Who do we like any more?

2  2016-02-27 by llewellyn_ash

Gregshells, Anthills, who will be our saviour? I'll tell you who..

Chris Mother-fucking-trying-to-get-sober-Pepper Hicks Stanley. That's who.


Dennis Falcone

All hail the piss lord!

The past


Go take your wares to the ron and fez subreddit we have no interest for Benningtons awful co hosts here

Colin, Denny, bobby, esd?

Look for the power rankings thread that's a pretty good standard

I was going to nominate Colin as well. He's the only one who comes out of this without being a psychopath.

Colin, Ron, Denny, Bobby when he's on Opie or Anthony's shows, Trav Dog and erock are the only ones who skate on here

your modder

Chris is my hero. With extra lettuce.

I can't hate Bobby.

Every intern but Danny.

That fat, bloated yes man? No thanks.

I was going to nominate Colin as well. He's the only one who comes out of this without being a psychopath.