Bobo is demonstrably smarter, and now more well liked, than Anthony.

16  2016-02-27 by Iwontbebannedagain

Bobo has:

  • Never been fired
  • Graduated from high school
  • Not smoked crack
  • Not denied climate changed
  • Not been abandoned by his business partners
  • Not been ostracized by his business community
  • Not gotten married like a moron
  • Never lost hundreds of thousands of dollars gambling
  • Not lost a tremendous amount of time and money in a messy divorce
  • Not been incarcerated
  • Not been scammed by his close family
  • Not been denied his rights to possess firearms by a court of law for safety

Now that Bobo is more popular than Ant, he has nothing but his millions, and which he has more of, debts or millions, and for how long, who can say? Ant should be kinder to Bobo, when the money runs out, maybe Bobo can talk his uncle into giving Ant a job, awlright!

Edit, since I've been reminded:

  • Hasn't said he'd fuck a 13 year old.
  • Never buckled under pressure
  • Never drank daily
  • Never disregarded the advice of his lawyers

I was just thinking this. At least Bobo came here for an iPad and bounced when it got too hot. Uncle Drunko wants to fight the internet Roadhouse style

With ALL the shit the show and fans put on him, for YEARS, the worst kind of mental abuse, hahahaha, and Bobo handled it like a champ. Exposing his genitals! And these motherfuckers, with all their millions, Bobo lives on a postage stamp in Queens, these "comedians" can't take a joke as well!

Even Bobo thinks fucking a 13 year old is reprehensible. Didn't he say when Ant asked about his sister, she's 15, awlright, and Ant said 15 turns to 16 and don't pretend you don't sniff her panties? While I doubt late 20s Bobo wouldn't, I'm sure old man Cumia would.

Bobo absolutely has the moral high ground and it's hilarious

When Bobo could be the one to honestly call out of the blue and genuinely say, "You got to get your life together, awwlright, we're just worried, don't want to, don't wanna, don't want to see you in jail...too long.", your life is fucked.

She must be about 20 now. Anyone have a pic of bobos sis?

My uncle doesn't work at that craphole anymore, awwwlroooight.

I'll pay you ten bucks to walk my schnoodle. We'll listen to da tape, if it's any good we'll put you on da Bobo network.

True, but Bobo has been scammed by every one claiming they had a vagina. Also, I don't think Bobo would be able to get a gun in the 1st place. Ever thing else you said is spot on. I would rather watch the Bobo show then TACS at this point.

Don't forget the time Ant got scammed by 50 year old man pretending to have a 13 year old vagina.

Not been scammed by his close family

Who did what to him? lol

At least there isn't a Brother Bobo.

Well there is and I hear he scammed bobo out of his anal virginity

Scammed? More like slammed

Bono did suck his brother's dick that one time though.

Not smoked crack

Hey! Ant will have you know him and Joe smoked their coke 'the white man's way' and freebased it. Huge difference there buddy.