The Jim Norton Advice Show Sucks Ass

86  2016-02-24 by silks322

I'll admit, it was mildly entertaining back when it first started, but now it's become completely unlistenable. The callers are just heinous. An hour of dolts wanting advice on doing stand up and sharing sobriety stories... the current Opie Raqio audience (what is left of them) is just pitiful.


This is how most of the calls go.

Jim, there's a girl that I work with at Kohls and I wanna ask her out, but I don't know how to.

Ahh man, that's tough. I've never been good at that. Can you ask her out to dinner or maybe a movie? I don't know buddy, I wish I could help.

Asking Jimmy about anything related to a normal life or healthy relationship is like asking Vos where he comes up with his ideas.

Don't you mean Amy?

Jim: why don't you try asking her if she likes to peg men in the ass then buy some lube and a strap on and assume the position. Okay next caller

And then Jimmy suggests going to "a meeting"

I don't like to say a specific one. ...You know, some have rules about not wanting to be named or blah

Is this a real thing? I get AA members being anonymous. You're a real shit if you out some guy trying to get help, possibly screwing him over personally or professionally.

You can't out yourself as a member though? How's that make sense?

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I was forced into that world for a bit a decade ago. It's one of the 12 traditions

There are some mixed views recently in the recovery world that are going against the traditions and outing themselves and what they attended trying to fight against the stigmatization of addictions, recovery and all that shit.

Recently? Thats been going on for a while buddy, stay sober.

It's like I'm really listening to the Jim Norton advice hour

The way he types'd swear it was the real people!

That depressed me just reading that. What a bland show.

I wish Patrice was alive still

It's all truckers and unemployed borderline retards.

Nothing borderline about those retards.

He needs to drop the advice shit and maybe have Sam or some other homo on and just shoot the breeze for an hour.

Sometimes at night when I am flipping channels on the XM, i'll hear Sam's voice on my radio and remember that he exists.

I've tried to listen to his show and I just can't get into it. It's always him and some generic girl talking about Kanye

sam is a decent straight man, but on his own its 'bruuutal'

Yeah, that's my feelings on Sam. Sam + funny person is good. I actively like him and Jim, Ant, Ron or Bobby. When he's with Who Kid, Nicole, Kenny or whoever the fuck random person then he stinks.

Exactly. Sam works best as a straight man. I don't give a shit about wrestling and entertainment talk.

That said, he can certainly carry his show on his own... which can't be said for certain other hosts on the channel.

How hard can it be to find some gem in the stand up open mic scene?

Chills.. Like somebody walking over your grave..

I would love it if they brought back the Jam

Now That's Entertainment!

u know it wont happen, he either find someone famous and try to ride that coattail, or has one of the lady he wants to fuck to co host, he will never have sam as his co-host cause sam has nothing to offer him

"I really love doing stand up and my mom says I'm pretty good at it. I've been doing open mics for 4 years and can't seem to take that next step... You and Opie are the best. You guys crack me up in the morning!"


I also suspect most of the callers are making shit up just to talk to Jim

From the very first word of the very first episode, to the most recent episode, it has been utter dogshit.


1) cannot do radio on his own

2) has no advice to offer anyone

3) does an advice show

This one comes up a lot.

Hey jimmy my wife doesn't want to try different things in bed.

Umm that's a tough one because I've never been married. Umm does your breath smell??

Oh god yes. I remember the first time he pulled that one. It was the equivalent of Larry King's "What about the groceries?". It came out of fucking nowhere. If I remember correctly I think he said that one time to a guy who wanted to eat out his girl.

Ya just need to get into treatment buddy.

It was never good.

I avoid this show now. Same tired bullshit.

Congrats on admitting you avoid this show now and not since the first episode.

Thanks man!

-dear god are TRUCKERS STUPID

(my apologies to any intelligent truckers that may be reading this; but the callers.......holy fuck)

They're all stupid.

No need to apologize - even the most intelligent trucker still can't read

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And it's just cliche after cliche statements related to addiction.

"When you point one finger at someone, you have three pointing right back at yourself."

Oh shut the fuck up.

Maaaan that's a tough spot man. If you try, maybe she puts you in as an extra in a movie but I dunno man you might be setting yourself up for the cutting room floor.

Best of luck.

No shit, he just parrots AA cult nonsense.

Maybe he can advise me on how to get a day job that does not involve driving or customer service. If any of you maniacs know of something I can do (besides prostitution) in Manhattan, Queens, or North/West Brooklyn, PM me.

I'm looking for a hitman, can you help me?

I'd ask sherrod how to be white before i ask jimmy anything.

You know Sherrod is black right?

His Wikipedia mentioned that!


He's not black, he's a nigger.

Ive said it before, he lives a lonely sheltered life with very limited real life experience. He has a man servant who handles any real stress he has, he works for 3 hrs a day on the radio and makes high 6 figures.

He is so detached from what real life is he has no real advice to give. They should take that dumpster fire off the air and replace it with Dr Steve.

Ricky Gervais said it best. "They gave you an advice show? Was Hannibal Lecter too busy?"

Not sure if the same show...but I heard him kissing some douchebag's ass the other night who was doing a "Bill Burr impression" that was hideously awful. Jim was raving over it even though it was horrendous.

Jim: Go ahead and do Bobby Kelly
Jim: Fawkin, hilariouth

Hey Jim I have a really bad drinking problem, I drank 1 beer in the last year do you think I need AA?

They need to give the whole channel to Ronnie B and get rid o f opie and jimmy

Ron is the star of Raw Dog, Sirius XM Rawdog Comedy Hits XL

But that's not his own channel. He needs his own.

I think I listened to 4 or 5, it all went downhill from the first caller/email which was great. They had a weight problem I think and Jim did both his serious advice impression but also ripped on it just as much. There's pretty much no comedy on the show which turned me away, I do think it could be great if he were a little more reckless and/or had some other comics on like Vos or Bob, maybe he has. I only got a few in and was pretty disappointed.

Always has been always will be.

Jim shouldn't be giving actual advice to anyone obviously. But the concept doesn't work because he's already preaching to the choir. This is one of those formats that can work on terrestrial radio where most of the callers are just random people tuning in.

Every caller kisses his ass or does Chip impersonations. Like somebody said earlier, it's just people calling up to talk to him.

Why in god's name does Jimmy think he's qualified to give advice to anyone, aside from him regularly seeing a therapist, allowing him to regurgitate what they say to him; and getting drunk for 2 weeks in 1984.

Hey Jim, I had a sip of a wine spritzer last night and now I feel like calling the FBI. How should I proceed?

I didn't know anybody actually took it seriously

didn't fez call in once?

The Advice Show (sax riff)

There was a guy that called in like last week asking for some advice about being an open micer and what not. Jimmy told him to try and get a hold of some bigger named comics to see if they wanted him to drive them around to shows.. Like Jimmy did back in the 90s..

Seriously Jim? That's fucking terrible advice.

Another said he was a good joke writer but not good on stage. Jim told him to call around to established comics and negotiate a fee for his writing services. Perhaps send some samples of his work also.

Why would anyone ask a relatively wealthy, single, unmarried 47 year old, childless, untraveled compulsive man for advice about anything?

Cash = Better than you.

I remember the one time one of his guest co hosts called him out for trying to sexualize a guy's traumatic story about catching his wife cheating.

Jim is a cuckold. He get's off on being humiliated by a woman choo - choo - choosing to jump on a bigger, blacker, more masculine dick than he could ever hope to compare to.

It's part of being a spineless beta male who deep down knows his radio show is an embarrassment; and that he will never have the courage to make it interesting for one day by telling the truth and giving the ole' "Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, You're cool (denny), Fuck you I'm out"

Yikes, do you really say beta male? Do you admire 'alpha males?' Do you drink Michelob Ultra and do crossfit?


I seriously had no idea it was still a thing until the Amy Bullshit

its always sucked

why would anyone care about peoples crappy problems, let alone anonymous dullards ?

Yeah umm Jim I work with this overbearing blowhard and he's just impossible to deal with. He's balding and getting pudgy and is in denial about it but on some level he is aware of it and it makes him very rude and cranky. He is also overly sensitive and you have to watch what you say to him or he'll get mad or even worse he'll start crying for no reason. It gets very uncomfortable and he'll tell myself and others that we are never there for him and say how we aren't really his friends. We used to have a coworker who mitigated some of his childishness but he got fired and now it's just a toxic work environment. I work on a contractual basis and it is coming up for renewal in about 9 months. I'm not sure if the company will keep us on but if they do I am not sure if I can continue to work with this individual for another 2 years. What should I do Jim?

How much of that would get on the air before Jimmy cut it off? Or if he let it go through what would his answer be?

Didn't this start as a joke? How did it become an actual long-term thing? Jim is taking it seriously. It's not like it's some goof where he tells everyone to eat a shotgun. He really is trying to give advice.

I don't like to say a specific one. ...You know, some have rules about not wanting to be named or blah