Mike Finoia who?

1  2016-02-24 by [deleted]



The lesser-spotted Office Space reference.

I have a subscription to Ant's network, and I didn't know who this guy was.

Never heard of Finoia but he doesn't seem like a comedian. Sure he's not an MMA commentator or an auto mechanic?

Wow that was painful

Actually feel kind of bad for finoia. That was rough

Holy shit, I thought it was a bit, or Gavin was just messing with him. But that ending, you can tell Finoia was sad and pissed off.

Isn't everyone who has to deal with Gavin?

Ouch. You can hear in Gavin's voice exactly when he realizes he fucked up, then awkwardly changes the subject to booze.

I like Mike better than Gavin.



You just shitposted this awhile ago and it was awful then.

Thats why it was in the top 3? I Just posted this because I wanted those people to see the video.

Why are you so cranky? Didnt your bottle?

Not that I didn't enjoy the video but it's in the top 3 of new posts. Not something to brag about.

ME: Stop lyyying! We're doing very well in the New Posts market! I fffuckin' hate Reddit!

I wasn't talking to you? Don't be a cuck and try and defend people

Not trying to defend anybody, just pointing out your undue bragging.

How is that bragging? he said it was shit posting, how could a shit post make it up that far? Jesus fucking christ some of the people on here get triggered so easily

Make it up that far where?

New posts are automatically top posts of all time. Clearly.

Was this that psycho I hate your generation again?

you know it

Isn't everyone who has to deal with Gavin?