Don't be this guy

46  2016-02-25 by [deleted]


This is some woman shit.

Like Jill Nikoleaky?


It's really bothersome that there are people on here who take this shit seriously. Like every so often there's just one random dude going off on "kike media" and a bunch of other shit unrelated to a discussion of the hit Zach Galafinakis FX show Baskets.

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Goddamn Jew eggs. Don't forget about his pussy ass Canadian bacon

Jew eggs

Children's book author or disseminator of Zionist propaganda?

I think the image speaks for itself.

I thought Redcell was doing an imitation of Cartman saying Jew gold to Kyle

That tag line is god awful. No yolk at all

It's also a book for grade-school children. Sorry R. L. Stine didn't make it "diddle my mother's clit with a hammer" It wasn't exactly written for O&A fans.

See? I'm not the only one.


This is less of an e-beef as much as it is a thread where everyone else who is annoyed by your massive insecurity can point and laugh at what a douche you are


It amazes me when someone who has problems with so many people fails to realize that they're the only common denominator in the equation. Remember when Mars told Danny that he has a problem with everyone and Danny's bulletproof response was 'everyone clashes!'

Yeah, that's it Danny.

He hasn't been around for like 2 weeks.

2 weeks.

2 weeks.

2 weeks.

Get ready for the surprise!


I don't even recall what led to those pms, you're the one archiving it.


Replying to him = you're stalking and 'following him around'

First comment he makes is about his interactions with me on his last account, so yeah. Stalking.

But hey whatevz you got 3-5 people on your side in this thread lol, you're doing good my sweet lil hen.

What about the 25 people who were downvoting your posts when you replied to me calling you a fag for six hours and you deleted every response, the root cause of you continuing to message me to this day

Never happened. If it did you'd have a screenshot like for everything. But hey whatevz, 3-5 people is good.

For a guy that has archival evidence of some things, you sure don't have any for most.

you got a -49 on an above comment. I'm guessing those are just all alt accounts from 3-5 people (which I can see from the threads posted above that you love to accuse people of having)?

You're fucking worthless. Get a job.

Projecting faggot. I'm sure my job pays better than the welfare you're collecting.

Then you wouldn't have time for this shit you fucking cunt

Neither would you, stupid cock sucker.

I replied to this thread. You're stalking.


Try harder you queen.

you, sir, get zero pussy.

But his question does raise a serious point...are you indeed mad, bitch boy?

he really does seem to like that one doesn't he?

What the fuck ....

There's nothing I hate more but to see people arguing online and throwing smileys and winks at each other. You're ruining my flirting game, leave winks alone!

It sounded like he was trying to dirty talk you.

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He's a real maverick. He's not afraid to comment three times even if no one replies to him

I am confused who either of you are and what either of you are talking about. Just 2 retards?

How could you not care about internet beefs of people you've never met and will forget existed in 2 minutes?

Can you start doing shit with me now, I'm bored af

K. Hey you, you're the jerk of all jerks.

Woah you don't have to take the guys head off.

Tsss...yeah what is you in the isiss or sumpthin

That was a good one, Chip.

Yeah I know

you seem like a real cunt with less of a life than most of the people on this sub including myself which is something you must've really strived to achieve.

Wtf? Are you talking about yourself? You seem to be all in with autistic comments.

Who is this Ken faggot and why do we care?

tl;dr I pissed off some faggot a long time ago and he still messages me so I figured I would post one of the many messages he sent me since he's always telling me to make a thread about him so I finally did

Post the rest of them while you're at it!


go breakin' my heart baby

Tsss...yeah why don't you leave the door unlocked so I don't have to or sumpthin.

I couldn't if I tried.

u need to hire cyber detectives and call the cyber police, we can foot the bill via gofundme

I dun goof'd, consequences will never be the same

did he actually get an older usn of yours banned etc? what did you do to anger this vigilante?

Nah I did something stupid and posted personal info and not just once or twice but obnoxiously in multiple places. It was entirely my own fault and I lost all my precious internet points because of it

ahhhh. sounds devastating.

I laughed, I cried, I had a new account within 24hrs

You cared so little that you followed me on your new account ;) and you're still talking about it hah.

Lol this is dumb lol haha

dumber than two lol's and a haha in a five word sentence?

...actually yes it is

I'm making fun of the situation GET IT!

Even dumber in that he tried to do a retaliation ban and when he couldn't he got a new account and followed me around lol.

you're such a bitch lol this is fucking pathetic

you're the one participating in a discussion about it, faggot

You're panicking.

Am I?

That's the consensus in the thread, yes


Is it? You still failed at your ultimate goal.

Random words!

"Shit, I'm running out of iterations of 'mad', 'fag' and 'bitch', I might have to post something of substance soon. Here, I'll just reference your suspended account again"

he's just letting you know what's what. hahahaha

I knew we had users here who were 35+ years old but I didn't know we had guys who still use 1950's era insults. I better watch out or he might knock my block off, by gum!

be careful. it's really obvious that you're losing this battle. i mean just check out how calm and collected he is. somebody who is losing an argument doesn't use smiley faces ;)

as that faggot is refreshing this page compulsively, any minute now i'll be called your alt. cmon Kenny, we know you're waiting to reply. he truly is the biggest bitch i've seen on here. what an embarrassment

If anyone is still following this admittedly retarded thread, just know that every time Ken posts something like "He sent me a thousand messages" or "I trolled him for hours" just know that he's literally explaining what my role in it was.

He states things that he did and then says I did them. If I'm doing a poor job of explaining this, basically your friend shoplifts from a store while you're the lookout and then tells the cops that you took the candy when they separate you to get your stories.

That's why I'm really curious as to what it actually feels like to admit someone made a fool of you but you tell the story in such a way that it seems like you were the one trolling.

tldr; u mad as hell lol

Shit, you got me

Shit, don't write another novel about it.

What, too real?

Im just trying to have an open and honest discussion.

Oh I know this trick. The ol' "post light-hearted responses after my angry diatribes so it looks like it never really bothered me." Nice try Kendo :^)

Sure you should know that trick, considering it's exactly what you just did. Nice try with the hate tho ;)

Post another novel plz.

You go ahead and let me know where my angry diatribes are

Also don't need to post another novel, judging from the downvotes you're getting everyone already knows what a douche you are, no need to.

Now I'm gonna do the thing that makes you the angriest and ignore you, I think i've given you the negative attention you wanted already

tldr; u mad ;)


Get a fucking life you pathetic piece of human shit. Shut the fuck up.

Oh hey it's Bick_Bickerson I loved you in the thread "Weirdfellas: A love story"

I don't get it

Oh I guess it wasn't you then. Someone made that user reply for a week straight to four-word responses and I thought it was you

Oh yeah. That actually was me.

Really a great thread that one. For anyone who missed out here's the thread where it's linked

Yeah that guy was a rage fueled treasure

I don't know If you ever saw this but a couple months later he bought a $3,000 Ghostbusters prop and tried to return it when he had finished using it for a movie he was making but they wouldn't give a refund

His decision to return it was not well received

The comments with 500+ downvotes are his obviously after you follow the link

Why do you think that's the same guy?

I read it while it was happening

edit: Never mind, I thought it was WeirdFellas both times

You're like an autistic library for retarded internet beefs. Everyone else forgets about all this in 24 hours while you sit, archive and think about it for the rest of your life. What a lady boy.

Your obsession with votes and karma is also pretty gay.

I win, you lose.


An exact quote from you, actually. LOL he's still gossiping about me :) aw my biggest fan.

what.....the fuck

This is fucking amazing, bravo.

It was all /u/Bick_Bickerson 's doing though, I just remembered and linked it. It's pretty hard to forget when someone non-ironically types things like "you have been thoroughly trounced in an internet debate by an individual with superior intellect" and means it in all sincerity.

Shit, I guess I should have replied to the guy above you, but that was hysterical. Bravo /u/bick_bickerson

His commenting about an argument he had with you with his last account, genericscreen. There's your stalker lol.

OP remembers peoples users names, beefs and obscure threads he was involved in a long time ago. Probably a side effect of autism.


You know how crazy people just gibber to themselves about nothing in particular? You're looking at the beginning stages of that.

He's talking about me a day later lol. Boy your ass must be chapped.



Lol you guys should Skype lmao

you are getting completely raped here. everyone hates you.

You're both faggots. No one cares about your pms and hen like gossip.

no one cares about your hen like gossip

Do you know what sub you're on right now

Lemme ask you something. Do you reply to any of his PM's or replies?

Nope and even If I did, reddit only allows you to screenshot one side of a PM conversation so any screenshot you take would just look you receiving messages so there's no way to prove one way or another that you didn't reply

edit: Oh I guess you can see all the sent and received messages in the messages tab. I always just replied through "all" so I never really had a reason to go through the 'messages' tab but still, I never replied to them so If I did he's more than welcome to post them.

Yeah I'll gossip about people I give a care about. You're just random assholes on reddit.

Oh hey Ken


The Rock thinks it's pretty retarded when people refer to themselves in the third person


Exactly, this guy is doing what we do to opie.

I guess it's over guys, he declared "victory" imgur

Dear god, I'm glad it's over. I can finally get back to life. I felt like an ally waiting to be rescued at Dunkirk.

We can finally lift that upvote ration now that the boys are comin' back home

Thanks for keeping us updated. Kill yourself.

You first

Good one.

how dare you cheapen these hallowed halls with your butt buddy antics

Sorry, I have sullied the battle-tested 'save post' button with my faggot tree

I can't imagine, as an adult man, going out of my way to message someone to let them know I got them banned from an internet place. My God. Someone get this guy laid.

obviously that is impossible

Both of you post pictures of you dicks right now!

I am a loser social outcast living out his life online and even i think this is extremely fucking pathetic. You think you "got someone banned" on a message board for dead radio show where you can make hundred accounts for free every day? Is that really a "i showed him" moment in your head somehow? That is truly incredible.

This is still the same benjamin faggot, isn't it? The mental deficiency on this gentleman is really unique.

No, benjamin is way cooler brah.

Benjamin's posts are master-crafted works of prose compared to his responses


aanndd he deleted the comment. For bonus lulz, read the exchanges /u/opie_stern posted where he blasts him for deleting posts.


This autistic level of obsession, the refreshing and triple checking and note taking. For bonus lulz, he memorizes and digs through my exchanges with other people. Was it hypocritical? Post the exchange for us to see, my beloved stalker.

I knew you snapped when you woke up one day and couldn't log on. And then failed at replicating that for me lol. Your handful of internet points mean nothing as you'll continue to archive in hopes of getting me as upset as I made you. But you can't.

aaaaand he archived it, like an autistic archives everything. I deleted a random comment to you and I knew you would take a screenshot haha wow, I wonder if you have folders dedicated to me.

I made you so upset you have to screenshot everything of me lol.



What a vagina haver. More obsessive screenshots and explanations. U mad lol

Isn't this the same guy who threw a bitch fit over Dominos changing their recipe?

lots of lmoa's, lol's, hahahaha's, and ;)'s = fuckin pissed

Nah I'm the angry one remember?



Hey don't downvote me Kenneth! I mean I don't care if you did! Hahhaahahahahhhahaahhahahahahaah ;)

Same joke twice is always funny.

This! Lol hahahaha! lmfao


I've never had an internet stalker before. Am I missing out?

You just made an enemy for life

I'm interested to see how this plays out in the coming months.

Ah who am I kidding, the sub will do something to get shoa'd before then and we're all too lazy to migrate to voat.

wasn't this guy a regular caller on o&a ?

It wouldn't surprise me, he strikes me as the type desperate for any form of human contact. I mean, he's still replying to my posts in this thread just hoping he gets a response and they get longer and more malicious each time I don't give him one. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for him- oh wait no I'm not.

This guy – this is not my kind of guy.

I know this thread is irrelevant and it should probably be deleted, but you faggots are making such a spectacle of yourselves that everyone should be able to enjoy it.

Tss yeah its like what are we blind uh sumptin

I've noticed that /u/kennethfresno is always having these threads about him, and making them on others aswell. What gives, kenny?

It's really just the same 2-3 guys over and over. You can understand how easy it is to attract some gossiping autists around here, cant you?

You do the same thing tho, don't act like you're above it, the first conversation we've had was something like these PMs. And please, don't start PMing me now, my fragile psyche can't handle it.

I did it once and felt gay about it afterward.

Aww, I felt the same. Xoxo.

As much as it pains me to admit, I like listening to the show over reading this thread.




is this guy danny's stalker?

In house drama iz da best drama


You're both enormous faggots.

I really couldn't care less about these squabbles. Seriously, you are letting a troll actually troll you. Stop responding

Except, this faggot won't stop posting in the comments. Reading them is cringeworthy. I hate him. And I don't think our obsessive hate should be limited to D-list celebrities

The most honest assessment and depiction of a troll, bravo!

Seriously, you are letting a troll actually troll you.


Why not post in the comments? My biggest fan made a thread about me lol.

Reading them is cringeworthy.

The "lol" and "u mad" shit isn't funny. Not even in a "look what a douchebag I am" kinda way.

"Lol" and "U mad" would only be funny if you live streamed your suicide in your parents room, using the fountain of blood squirting from a your opened artery to write that shit on the walls. Only after I see their horrified reactions to your corpse will I get a mild exhale of air through my nose. Oh, but make sure to leave a live chat up. I'd like them to know what a faggot their son is (was).

Rethink yourself.

What's wrong with you Lasagna, you're letting a troll actually troll you

tldr; eat my ass, cunt.

u mad, bitch boy ;)

Sure man, I guess I'm mad. I mean you message me about once a month to send me something like that, this is just the first one I posted.


You're the one that's desperate for public support in your butthurt rage lol post more screenshots you gossipy queer.

You first post to me was about your last accounts interaction with me, stop being so obsessed and upset, bitch boy.

are you gonna delete this comment too




Like deleting a comment instead of editing means anything? You gonna post some screenshots about it like anyone cares? What an angry bitch boy you are.

Ken, you're metzkering out, take it easy.

Dude you're not even a comic!

lmao he logged onto an alt account to upvote himself. This thread was removed, stupid. So it's good to have confirmation that you've always done this. So sad.

It wasn't removed you obsessed freak. You look like little bitch in this thread lol.

I'm not exaggerating: he messages me at least once a month with something like this. This is literally the first time I've posted it in it's own thread. One time he sent me 5 in a row. He's under the impression he got me banned when the reason was because I found /u/libsarementallyill 's facebook and posted it.

He seems both defensive and unstable, he does shit like this a lot.



Suuure once a month. Post your once a month messages, then. You seem to have no problem with gossiping.

Post your once a month PM's. You would if you had them, but you don't.

Oh shit I thought you were /u/footthingonhisfoot. Haha, oh benjamin ya mentally ill dumbo.

How unstable is it to make a parody of a user on a message board of a dead radio show.

HA! You got upset! How predictable!


Didn't see it on the /new/ section, guess I was wrong. Calm down, baldopie. I'm not the one gossiping here.

I got you banned and you couldn't do the same to me after trying. Couldn't even make a thread for some 'support'.

I win, cya around faggot ;)

Maybe you could explain how you go about getting somebody banned, Kenneth. That might show /u/RedCellOperative what's what. I'm totally confused by this entire thing. Maybe you two should ignore eachother?

I'm awaiting his response where he calls you an 'angry bitchboy' and avoids your actual question with bated breath

I regret getting involved, carry on.

I got him banned initially for spamming my PM box, 2-4 messages a ttme with only 1 being responded to.

Well I shouldn't have stuck my nose into this anyhow, Godspeed to both of you.

How overwhelming is the cognitive dissonance when you post things that you did to me and claim that I was the one who did them to you since you actually know what happened? Is it a weird feeling? I've never experienced it since I don't have to lie about what happened.

Still waiting for my ban, bitch boy. Don't make me have to get this one banned too now.

Why try to get you banned? You're too fat of a lulzcow to want to see you go.

Why try? You say that now that you've failed lol. You're such a transparent retard.



Still waiting for my ban, bitch boy.

I know

How come you failed?

why the fuck am i still reading this. i hope you both end up as skin canvas.



you're the one participating in a discussion about it, faggot

Replying to him = you're stalking and 'following him around'

Yeah I know

go breakin' my heart baby

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you got a -49 on an above comment. I'm guessing those are just all alt accounts from 3-5 people (which I can see from the threads posted above that you love to accuse people of having)?

obviously that is impossible