Does anyone know the details of the Chip Chipperson Indiegogo?

2  2016-02-24 by jonesy6969

I still don't understand some of the details of the indiegogo shit. maybe he answered these questions on air? When he says "FIVE MORE EPISODES"....does he mean five more 6 minute animations? Is he actually selling me these episodes or am I just going to donate because I always wanted a Jim Norton head shot?


You're subsidizing Jim by fronting him the cost of producing the animation. He doesn't want to risk his own money, because if the show fails, he loses it. This way there's no risk for him.

But if you donate and it's a huge hit, Jimmy gets rich and you get nothing. But the upside is that you're not a piss-drinking trannyfucker. So it all kind of evens out in the end.

It would probably be another five more 6 minute episodes. He wants $200,000 right? One episode of a 20-30min TV show costs $200,000. Although I think he's asking a little too much for an independent animation where the cast he seems to be casting his friends and the production value isn't quite TV value.

Though I'm being critical, I do hope Jimmy succeeds.

Animation is expensive. 1episode of family guy costs like 2 mill, but I can buy a whole season for $20. It just seems like,.......what are we even paying for? Should I spend $75 for a t shirt? Because it seems like then animations are gonna be available regardless of whether you donate or not. I really like Norton, but this is just................dumb

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Sure but Family Guy has big wage bills. I mean Mila Kunis is a big movie star and the producers will have to make it worth her while.

You're right. A lot of those crowdfunding projects are not a worthwhile investment.

I think it's been mentioned before but he should've tried this years ago when O&A were together. Even though Chip is still a much loved character, I think that too many fans are frustrated and annoyed.

This is what i was starting to think. He's basically asking for the kind of financing that a producer would give.... except instead of getting a percentage you get a poster or a t shirt.

A caller asked him about this on the hour+ infomercial that passed for an Opie sick-day, he says only the teaser was meant to be 6 minutes. Whether that means it will be 20 mins, 30 mins... who knows. Really, who cares. This isn't going to be a hit.