh and his fucking overused impressions.

You dont like his 50's style Japanese guy impression?

Hopefully there's a gunshot and we see Ant's dumb crater head fall on the desk with the fake NYC skyline in the background

Just kidding, Ant got his guns taken away

He could put a Super Soaker with bleach in his mouth. Slower than a 9 millimeter but quicker than chronic alcoholism.

We are in for it if he unleashes Bob Levy on us.

Bob Levy makes Opie look like Neil Tyson

Where's Bob Levy at with the whole gawd thing?

I hope he pops this all up on the screen , goes through all our comments, and finds some real knee slappers

Won't happen. Reading our comments from earlier this morning would be funny and we know how averse Ant is to funny.

1) we think we know his/everyone's psychology and motives 2) we think we have more influence than we actually do 3) we're all losers/haters/miserable/jealous/deadbeats et al. 4) he never thinks about us, its just so odd to him ...what else ya got....


That caught me in the ribs. I'm gonna be sad when these show references die off


He's praying to the cabbage patch hair gods that just one of us pay for his shit just to find out.
