Anyone up for a discussion of the movie Trainwreck?

0  2016-02-27 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

I'm watching it right now. Exfoliating your scrotum with a belt sander might be a better alternative, but halfway through there have been a few chuckles. Really annoyed with Schumer's PC pandering. It is obvious and vulgar.


The only funny part was her actually believing that having John Cena as a love interest is even remotely plausible. Like he wouldn't have mushed her face the first time he saw her because she was blocking a store display of some really cool cargo shorts.

The only funny part was her actually believing that having John Cena as a love interest

I wonder how long before this fat acceptance/feminist bullshit gets so crazed that they start teaching in school that the strongest and fastest hunter fucked the ugliest woman in the tribe so no other men would try to mate with her and that being an ugly slob was an evolutionary advantage

I would rather be a casualty of one

See cuz you'd die

I actually watched this a week or two ago...really the only thing that took me out of it was how unbelievable it was that Bill Hader would be chasing Amy like he was...and NOT because she's a fat armed blimp, but because she was just soooo unlikeable at every single opportunity. I mean I understood that they were trying to establish how much of a bitch this character is, but I really didn't see a single appealing thing about the character and can't help but wonder how a guy who has lunches with Lebron wouldn't be able to find an equally unattractive girl who ISN'T a bitch 100% of the time....but at least Lebron was funny...

Aside from some funny lines from Lebron..the movie sucked.

A lot of cameos. She did right by a lot of comedians that she didn't steal from.

the only thing that made me laugh in that movie was when John Cena was fucking her and he had to imagine her as a dude to cum.

The theater scene was pretty funny too

rest in peace Keith Robinson. only thing i've ever seen him in besides Tough Crowd

There was one funny scene where Lebron and Bill Hader were having a casual conversation while playing one on one bball, and Lebron was just unfairly CRUSHING him, but they were still carrying on the conversation casually. Other than that it completely stunk. I usually like Apatow but he threw all creativity out the window for this one and it was a straight up by the numbers romantic comedy. And it wasnt even particularly funny from what I remember. Amy made the same Game of Thrones joke about a penis like 3 times, and other than the Lebron scene I can't remember a single moment I thought was funny, and John Cena doing the "awkward dirty talk" trope was just embarassingly corny.

Here comes the shit but Amy's a good actress. You can tell she has a theater background. That being sad I think it's a very average film and like all of Apatow's movies is 30 minutes too long. I though Hader was good, Colin was good, Brie Larson I'm a huge fan of, and I thought Lebron and Cena stole the movie

You fuckers must all be masochists... A lot of you still listen to Opie and surprisingly most of you have seen this piece of garbage. If I was there I'd do you a favor and smash your TV.

Speak for yourself. I would rather pulverize a piece of glass into a pile of fine particles, tear a hunk of flesh out of my thigh using an ice scream scoop, pour the pulverized glass into the wound with a teaspoon of salt and then cauterize it closed with a blowtorch than listen to O&J.

No thanks, I'll just go grab the belt sander.

Just another chick flick I'd OJ a girlfriend over if I had to watch. I only stayed for this one to hate Amy more, instead of my usual "punch her in the cunt and go work out" routine.

Of course every guy is written with an obsessive personality flaw. The gym rat, the nerd, Lebron the romantic, coworker guy the perv... Women just hate that men have interests and they have to marginalize them to feel like they're equal. The story was uncentered and made no sense because it was "Amy Schumer - a retrospective". That's right - don't come up with a new idea, cunt, just write about your literal life but make the men seem crazy. How do female writers not see what hacks they are?