Rat Vs Keith

10  2016-02-24 by Lilcumia


Those faggots really took it personal that Rat left, huh? Fucking Gavin tried to pull that "we're family" shit. I fucking hate when people try to manipulate me by saying that. Over the years I've learned that I can only rely on my blood relations, and even that has its limits.

Yeah, do they expect Rat to want to work there for the rest of their careers?

True, a young buck like Rat can't be expected to plan 9 months into the future.

blood relations can sometimes mean that if they want, they can get away with more shit.

Well, yeah, that's a given. You don't have to tolerate a lot of friends shit, you can write them off. Kinda hard to do that with family, youre ginna be seeing them like it or not.. Gavin was doing that BS of saying that the TACS network was a family and they're all brothers. I guarantee he is the only one to feel that way, and who even knows if he does. Most of the shit he says I doubt he believes, he's a weird fuckin guy.

he's a lonely creep. I think it was more Ant and Keith that fucked around and got Rat to quit. Gavin is a douche but he I never seen him as straight up evil.

He's not evil, but he's a dick to Rat. How can you not be.

Loyalty to even blood-related family members is a stupid concept. Those related to you biologically are just as likely if not more to fuck you over by taking advantage of the supposed 'bond' you're supposed to have with them. Sure if you're presented with a choice to help your friends or your family and you're in good standing with your family you're about a piece of shit for not choosing them but a lot of people let their relationships to their family blind them.

Look what happened to Dane Cook.

ie. Joe Cumia

I think they're just more annoyed than anything. Who quits a cake job like that without having another job already in place (and in NYC for fucks sake).

The new guy is getting the hang of it and already doing a better job than rat (considering the learning curve of course).

Talk all the shit you want about Cumia.. it's rare to find a boss who will pretty much let you do whatever the fuck you want as long as you show up to work and do your job. Rat is a fucking retard.

I wouldn't want to work for people that treated me like crap, I don't blame Rat. And imagine having to take shit from Keith every day. Fuck that.

Or listen to an old man rant on the same 3 subjects everyday.

Keith angers me. How the fuck can this dumb oaf position himself so highly, when he's nothing more than a pock marked wop's bitch boy? At least his butthurt is palpable.

One of the few suggestions that they actually followed through with. .. keeping Keith off the microphone and away from the camera. I remember the first couple of months of tacs when Keith was on almost every show and almost always would butt in with his cocky cop bullshit.. that made me cringe more than Opie ever did... well almost.

Maybe he was on vacation, a family thing, etc.?

maybe he was watching seinfeld and strangling someone?

Yep! lol But that's Anthony. I'm referring to Keith.

Rat has been calling into shows and stopping by the studio since he quit. Eventually someone there is going to get annoyed by him hanging around. Who quits a job and then wants to hang out at their former place of employment? Fucking weirdo.