God, Rogan is a cunt.

0  2016-02-26 by KingTutsstache


It's probably just 28 degrees & they just tell him it's -250. Joe LOVES himself some placebo medicine.

Haven't done it but I'm betting it's similar to when you have a big knot between your shoulder blades, so you try for 10 minutes to crack the vertebra right under the knot. Then you finally succeed, and like you knew it would it feels really good. For about 1.5 seconds.

Anyway I'm not sure I entirely agree with the OP about his cuntiness, this doesn't seem like that huge a deal. But those gloves sure do make him look like Charlie Day's pedo uncle in recent episodes of Always Sunny.

Haha, that was a great episode. Royal Mcpoyle

You fags just don't understand science.

It IS possible to sit in negative 250 degrees Fahrenheit for up to ten minutes with Onnit's new Alpha Male Super Body Warming Supplements made from super secret ingredients from the Amazonian rain forest.

Try it and you'll survive, or your money back!

i took 5 or 6 alpha brain pills, and i was actually swinging kettle bells in my cryo machine. it activates the super floaty cells in my brain. Then I had a stroke, but I smoked a few ounces brazilian satriatriva weed to chill out....and thens i goes "DOLLA DOLLA BILL YA'LL!" it was deep, bro.

If you take 10 and smoke some kush, you can talk to aliens.

i gotta go have a long hypothetical convo with all my slicky hair, tatted up friends about mma, and dudes physiques, but then i'll definitely check that out. carl sagan carl sagan carl sagan carl sagan

I love that he convinced our little gay hen Jim Norton to waste money on this frozen snake oil.

"the AIDS is only because your body is too hot dude"

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its true... simply science


hoooly shit

the top of that door handle is nearly at his chin

  • Men should not have Instagram accounts.

  • Anybody who says they're going to "Get their 'xyz' on" deserves a swift slap to the mouth.

  • Men should not have Instagram accounts.

What's hilarious about this guy is he actually thinks he's interesting when he is in fact one of he most boring "entertainer(s)" of all. Not an original thought in that dumb fucks skull

Yeah, but I bet he was stoned for it, dude.

Rogan is a wheeler and dealer. How many free treatments, and cryocare tees do you think he scored for plugging this bullshit on his instagram

all of them

joe rogan reminds me of this Norm Macdonald observation

Norm is an overlord but I think he's mistaken. The key to brilliant comedy is having a loud whiney voice & saying 'silly bitches' & 'how dare you' a lot.

Dolla dolla bills, y'all!

Cumia and Rogan exemplify why we should of never let Italians into this country.

“Good evening, here’s an update on last week’s nursing home expose ‘Geezer’s in Freezers’.  It turns out the rest home was adequately heated, the footage you saw was of a fur storage facility.  We’ve also been told to apologize for using the term ‘geezers’.  Now, coming up next, the case of the cantankerous old geezer.”

Haven't people died from that?

Rogan would say you don't get it. That was an accident. The guy had preexisting conditions. I mean how the hell would it be reasonable to die from experiencing -250 and think it wasn't good for you?

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A fool and his money are soon parted.

So except for a minsucal anti inflammatory effect what the fuck is this new horseshit

He experiments with cutting edge technology to keep his body healthy, and forces you to look at the pictures via the Instagram account that you are mandated by the government to follow. WHAT A CUNT RIGHT GUYS?

Jesus what pathetic little spiteful fucks you are.

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