You all are a bunch of hopeless failures with no semblance of a future

22  2016-02-23 by sarchbot

but just know you were fortunate enough to not come into this world and have Gregg Hughes as your father.


Every year on father's day I give my dad a card that says "thanks for not giving me a faggoty name like Hudson"

I agree. MouseCunt is a much better name.

I give one to mine saying "You just weren't there for me"

Holy shit I've only just put two and two together and realised his full name is Hudson Hughes. Hudson is bad, but Hudson Hughes....

Opie probably thought, Howard Hughes, rich. Hugh Hefner, rich. It's all about the initials maaan.

It gets worse, his middle name is Harry

How much you wanna bet the Opester calls him Triple H

I'm not taking that bet.

you're thinking of sam.

Tell em about the discount!

Triple H... That's a whole new level of queer.

What a terrible father.

I give mine a black eye and threaten to cut thier cock/clit off if they ever betray me.

Happy Birthday river twins.

Speaking of Opie's kids, what's up with his daughter? Is he just being more protective of his second born because she's a girl or did all the bad karma from making fun of retards all those years lead to Lynsi pumping out a waterhead?


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You could have said "with no future" but you thought adding the unnecessary 'semblance of a' made you sound cultured and well-read.

he went to SUNY Geneseo asshole youre just hating

I'm taking lessons, so I can skate to work every morning. I'm not a pro, but my trainer says, "nice try with the skate, tho."

"nice try with the skate, tho."


Management is loving how I mop up the bathrooms in this High School, and I get to look at all the teenage girls I want. Nice try with the hate tho

I'm going through a cancer scare. Thanks for making me feel better.

What the hell is going on with this sub? Everyone's either dropping dead of cancer or finding lumps on the cocks.

It's almost like the racist,narcissist,and closeted gay man attracted a group of unhealthy individuals.

This sub is a better alternative to hard drugs since my clients are horrible pieces of shit.

I am actually doing very well in my career and my life.

Nice try with the hate.

Mike, shoot that piece o shit.

What do you do for a living character?

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I had to take a second job after our company had to downsize. I was one of the fortunate ones but took a hit in the salary. I was lucky to get it though. I've had to moonlight as a dish washer while my wife is looking for full time work, just to make the rent and car payments. I get a few hours sleep every night if I'm lucky. My shift manager sees me struggling with the plates sometimes and they don't come out perfect cause you have to scrub them by hand. He'll still pat me on the back and tell me "nice try with the plate, tho."


I dunno man, He's rich aint he?

♫ ♩ Oh If I were a rich man ♫ ♩

He wears white socks and too-tight t-shirts. What's the point of having money if you dress like a twelve year old?

I still have hope. If Opie can make it so can i Sniff

w/ any name u have to think what the one-syllable version is, since thats what ull be called most often... Yo Hud whats good?

You all are a bunch of hopeless failures with no semblance of a future

... {full stop}

Hudson Hughes. thats not pretentious