Opie cashing in on jimbobo

27  2016-02-26 by Dennyislife


The fucker won't even ackowledge BaldOpie tho.


Make sure they're tastefully and respectfully presented. We don't want anyone posting anything crude that involves his physical experience or performance in a job he's been doing for 20 years

I want him to be raped with a loaded shotgun


This subreddit does more producing than the Stangels do on that show nowadays.

Weren't they supposed to be doing something with Harry Balls Jr?

Not to change the topic but Jimmy's mannerisms have gotten very effeminate. He makes the same gestures as a Southern grandmother.

Fez is less gay.

Well of course, Fez isn't gay.


How long before Nick DiPaolo starts calling him a nazi dyke?

ten minutes!

I noticed this as well. He has very swishy hand movements.

And he has this kinda effeminate posture when he's gulping down giant tranny cock, too.

This really shows what a good sport Jim is. I like how Opie can upload this, but doesn't understand how hypocritical it makes him look. JUST TALK ABOUT BALD OPIE ALREADY!

Comedians can take jokes and ball busting.
Jim is a Comedian.
Tittyboy, is not.

He's a student of comedy

90% of non-comedians can take jokes and ball busting. Tits is just a fucking douchebag.

Me: I WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE THE FUNNY ONE YOU DOPE. I still get my laughs though

Here we find the yin and the yang. Jimbobo, a great concept is an obvious commercial success, much more palatable for the masses and is promoted through media. Bald Opie on the other hand is a subversive art, shunned by the gatekeepers and spread by word of mouth.

Edited out the part where Bald Opie in the Chip cartoon popped up. Niceeeee.

Juggs is back at it manipulating the hate again

Someone should find pictures of Bam fucking opie's wife while he watches in the corner.

at least we're keeping all of his videos with more downvotes than upvotes

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Someone in the comments said they made those, this shit came from the sub right?

/u/zmontoya hi! (:


Vic Henley looks OLD.