Well I, for one, agree with Anthony...

92  2016-02-27 by regularope

I think it's time we cleaned up our act, fellas. Let's make this a wholesome, positive place from now on.

Does anyone have any sourdough recipes to share?


Let's engage in "conservative criticism," with an underlying positive vibe, gang! You attract more disgraced radio hosts with honey than vinegar!

You're right! The lighting on the TACS set strains my eyes a little and the O&J studio is a tad echo-y.

Aw, man, it's so interesting you say that. I find the lighting on TACS to be quite helpful when I'm streaming the show while ironing. Makes it easier to see from a distance. On a side note, my new ironing board has a cupholder, so I've been having a little fun while doing my chores (but not too much!!!) lol.

I need to get me one of those. I would love a nice brew and while doing the ironing on a Friday whilst I catch up on my TACS program. I would say to my wife "You know, Ant is right. The blacks are really outta control!" And then I would remember I don't have a wife nor any clothes to iron and I would laugh.

If we're giving household tips, try pre soaking tough dishes overnight to make it easier to clean! Heaven knows we work hard enough as it is, right gang?

Use coffee filters instead of paper towels to clean your windows and mirrors! No streaks and no residue! Holy fucking shit I'm having fun!!!!

I use old newspapers, it's a good way to rid the streaks and negativity!!

I'm actually going to try that one....

Do it it'll change your life.

It's almost summer. What's your favorite lawnmower beer?

I don't like to get fussy, I get myself a 36 pack of Bud Light from Costco and I'm as happy as a clam.

My favorite lawnmower beer is a good piece of cake . because vanilla extract has like 20% alcohol in it. Bet Jim didn't think of that one . that cake eating faggot

Oddly enough i imagined Jim saying this in that gradually-get-angrier tempo of his.

I have to assume he meant "constructive criticism" but when you are 20+ beers deep it's tough to choose your words right... See also where he used the word "manor" instead of "manner." Bill Nye is lucky that Ant wasn't actually trying to debate him or he would have humiliated his pseudo-intellectual ass.

Couldn't have said it better myself, friend!

God bless!

That darn app is making it hard for me to enjoy all the great shows on TACN lately! Fire Rat! What's another safe critique?

I thought we were criticizing a conservative lol. Keep it good natured guys.


I'm fairly positive he meant constructive criticism but he can't even keep his shitty political views out of his typing.

I'll start, "Hey Ant, Love you, Love the Show! How is Beavis doing?"

Lol ant probably thought all his posting last night was some type of heroic justice for everyone who had been bashed by this sub. I bet he was imagining Norton by his side as he drunkingly types telling him"yeah go get em ant do it for everybody who's been humiliated on here"

I think his plan is working perfectly. He is trying to get our bread recipes. Sneaky fucker.

No bread recipies but lets talk about how global warming doesn't exist with our dropout education.

and do meth

I just love that Big Jay Oakerson fella. I like to call him my Big Jokerson for short LOL.

Hey that's pretty funny!!! Mind if I "borrow" (more like steal :P) that nickname?

I got some nice recipes to share, I normally like to bake my own bread as it is cheaper and FUCK THE JEWS AND FUCK OPIE.

I'm making some nice potatoes flavored with apple cider vinegar. They're utterly delish.

Fucking juice

My Sourdough Story I made my first loaf of sourdough bread roughly 10 years ago with the help of my father (who now owns his own bakery, Brick Oven Bakery in Newark, New Jersey) and some well-packaged sourdough culture he carried in his suitcase.

He coached me through the basic steps; I was skeptical that something made with just flour and water would turn into delicious bread — but it did, and I was hooked.

I've been slowly working on my sourdough game ever since. Bread-baking is a passion of mine — something I do when I need a break from testing chicken tikka masala and impersonating Julia Child. It takes time to coach flour and water into something as beautiful and delicious as a finished boule or batard, and that's time when I also slow down, breathe a little deeper, and relax into the process.

Sourdough bread is something you learn by doing. You're not going to make a great loaf by reading a recipe or hunkering down with a cookbook; you're going to have to get your hands in the dough, and you might have to try it a few times. Even after making sourdoughs for years, I still get bloopers, like the first loaf I made from Tartine No. 3. Stay with the process, learn to work with the ingredients, and enjoy the adventure.

I'm here for the good natured humor. So, let's stuff all these 'he said she saids' into a bag and have a great day!

  • Kirk

No sourdough recipe but I do have a marvelous chocolate chip cookie recipe. They are so moist and chewy and best served with a glass of ice cold milk!!


2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 cup packed light-brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 2 large eggs 2 cups (about 12 ounces) semisweet and/or milk chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour and baking soda; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the butter with both sugars; beat on medium speed until light and fluffy. Reduce speed to low; add the salt, vanilla, and eggs. Beat until well mixed, about 1 minute. Add flour mixture; mix until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips.

  2. Drop heaping tablespoon-size balls of dough about 2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.

  3. Bake until cookies are golden around the edges, but still soft in the center, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven, and let cool on baking sheet 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool completely. Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature up to 1 week.

I have to admit when I'm feeling just a touch naughty I'll eat several when they're still warm and the chocolate just melts into your mouth!! But shhhhhh that's just our little secret! ;-)

Waoh hold on, vanilla extract has alcohol in it. I can't eat these cookies

Well try substituting Strawberry or even Pineapple extract for the Vanilla extract that the recipe calls for. It'll be a tasty flavor mix and safe for you and any of your friends who are serious recovering alcoholics like lil Jimmy Norton. When your guests ask..."Say what's in these cookies? They are so delicious!!"....you can just laugh and smile and say it's an old family secret. But we'll know the truth! Have fun and good baking!!!

That deserves a round of applause

Thank you friend! They sound scrumptious, I will give your recipe a try! It sounds like just the ticket for the golf club mixer next weekend!

I've really been into brining lately. I'm a little concerned about the sodium intake, but at least it's not sugar.

I once brined a Thanksgiving turkey in a bucket. My 4 yr old drank from it and go salmonella :( We were in the hospital with him until they day before Christmas. When we finally got him home we had no time to buy him presents and he woke up with nothing for Christmas morning :( Word of advice, cover your brines! Have a blessed day :)

I agree, we should all become better and more civilized people. Say no to racism, drugs, misogyny and domestic abuse. For the good of our children

And most of all alcohol. The old bottle as it were.

I love when Ant rides his awesome green screen roller coaster.

I don't have a sourdough one but I have a wonderful recipe for banana bread! It's a little fattening but we all deserve a treat once in a while!

Hashtag TheConsumer.

What a gift to wake up to at 8 am on a saturday while hes sleeping through the day like a nigger

Here's a tip for people with food dehydrators: Peel lemons and limes (make sure not to get the white pulp in them, scrape it off) and dehydrate the peels. Then use a spice grinder to pulverize them to make lemon and lime powder. It's like sprite sprinkles.

peckas teehee

we have fun

The peckahs train is leaving the station.

I have a recipe for sourdough starter. Is that alright?

I heard there's a starter that's 100 years old! I was like WOW


Sourdough is for jews

It would be great if a Sourdough recipe shows up on YouTube with the @OpieRaqio tag

Gang have you noticed how it seems like the more you sleep, the more tired you wake up? Well my friend doctor told me that it's not actual fatigue that we experience, but dehydration.

Lifehack: if you leave a little glass of water and drink it as soon as you wake up, you'll be fresh as a daisy!

its time to turn over a new leaf start out fresh.. my undies have skiddies lets all have a chew

You gotta pre warsh em in the sink first!

my holiday home is on the beach with other big wigs, i shit in the ocean on a daily basis, no pre wash can unsully these caked in skids

It'll work trust me, but you HAVE to do it in your sink. For some reason the sink gets the job done

i just cant bring myself to do it, their like battle skids ... the horror

If you're gonna make a pie, mix cream cheese in with the butter for the dough, your taste buds will thank you later :)

Listen guys despite what Oprah says you shouldn't eat bread everyday it's high glycemic and grains and starches are just bad for you (take it from me I used to be a fat ass scuse the language lol!) I suggest substituting bread with Organic Romaine Leaf Hearts sounds crazy at first I know lol! But after a month or two you'll thank me!

I for one think we should make this sub a safe space for radio fans of all shows.

my holiday home is on the beach with other big wigs, i shit in the ocean on a daily basis, no pre wash can unsully these caked in skids

The peckahs train is leaving the station.