Someone from here should go on TACS

6  2016-02-27 by Really_Big_Dummy

We need a regular poster who lives in NY-area to represent this sub and go on TACS and just bring shit up for us. Fuck , maybe O and J would have us on to.


I'll do it if my IndieGoGo reaches 200,000 dollars.

It's a good thought, but angry, alcoholic Del Griffith would just stack the deck with a bleacher full of TACS superfan zombies to shout you down, and count it as a win.

Much like that Stern/OA walk over fight.

My vote goes to Bald Opie.

Well it's a live call-in show, so you can just call in yourself. But if we do send someone, I nominate /u/stinkskc as our champion.

I don't think I have enough charisma

Do it!!!

I'm in AC area and was temped to heckle Samcro Joe at his shitty 2U gig last night and bring myself to do it. Kinda wish I did.


Will it work out the same way it does when one of you call into O&J? Utter humiliation?

Your posting here, you're one of us