Update, group! Anthony was going for laughs, not a scientific debate!

31  2016-02-26 by McGowan9


....and here comes the revisionist history.

You got assholed on air by someone who has debated people way smarter that you will ever hope to be, now it was all for LOLs.

I have lost so much respect for this white trash stereotypical nouveau riche curmudgeon.

His shtick is hateful, not funny, I stopped stealing the show 3 months in.

I stopped stealing the show 3 months in.

I'm still surprised at how many ball-washers the old geezer still has. Who the fuck pays for podcasts, esp Ant's?


I'm still getting the show even tho I only payed for a month in November, I only watch Gavin and ESD. Somebody fucked up (besides me for thinking his show would get better).

There there RearNaked, you didn't fuck up. You just had the reasonable expectation that it could not possibly get any fucking worse.

Unrelated note: the jack w/honey is so so so fucking good. Go out and get some if you never had.

Jack Daniels with honey? Sounds good, but I haven't been drinking liquor lately. My broke ass has been sticking with shitty ass Hurricane beer.


"You're human garbage" - the Titster

"I was only jokin."

Are you saying you don't value Anthony's opinion very much?

Oh, THIS GUY who's never had a nice thing to say about anyone. You're all a big joke now. A parody of a sub reddit. The Onion of Reddit. Sorry but we are honestly having a great time every day regardless of your undying obsession with bashing our shows. How long can you trash shows that continue to be successful? 1year? 2 years? 3? Keep it up please! We laugh at the bullshit you post.

Sorry but we are honestly having a great time every day

Don't lie

The Onion of Reddit

The Onion is hilarious... thanks for the compliment. Wish we could compliment your show too, but it fucking sucks.


You want me to say something nice Anthony?

You feeling needy?

I cannot wait until you sober up and you are kicking yourself for once again making yourself look like a drunken asshole with zero self control online at 4 in the morning.

At least you can't get fired this time.

That's a show I would pay for, ant looking at his drunken tweets after he sobers up. Classic

For what it's worth, we're having a great time everyday bashing your shows. Win/win for all involved.

Illegitimi non carborundum

I bet we outlast you faggot.

"Our shows", now he's sucking Opies dick again. LOL. He still hates you dude.


Ant get it together, man! You're losing them faster than ever.

You should regurgitate this exact post, switching the words around subtly, and making a post slamming reddit. Oh wait...

There is nothing worse than a ghoulish 60 year old man using emoticons.

He needs to talk down to the level of the 13 year old girls he's trying to bang.

There is nothing worse than a ghoulish 60 year old man using emoticons.

Also a very fair point.

Well wait until he makes it to 61

Wound up with neither .

Technically I did laugh a couple times when him and Nick were getting smashed.

I don't understand why he didn't treat it like NDT and not be a douche with politics. Nick was the worst, anything bill nye said he would respond with something about liberals. I think every time Nick opened his mouth it was to say something about liberals.

Indeed. Also, he's a fool if he thinks it won't get back to NDT, who in turn will think twice about letting Cumia poach guests from Star Talk. Nye looked miserable, and to top it off, the show has zero buzz outside of this sub and TACS fans. Way to shitcan a good relationship.

Cumia doesn't seem to get that you can only be douchy to guests when you'e popular and have a surplus of them.

He won't stand by anything he says about climate change, especially in front of people like NDT and Bill Nye. He is outmatched by both, but he can't appear to be agreeing in any way in front of his audience. If he tried to seriously debate the issue, he would be intellectually embarrassed in front of his new neo-con fan base.


What do you mean he doesn't care about climate change? He has been talking about it on his show and on Twitter. Laughing at people who say it's real. You seem like his new type of fan, ignorant and incredibly stupid.



Typical, guy on Reddit tells other guy on Reddit that all he has in his life is Reddit. He has literally called someone stupid because they believed Climate change is real, not that he believes it exists and doesn't care. You are accusing me of not comprehending his stance, when you are the one guilty of doing just that. Dumb motherfucker


Lol, go read the tweet you just linked. How exactly does he acknowledge that climate change is real? Oh my god, this is fun now. Your stupidity knows no bounds. Keep going, I'm enjoying this now. Try not to reply, I know this must be the only thing you have in life. See how ridiculous that sounds?



2016-02-02 05:11 UTC

Do you know it was 64deg in Boston on Feb 29, 1880? Weather changes year to year. Decades, centuries, etc.



2016-02-02 05:01 UTC

Climate change my ass. Oh no, we only have 10,000yrs to do something! #IowaCaucus

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You're embarrassing yourself.


Wrong: People lacking self-awareness literally cannot be embarrassed.


2016-02-02 05:34 UTC

Yeah, there was an ice age too. That’d throw your graph into a tizzy wouldn’t it? Global temps change. http://twitter.com/SerotoninsGone/status/694388220260392960

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I'm glad you can read Anthony's mind.


...lady di?

Was he going for laughs on that roast he didn't bomb?

Hey I was goin for the joke... familiar, where have I heard that before?

New Anthony's idea of "funny" is talking under everyone with uninteresting "quips" every 5 seconds and not letting them speak.

"@AnthonyCumia, @nick_myu must've watched a different program. You & @NickDiPaolo had a great interview with "I hate nice weather" Bill Nye"

Even if you vehemently disagree with them, saying climate change defenders "hate nice weather" is Brother Joe level ignorance.

saying climate change defenders "hate nice weather" is Brother Joe level ignorance. making America great again

Same difference.

That's about half a step away from saying "I was playing a Republican character."

Failed either way

I heard very little jokes coming from either of them. Dismissing everything as "liberal bullshit" isn't even in the same realm as telling jokes.

I tried listening to one of Nick's podcasts, and I'm starting to think he completely lost any ability to be humorous. Florentine's podcast sucks, but at least he tries to throw some fucking humor in there.

This is the third opportunity now to post this beautiful, witty comic...


Oh shit, this is me.

That's an Opie response.

What has he been "going for" on his show lately?

As few subscriptions as possible


So he's pulling an Opie. We didn't get the bit.... The bit is he was pretending to be stupid.


"It was a bit!"

Opie has taught him well

After all this time, why in the fuck is he NOW worrying about going for laughs?

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2016-02-26 19:55:52 UTC

Yeah, cause that’s what I was going for. A straight up climate change debate. 😳 twitter.com

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I hope hes drunk enough to comment on this story about the mass shooting by someone with an order of protection. Call me out on being stupid if you need to i only read the headline and the story is still developing but it would make for some great material

what kind of mongoloid was seriously expecting a SERIOUS SCIENTIFIC DEBATE ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE

Atheism+ faggots.

Why would he want a scientific debate when he's not a scientist? And why would he add NickDip into the mix if not for trying to get some laugh out of the episode? You people are seriously a bunch of negative nancy.


Someone should tell him he's not a political pundit.



2016-02-26 16:24 UTC

@AnthonyCumia I'm a huge fan but please do more research/prep before big interviews -bill nye- this will provide a better counter debate

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The problem is Ant thinks he's a political pundit and has for many years since his appearances on Fox news. That's around the time he started shoehorning his politics into every discussion and stopped being funny. He not good as a pundit and isn't particularly intelligent or well read. He repeats shit.

I didn't thought it was that bad, i enjoyed that interview...

You didn't thought, huh?

saying climate change defenders "hate nice weather" is Brother Joe level ignorance. making America great again

Illegitimi non carborundum

Sorry but we are honestly having a great time every day

Don't lie



You want me to say something nice Anthony?

You feeling needy?

I cannot wait until you sober up and you are kicking yourself for once again making yourself look like a drunken asshole with zero self control online at 4 in the morning.

At least you can't get fired this time.

The Onion of Reddit

The Onion is hilarious... thanks for the compliment. Wish we could compliment your show too, but it fucking sucks.

I bet we outlast you faggot.

For what it's worth, we're having a great time everyday bashing your shows. Win/win for all involved.

Ant get it together, man! You're losing them faster than ever.

You should regurgitate this exact post, switching the words around subtly, and making a post slamming reddit. Oh wait...

"Our shows", now he's sucking Opies dick again. LOL. He still hates you dude.