Which of these 5 points do you disagree with?

5  2016-02-24 by beeseesee

1/ Opie now hosts his show like a freshman trying to fit at a senior party that he can't believe he's been invited to and covers up his insecurity with awkard bravado, negativity and pandering. But worse than all three of those is when he wants to fit in with guests like Chris Distafano and, trying to project himself to the audience as "one of the guys," pretends to know about the Knicks or the Islanders. Masculinity is fragile.

2/ Comdian Jim Norton at this point thinks he a political commentator. Bob Hope never mistook himself for William F. Buckley, yet Norton actually thinks people care about or could be persuaded by his political opinions. He thinks they are valid and defends them passionately. But, it's very clear that he doesn't read ANYTHING other than the nypost and nydailynews that is put in front of him in the studio every morning. The rest of the time, when he remembers that he is supposed to be funny, he is almost exclusively doing anti-comedy jokes, "I like things in my asshole" jokes, obscure references from about 8 movies and BEYOND (at this point) self-indulgent characters. Really sad. When you listen back to the old shows, most of Jimmy's lines were just slipped into the conversation and worked with the flow, made you laugh over the next line. Now, everything he says is met with almost uproarious def jam laughter from a room of 6 men.

3/ Anthony is pathetic. His show is embarassing. I was relistening to the O+A Tony Danza saga and it was like taking a time machine back to when the show took exciting, entertaining risks and Ant was on his game and delivering laugh-out-loud improv with an undercurrent of stomach churning discomfort. Now he's pandering to a tiny subscriber base of racists, nationalists and people who are somehow convinced that 4-bedroom house on a cul-de-sac in an average Long Island neighborhood is an aspirational "mansion"

4/ We have to admit that The Bennington Show is terrible. How is this opinion controversial? Are we scared to criticize Ron and the new show that he has created? Ron+Fez in all of its incarnations, particularly the satellite years, transcended what a radio show can be. But Bennington is background noise.

5/ Was it erock who said "Everything good is going away!" when Ant was fired and Fez left? He might have been right.


Was it erock who said "we're losing all the good things!"

Yes, but I think he was referring to the closing of the Entenmann's factory & the collapse of Hostess brand snack cakes.

The consumer

Number 4, I still enjoy it and get a lot of laughs. I skip the most of the interviews though unless it's someone I'm really interested in.

I agree most strongly with #3.

I will admit, I don't enjoy it nearly as much, but I still dig it. As much as I'd prefer he throw a few dissenting opinions in the mix, I'm happy he's still on the radio at all.


Great post. Sums up everything about these shows'/men's collective decline from 2014 onward.

Finally nice to see someone calling out Ron too.

Ron and Fez was the best radio show I ever listened to. It began to decline with the jump to Raw Dog, but Bennington is unlistenable. He gave his daughter, who shares every one of his opinions and none of his wit, a job. Wow. Great work, Ron.

Dude, you couldn't condense that a bit?

Anyway, Point 3 couldn't be more spot-on with both past & present Anthony assessments.

Ha, sorry man. Hemingway was a concise writer and heavy drinker. I only have on of those things in common with him.

Here's the link to the O+A Danza saga I referenced if anyone wants to listen again:


Don't apologize. I'm just lazy!

And yes, the Danza bit is gold.

Number 3. Its a 6 bedroom house but accurate otherwise

A six-bedroom Long Island McMansion for a single guy.

The fucking epitome of nigger rich.

I love to bash post-2014 Ant, but 6 Bedrooms in Roslyn Heights is probably $1.5Mil and then you have to consider that he has cash, too. It is nothing to sneeze at and completely shits on my peasant net worth. "Nigger Rich" is walking around with all of your wealth in your pockets, around your neck, and attached to the axles of your car.

Fair enough, Sir.

With a black Escalade in the drive.

Ant really is not white.


As a listener since 1998, I believe you are spot on sir. I don't have XM anymore, so I can't comment on Bennington, but the few clips I've heard didn't inspire me to seek out more of the show.

Anthony used to be great and now he stinks..but if you ever told me was gonna get fired I would fully expect that to be the case, its not really surprising, but come on, just because you dont like him you cant say he doesnt have a nice house. Thats just being unreasonable.

I'm assuming you're being sarcastic. Otherwise, I can't figure out exactly what your trying to say.

Ant isnt as good as he used to be because he lost his job but I dont think that point is worth driving into the ground by so many people like it currently is. and wtf? youre making fun of his house now? Ive never seen it all but I'm sure its a nice house. No one would be wrong to aspire to have that? Just think youre a little off on Anthony.

Do you have a little 'Maybe I'm being over-defensive' inkling ticking away in the back of your mind about this, or is your brain just broken?

Look at his username. It's literally "Faggot".


do you think youre putting him on a bit of a pedestal to even still regurgitate that opinion almost 2 years after he stopped being a public figure? yeah, not many people listen to his podcast as expected and he still has a right wing opinion. who cares?

"I agree with you I just don't think you should voice the thing that I can agree is true"?

I don't agree with the impassioned way you say it as if it hasnt been said every day for 2 years and he was still employed by a massive company. yeah, he got fired and now isn't as successful, why get so worked up over it?

Link me the example you have in mind of me or anyone else being "so worked up" so I know what you're talking about?

you really haven't seen that opinion on Ant written out on here pretty much verbatim before? And based on your paragraph you wrote out it is obvious you feel very strongly about this. Which is okay, but as far as a specific link: www.reddit.com/r/tacsuncensored

What paragraph?

3/ Anthony is pathetic. His show is embarassing. I was relistening to the O+A Tony Danza saga and it was like taking a time machine back to when the show took exciting, entertaining risks and Ant was on his game and delivering laugh-out-loud improv with an undercurrent of stomach churning discomfort. Now he's pandering to a tiny subscriber base of racists, nationalists and people who are somehow convinced that 4-bedroom house on a cul-de-sac in an average Long Island neighborhood is an aspirational "mansion"

whether you wrote it or not, you still dont know what I'm talking about?

I guess I don't have any new questions since last time. "That's worked up?" and "Do you have any concern you might be a tad over-defensive about this?"

and I still have the question

do you think youre putting him on a bit of a pedestal to even still regurgitate that opinion almost 2 years after he stopped being a public figure? yeah, not many people listen to his podcast as expected and he still has a right wing opinion. who cares?

People are more vocal about Anthony hate than Opie hate at this point and everyone ignores the fact that their situations are totally different. I dont give a shit about defending Ant, but magnifying glass people put him under in relation to his current status is just stupid. Being a racist or a drunk, especially for ex-O&A fans shouldn't be anywhere near the realm of hate that Opie should get for his stupidity. Why is Ant on a pedestal as if he is still on top and needs to be taken down? His awful podcast and probably low subsriber count speak for themselves. Why is this still a discussion? I would honestly like to know.

People are more vocal about Anthony hate than Opie hate at this point

Seeing how other people see things can be a weird and fascinating ride.

so no answer? its fine if not, but if you look you'll see its about equal, and within the past few months there have been more weeks that were 100% focused on Ant than there were on Opie. If you think Ant doesn't get 45 - 55% of the hate here you just arent looking.


I believe Erock's exact words were "Everything good is going away."

That sums it up perfectly.

I'll edit my post. Thanks.

Happily agree with 1,2,3 and 5. I don't want to say that Bennington is terrible, but if I'm being honest you're right and it breaks my heart. Great now I'm gonna need another stent.

Ha! This is exactly what I mean though-- why are we afraid to criticize the Bennington show? Cmon, be bold! What's wrong with Bennington?

What's wrong with Bennington?

  1. Gail. She's awful.
  2. Hicks. Shitty producer. He did okay when Dave left and he had to pick up the slack on mic. But he basically just agrees with everything Ron says.
  3. There is no one there for Ron to bounce off of. Fez was great at that, and when Fez and Dave or Dave and Earl or Fez and Earl or Ron and Earl were battling each other it made for great radio. There is no conflict now because its Ron, his female offspring who agrees with him all the time and Hicks who has no bankable talent so he knows to keep his gig he too has to agree with everything Ron says.

You'd better agree with everything Ronnie B. says or else you aren't long for the air.

Poor Joe Poo ....

I think we're afraid to criticize because Ron is a cool guy and R&F really was a great, funny, different show. But I've realized that what I find entertaining is conflict - and Bennington has none. Like everyone else said it seems to be 3 hrs of Ron singing to the choir.

disagree with #1. Opie is extremely masculine and turns me on

I actually enjoy Bennington but I hardly listen and that's telling because I listened to Ron and Fez all the time

Number 4. It's still a good show; just a little different taste. Everything else is spot on, however.

4/ Let me make this clear: Bennington is often unbearable. But the show is not unbearable because of Gail or Chris. Yes, Gail actually crying on air because an influential pop singer has died betrays a stunning solipsism. And yes, Chris playing victim to Pulcinella's obvious punches, even now, when the entire audience can anticipate the pattern, doesn't elevate the show. But the real culprit is Ron himself: at this point he is transparently self-satisfied.

Walk me though how you got to solipsism there.

Would you disagree that you made this topic just to have another excuse to post about The Bennington Show?

@2 Why is Norton obsessed with A Clockwork Orange?

What paragraph?

so no answer? its fine if not, but if you look you'll see its about equal, and within the past few months there have been more weeks that were 100% focused on Ant than there were on Opie. If you think Ant doesn't get 45 - 55% of the hate here you just arent looking.