Just popped a couple Alpha Brains so I can work on my shadowboxing

0  2016-02-25 by jonesy6969



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Don't forget that NEW diet Joe's been Instagramming about--even though it's been popularly known as Atkins for over 10 years.

Don't take too much alpha brain as that stuff could make you crazy intelligent and super strong in your brain cortex. If you've seen the movie Limitless you'll know what I mean.

But then how will I conquer my inner bitch???

Shave your head, slaughter defenceless animals, jerk kettlebells like a cave man, eat lots of barely cooked meat, smoke weed and float in a bath.

i might just start a podcast


Gotta be ready for #TheFightThatWillNeverHappen

🌵 san pedro cactus

Mescalito por favor?