O&A Universe POWER RANKINGS 2/26/16

31  2016-02-26 by Jackthejew

These are the current power rankings as decided by this sub as best as I can tell.

  1. Colin Quinn
  2. Ron Bennington
  3. Denny⬆
  4. Dave Attel⬆️
  5. Pete Davidson
  6. Esther Ku⬇️
  7. Fez Whatley
  8. East Side Dave⬆️(Constant railing against Opie)
  9. Bobo⬆️ (joining this sub helped)
  10. Ghost Patrice
  11. Danny Ross ⬇
  12. Bonnie Macfarlane⬇️
  13. Rich Vos
  14. Mark Normand ⬆️
  15. Sam Roberts⬆
  16. Bob Kelly
  17. Kevin Brennan⬆️
  18. Louis CK ⬇️(The sub is tired of Jazz music)
  19. Bill Burr ⬇️
  20. Jim Norton⬇
  21. Jim Florentine
  22. Joe Rogan
  23. Kenny ⬇️
  24. Anthony Cumia ⬇️
  25. Kurt Metzger
  26. Keith the cop
  27. Vic Henley
  28. Stengels
  29. Roland
  30. Sherrod Small
  31. Joe Cumia
  32. Amy Schumer
  33. Gregg Opie Hughes

Edit: added people


I can't even consider this list until Denny is on it

Denny should probably be #5

5!? May the Lord be merciful upon you. Thank Denny it's Friday.

You know what that means! Everybody's working for the weekend! Come on everybody!

Or #1 cause he's always tinkling.

This could become thing if you do this weekly and make it good.

Weekly seems too often numbers won't change much.

Monthly would be better

make it good.

This is the key part, he has a long way to go.

I'm trying to stay on par with the quality of material that this sub produces

It's customary for rankings to include numbers

Esther Ku is awful. I'm glad she stirred the shit like twice. Outside of that, she's close to the worst.

Well as you may have noticed the arrow indicates that her rank is dropping

Esther Ku goes down on you eh?

nononnonono hold on. it's "Me Esther Ku, I go down on you, okay?" (read in vietnam war-era asian tv-voice)

I don't know what you were going for there, but I'm sure it stunk to high heavens

you just didn't get it, it was genius

Agreed. If she really wants to get in our good graces again, some leaked nudes would have to surface. (And I'm gonna have to pretend I didn't hear her talk about farting.)

She was a flash in the pan. Esther who?

Esther who?



Esther Ku is a Champ.

Esther Ku is a Chink.

  • 26. Brother Joe
  • 27. Opie

And Denny should be #3.

Bob Kelly should be higher too.

Yes he should

He should also be thinner

David my David?

Reading Ghost Patrice made me laugh then I got angry when I realized he wasn't #2.

The innovation of the up/down arrow prevented me from shitting all over op's post


Ester Ku is a one hit wonder, and she didnt even do it on purpose. She is horrible at comedy, radio and entertainment. Why the fuck would you put her at 6? She is an honorable mention at best. And why would you even put Opie on the list? You suck. Have a good day!


How the fuck did I miss that...

Stupid Yid.











🗣 💳 💣







Dani Golightly #3

Jim Nortons Sobriety Sponsor #1

I would definitely have bill burr above louie

burr is lower than sam, thats not right.

A lot of these people are too irrelevant to even make the list. Where we at with dani golightly? The stangels?

Are the Stangels still on the show? I thought Fat Stangel mentioned something about how he (and probably his codependent brother) were going to 30 Rock?

They put in their few months notice and still stickin around

fat stangel is conspicuously not on this list.../u/Jackthejew...sounds like an alias....

Where the fuck is Bobby Lee? You dont know shit /u/Jackthejew

Do I really have to name every person who has ever been on the show

You already have it started, just finish it off. This shits important



E Rock? Lady Di?

Pete Davidson seems a little high on the list?

Because he's funny and bashes Justin Stangel

This should be a permanent sticky and always changing.

This is going to need a revision after the latest shenanigans


Also edit Anthonys place accordingly op



Yeah please don't shit was the most boring thing this sub has done.

But the most prolific.

I missed you guys, but I had to check out during that shit. That fat bitch isn't worth taking the time to post about. She'll disappear on her own. This sub probably gave her another 15 minutes of fame.

Colin Quinn co-wrote Celtic Pride so he really should be at number 50 for having a hand in that abomination.

His amazing re-write of Crocodile Dundee is so good it evens out Celtic pride.


These morons don't like him anymore because they feel like he took his wife's side over Anthony's (a no brainer), and because he's the new number one working comic and they don't feel like he's part of their little club anymore now that their mainstream friends know his name.

Burr's the man, anthony fans can blow my dog.

I personally really like him. However the sub has spoken and they don't like that he "commited a crime against god by marrying one of those" as one of you put it.

999: Marion

ESD and Esther Ku are way too fucking high.

Norm isn't featured.

Burr and C.K. deserve higher on this list of losers

Fuck Bobo.

That's what he's hoping for.

Where's DeRosa? Has he been exiled from the universe?

Uniformed was a classic show. Him and Burr should be on the list.

How is Ronnie B NOT #1?

Bob Kelly and Rich Vos should be equal second.

Where the fuck is David my David. You would all be dead if it wasn't for my David.

Also add Steve C's poltergeist

What about domestic violence periscope lady. I'd put her exactly one above Anthony until it's cleared up.

Attorney Mom, I forgot all about that darling.

patrice that low? east side dave that high? pete davidson that high? esther ku that high?

Ghost Patrice should be #4
Esther Ku should be a bit lower
Bill Burr should be a bit higher, maybe #14
Norm MacDonald doesn't have much to do with the show but this sub loves him, he could easily be #5
Dr. Steve should be in there somewhere.
Erock is missing.

Also the bottom 5 should be lower. Howard should be in there just to be ahead of Opie as always. Bam needs to be there too.

BaldOpie needs to be number 1. Adjust all other suggestions accordingly.


Anyway to add a lump of shit or something just as awful so we can say a lump of shit is hire than some people.


Forgot stalker patti

Missing Denny, Norton, Florentine, Stangels, Roland, Troy, many more. Terrible job by you

I agree

Brother Joe? Sam Roberts? Jay Mohr?...maybe Otto?

Scorch is forever number 1

You put all of these people on the list, and failed to put dan soder on it?

How is Ronnie B number 2? Have you listened to Bennington? It's drivel.


I don't think Ron should be that high. I like him, I liked the Ron and Fez show, but he can't be second when literally no one listens to his bullshit new hipster music nepotism show.

Bob Kelly and bill burr higher?

You forgot a bunch of People like Big Jay, Soder, Pepper Hicks and Stanhope Dipaolo who would all fall in the top 10

<-- chopped liver (and toe)

The fealty to Ron Bennington has to stop. Its fucking embarassing.

Upvote or downvote this comment to determine jim nortons rank

No Danny Ross? You heebs always stick up for each other.

Homeless Andrew, I think it was? He of the cakestomp video. Friend of the show, I hear. Deserves a mention at least.

Opie should be alot higher. He has won the war with Anthony, got a new multi million dollar contract, and the comedians he has brought in studio love him. He is the #1 subject of this sub.

patrice should be like #1 easily

Patrice is dead and ghost Patrice has been producing shit content lately tbh

HAHAHA cant argue that I guess?

Let's bump ESD to the top dawgsies


fuck that faggot sam roberts. he will forever be #33 in my book. opie is a genius compared to sam

I don't know what you were going for there, but I'm sure it stunk to high heavens