Reminder that Melissa Stetten stands up for herself and will block anyone that brings it up cause she feels harassed.

48  2016-02-24 by imcrapyall



But quickly apologize for a ethnic joke as soon as someone digs it up. Pretty sad this the most sane person Ant stuck his dick in.

Melinda seemed pretty stable

You're right, can't fault an animal lover. Blowjobs notwithstanding.

Melinda was Lobster girl? Shit

Hey Bob Kelly blew a guy for a steak and hes alright

Dude you put it in your mouth, you go down a couple times, you plop it out boom you got your steak you got your nice wet lips

Sure was.

Hey, TheConsumer is the funniest person on Reddit. I have read through his comment history. He is funny and smart. Isn't that what Reddit is all about? I will always enjoy reading through his, TheConsumer's, post history.

Like it's theconsumers report or sumtin tsstss

Never apologize for your consumption!

That has to be the most cringeworthy thing that has ever been done.


Or her and Anthony mocking domestic violence????

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...I'm a little confused. Is this Stetten making a post in defense of Stetten, in the 3rd person?


Holy shit.

Oh my. That is embarrassing.

I love how shit like this doesn't even matter to people and she's doing "empowering" speeches at colleges.

What a horrible, phony cunt.


has this ever been posted to r/cringe? cuz it should

That's gotta be the most embarrassing thing. What a fool.

In all seriousness: why and where did you find this? What's the motive here?

What's the end game?

wha happen?

She's a phony balogna eatin macaroni Stromboli and cannoli

In seriousness away from any quotes, Stetten used to write for a feminist women's rights only vaginas lol blog. They never looked into her history of nigger jokes and Cumia pedophile fucking and she got fired.

Her last article "" is one big pc circlejerk into what she is today and someone caught her talking about herself and thankfully caught a screencap.

I brought it up and will probably keep doing so because she taught a college course about the modeling industry as if she has value BECAUSE SHE IS UNIQUE AND HAS HILARIOUS IDEAS LUL. ""

Asked on Twitter if she addressed the pic in said course or if i'm low life scum for bringing it up and she blocked me. What an unfunny pc cunt she turned into. At least back then into her questionable history she could fire a joke or two off, now the only the joke is her offering "insight" like Norton at an AA meeting.


No, but seriously.,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,q_80,w_620/MTI0ODUwMzM1NjA3OTU4MTQ3.jpg

WOOF that pic is beyond hideous.




