To celebrate Melitha Harriths-Perriths rage quitting at MSNBC; let's watch the bbbboys take on her.

9  2016-02-27 by TheAmazingPearl


Her addressing MSNBC recently: "I will not be used as a tool for their purposes. I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head." As always, making it about her race. What a phony, thelfish twat. She reminds me of Janice Soprano with all of her drama and lack of self-awareness.

it's so weird that there are these super pale black people calling everybody out about blackness. her, and shaun king, and what's her name dolezal. cringe

Shaun King is white. A hillbilly from a white trash family in rural Kentucky.

that's right. i didn't even care when that came out, but anyone who has been involved with mega churches, crowd funding, and non profits is not someone I would trust. that dude is definitely scammin.

Janice was such a twat.

She's a cunt, period. Always has been, always will be. The very definition of a race hustler, except she's not even smart enough to be good at it.

Awww. Did the one line of the email that whatever outlet you read this on picked out in order to get you worked up serve that purpose, and get you worked up?

Yes. Yes, it did.

Well here, you can relax:

In the phone interview on Friday, Ms. Harris-Perry clarified her remarks and said she did not think race played a role in her recent absence from the air.

“I don’t know if there is a personal racial component,” she said. “I don’t think anyone is doing something mean to me because I’m a black person.”

Feel better, gumdrop?'s called backpedaling. She meant what she said, and she's said similar shit before. But someone must've told her that this time, it made her look like an attention-seeking cunt. I don't know what you're going for here, but don't waste your time white knighting this bitch. Ain't worth the trouble.

Saying I think you're wrong and easily manipulated into reaction isn't that much trouble, though.

Fair enough. My judgement comes from the fact that this is the third cunty tantrum she's had - that I know of. And I'm sure there's more where that came from.

Wow you've seen three stories about her? Damn she's out of control. Three? What a maniac. I can't think of anyone who's had that many rants. Thank god your echo news sites are on top of this loose cannon!

Alright, what is it? Are you related? Are you HER? What?

The fact that you think that's anywhere near the simplest explanation sorta bolsters my point, dude.

You and I both listen to shows and people that bring up race all the time -- but she does it and it's some special event that you've cataloged and filed away for retrieval later, cause some quote unquote news story encouraged you to suddenly be sensitive about that? Hokay.

Batshit crazy woman who never should of been hired in the first place. Maybe TYT will take her.

She'd fit in well. All you gotta do to stay on that show is laugh at Cenk's corny ass jokes like the rest of those phonies. (Sound familiar?)

She is the most unbearable, ill-informed, race baiting host on TV. I'm glad she's gone.

On occasion, I'll leave MSNBC on overnight watching Locked Up. Come morning, I'm graced with her idiotic racial rantings and circle-jerk panel.

Her ridiculing Mitt Romney for having a black grandchild was the epitome of hypocrisy.

She sthinkths.

I hope this talentless cunt doesn't come back. She's the worst. Like any good Trump booster I've been watching a lot of based Morning Joe lately and her ads clog up every commercial break like nobody's fucking business. She's a fucking communist and a retard. Fuck her. Disloyal race baiting cunt.

Wtf is with this "based" shit? I must be getting old, I don't understand any of this stupid slang anymore.

I thought it was over but there was a rapper named Lil' B who did ridiculous freestyles about Hannah Montana and other weird things and he had a so-bad-its-good quality to it. Well he called things "based", most assumed he was talking about freebasing but he said it just meant anything positive, and he was also referred to as "The Based God". Thats about as well as i understand it but if you want to know more you could google it based on that information

People adopting the vernacular of that retarded fuck deserve to be smashed in the face with a sledgehammer.

Join or die, motherfucker. /pol/ is always right and we're going to win the Presidency. You fat weaboo degeneraste.


It's a /pol/ meme you Redditor cuck.

You've already told me twice, fucking sperg.

What did he mean by this?

That you've already told me twice.

Joe Scarborough is a fucking moron.

He's the only one who's been correct about the rise of Trump, you cuck.

He also thought Schwartzenegger said we should blow up the moon to end women's periods, because he is a dumb fuck, you dumb fuck.

Wha happe ?


I don't know why, but her retarded lisp makes me think she gives great head.

If Vos is anyone to go by you're probably right

She does seem to have an extra wet mouth...excuse me; mouf.

Don't give Opie's channel any more views. For the same video, go here: (12:27 for mobile users)

She does seem to have an extra wet mouth...excuse me; mouf.

If Vos is anyone to go by you're probably right

that's right. i didn't even care when that came out, but anyone who has been involved with mega churches, crowd funding, and non profits is not someone I would trust. that dude is definitely scammin.