Everything after July 4, 2014 has been a bit

31  2016-02-27 by BobbyHeenansJaw

All 3 of them are doing improv. Exaggerated caricatures of their radio personalities taken to extreme levels. Ant is still getting paid by SXM, this is all a bit O&A are doing to try and top the big finale that their friendly rivals Ron & Fez did. Fez did the gay silent wacko bit for years, got paid by SXM. They're trying to top it. Either that or old age actually deteriorates everything good about you, this is proof of either. Take your pick, peckahs


The entire thing didn't happen. Bobo was staring at a Sirius XM snowglobe.

Citizen Kurlan

He's referencing St. Elsewhere nice try though ..... Fag.



Bluhh, Rosebud awright?


You can't buy a bag of peanuts in this subreddit without someone writing a post about you.


That would be the perfect ending to this shit show. Either that or a meteor strike that destroys the planet.

Anthony Kaufman.

Karaoke with Ant and Toni Clifton

The would be the scene while the credits roll in this movie.

This is actually what the Ron and Fez fans said about Fez completely deteriorating for his last 4-6 years of radio.

It was a bit. It's a fact.

what the hell was that? was that guy talking about pro wrestling like I assume he was based on looking at him?

Mhm, search its still real to me on youtube to see the whole thing

I'm still waiting for the "IT WAS ME, AUSTIN" moment.

By God! That's...that's STEVE C! That damn Carlesi has been the greater power this whole time!

Yeeesssssss Austin, even my band, Foundry, bought it! You all bought it, hook, line, and cock in my sphincter!

Awww son of a bitch!


What's Tony from Long Island doing in the Impact Zone, Taz?

Won't happen. We're dealing with the Mean Street Posse, not any main eventers.

Actually I was listening to one of those "Behind the Scenes" O&A tapes from Razzle Dazzle Hour, and there was a moment when Opie said something interesting, he said this radio guy (cant remember the name) told him something he never forgot that you either want to be the very very best you can be or the very worst you can be. No one wants to listen to mediocre. But being the very best, or being the very worst, both of those are interesting. I don't think Opie is really doing all of this on purpose but sometimes the things he does, I swear I just cannot see any individual with a minimal level of intelligence not knowing that they are deliberately doing something everyone hates them for. Some of the videos he releases I swear he is trying to be the worst he can. It did make me wonder for a bit, but no, I refuse to believe that Opie is doing anything on purpose. I think maybe there are indeed rare isolated moments when he remembers that quote and he might do something on purpose to be bad, but the vast majority of what weve gotten post 2014 has been very real

TL;DR: Opie is a narcissistic autist.

Some of the videos he releases I swear he is trying to be the worst he can.

This is mostly why I made this thread. You have to admit all 3 of them are playing a parody of themselves. If they did a bit where they jokes "where would we be in [x] years" this is the funniest, most predictable shit they could have written. Everyone has been fucked over by their own character traits.

For some reason reading this mad me pretty pissed off

Cool it, friend. Just put a smile on. It takes more muscles to frown, I was once raped. x)

I think the Ron & Fez angle I added made it more plausible. When Ant finally told Opie that Fez was doing a bit the entire time he felt stupid for thinking it was real and then they came up with this hootenanny.

I've been gone for a week or two... what happened that has everybody going in on Ant so hard?

EDIT: I see... I think he's making a mistake attacking what little is left of his fans.

The peckah train has left the station.

That would be amazing if a corporation ever had the balls to do it. But no.

what the hell was that? was that guy talking about pro wrestling like I assume he was based on looking at him?

Awww son of a bitch!