I kind of admire Dani for just how much this tweet will piss off Ant

67  2016-02-23 by Dennyislife


The problem with Anthony seems to be that he wants to be portrayed as a winner. He wants to win on politics, be right on climate change, have lots of money, have lots of young chicks he bangs without commitment, didn't bomb at the roast, has the best network etc

But, in 2016, he's clearly a loser. & being a loser is funny (funnier than being a winner). He just has to embrace it

thats true a little self-deprecation would be hilarious right now

Over compensating for being a hs drop out

and faggot

Pissy eyed...

He will never do that. He knows he is a loser. He has always known and worked extra fucking hard to make people believe he was the opposite. This girl obviously knows this. This was beautifully played on her part. She does know him.

he's clearly a loser

At the very least "of his guns".

That would be like some girl getting all of Erock toys taken away from him. That's gotta hit where it hurts.

His carry permit is gone too, and will probably stay gone even if he is cleared of this thing, because NY is super strict with its issuing requirements. That's got to hurt, Anthony among the natives without his burner.

He can't be cleared... even if Dani was within her rights to drop the charges. She can choose to not appear in court which is probably what Ant's legal team is working on. Wonder how many millions he will have to pay her for her silence.

how many millions I seriously doubt Anthony has that many "millions" to give away. Unless he has done a great job investing, I think he is less wealthy than one might think. We're O & A making a million a year at Sirius? I would doubt it.

A mill isn't an unrealistic number for that kinda gig.

Ehhhh idk. Maybe for one of their contracts.


He is said to be worth about 8 million. I could have sworn it was 20 last time I checked. http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/anthony-cumia-net-worth/

Nobody takes those estimates seriously. That website is nonsense.

I bet she would drop it all for 50k at this point. She'd ask for 200k, and Ant could negotiate down with his Schwarz-force. They would tell her no way, it's not worth it, she doesn't have a case, and if she does accept, legally binding for 10 years on all media, no internet posts, etc..

It's not a civil suit it's a criminal complaint so she can't drop it. If she were to not cooperate with the procedings then she has no hopes of continuing the gravy train life she is living leeching off Anthony.

I understand it's not a civil suit, yet.. But given how money hungry she seems, why wouldn't she file a civil case to gain some sort of financial benefit? It seems that's where this is all headed to me. Even if it doesn't get there; that means that she most likely received some sort of payoff..whether cooperating to defend Ant or just by playing her cards right.

Well he could go all out hypocrite. Grab a glock,serial numbers shaved and pack it in the front of his pants as the "natives" do.

Naw, I don't see it, Anthony's too soft for that. He'll just get a can of mace, and stay in the company of his cop buddies I bet.

But wouldn't that be funny if he embraced? Knowing what I know about Anthony, I would find him losing his guns to be hilarious. It might be funnier than if Opie got his YouTube channel erased & lost all his "numbahs". Failure is funny

I feel terrible for young guys who break up with their first crazy chick or guys going through bad divorces. But stupid Ant should've known better at this point.

Anthony is a stupid cunt for letting this happen. She's a cunt for doing this.


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Hopefully they're gentlemen of color.

They're just helping her fix the floor.

Maybe even straighten out her scoliosis.

That; and her sphincter muscle.

Ant 100% has a stomach ulcer because of this

Maybe after a few trips to the buffet. Bony whites girls really aren't our/their thing unless it's some skinny oreo from the suburbs.


but they actually have jobs so...

After this is all settled, Anthony's still gonna have to deal with her talking too. Aside from the ex-wife, he got off pretty easy with these crazy broads, all things considered, till Dani.

I can see long missives about Cumia and his personal life coming out of this one for years to come.

Also what missives? "We watched old 1950s tv rerruns and then he yelled at Obama for 5 hours before playing computer games and finally drinking himself into a stupor" is about all we'll get it.

There are still idiots who are paying for that, un-fucking-believable.

All these girls have tales, it's just self respect, and how much they're willing to expose themselves in the process that stops them. Nicolini, Stetten, etc.... all said a bit, but this girl is a live wire. I can see her tossing out all types of stuff, then framing herself as an abused girl, drinker/addict, etc..... just trying to find peace.

I am not trying to be a dick but what would you constitute as a tale worth telling that anyone who has more than 5 minutes with google would not know about Anthony? Maybe some shit about physical abuse but other than that he lives a very pedantic life.

I can see her dropping a bomb like his dick doesn't work well anymore, or some family or personal medical thing that she might of found out, etc....

Anthony's a private guy. Those that old enough to remember, will recall the shit fit he threw on the boards years ago, when his heart problems were noted, and when it was dug up that Melinda was Lobster Girl.

Very true. Wackbag used to be the only message board for OnA and they used to have Any and Mel be mods for it thus "censoring" certain topics like anything mentioning "lobster." Other sites sprung up in mid-2000's that used to be more open to personal lives.

Ya thats fair enough. I am skeptical but I see your point about me underestimating how private he is.

That's true but that was a different time too. On WNEW they were so private they wouldn't say their ages, their last name (or in Opie's case, even his first) or anything else personal. When I first started listening there wasn't even any pics of them online (the WNEW website actually used pics of them as children). Anthony is pretty open now though. He'll say his age, admitted his hairplugs & regularly is public with the girls he's fucking


maybe something like the only way she could get him hard was to say she sucked opies dick

that would actually be hilarious.

I bet Opie has a fantasy where linze gives Ho ho a hummer out at his hamptons compound

would it really be a bomb that an almost 60 year old out of shape alcohol has erectile dysfunction? I genuinely think that your imagination is getting the better of you, short of some pedophile shit that was jokingly hinted but might happen there is nothing about a known racist alcoholic with proclivity a proclivity to surround himself with sycophantic white trash parasites that we dont know that would shock us . And the world knows him as the idiot who got fired for having a racist twitter cry fest because a black woman touched him.




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you could call it self-respect, i'd call it knowing what business they're in. Those are all girls that are used to dating wealthy/powerful/famous men who all have secrets. Women who date in those circles know it's in their future interest to not blabber everything.

Dani is clearly not that type of person. She'll get the same treatment that one whore got with the lakers owner. People might be interested in hearing the juice, but they'll shun and ridicule her for being disloyal.

He is going to have to pay her off to shut her trap. It's Anthony's m.o. for taking care of things...throw money at it.

Anthony isn't known enough for anyone to give a shit about what she says, and as long as she remains an obscure failure nobody is going to give her words any value. Plus he pretty much already admits to being a horrible cretin.

God damn it. What a piece of shit.

No shit, now I'm starting to like her. Ant's self-destruction is entertainment at this point.

It is amazing. He falls for the same shit in the way Bobo does.

Seems like every tweet is a stab at Ant, not crazy at all. What a fucking cunt.

I hope when she's done with the apartment it stinks of menthol cigarettes to serve as a constant reminder to Ant that she fucked black dudes there.

As if menthol cigarettes could cover the scent of niggersex

too soon

Is she actually fucking a black guy/ black men there? Holy fucking shit that'd be hilarious!!!

"Really, your apt? Wow. You really deserved the beating."

Ant's idiot fans thinking they're helping, but making it worse on him.


We should really embrace this just to piss ol' man Cumia off.



Fuck Ant.

Hope Anthony keeps a record of this shit so the next time a flat ass bird comes walking his way he will remember not to do something stupid like give her a place to stay...

Say what you will about Ant, but he alllllways learns from his mistakes!

What you will about ant...

      TSSSSSSSS. ..

can a kind soul explain how she has his apartment? sounds like a sitcom plot. Too funny if its true.

Because he's MY butler!!

(Seinfeld bass line)

Squatter's rights or something. I'm probably a bit off base, but I don't think you can just force an ex into homelessness.

Before he allegedly physically abused her, she had Anthony's permission to stay/live in the apartment. Now that there are domestic violence charges, he cant just kick her out.

This law was made mostly to stop men from beating up their women, and then when their women press charges they kick them out and the woman has no place to live. That would almost force the woman to drop the charges because she needs shelter, a place to live, and the cycle of domestic violence would continue. The law now prevents that kind of blackmail.

That said, my opinion is that she is a piece of shit liar. She will go nowhere in the comedy scene, and that is why she got with ant to begin with, she wanted a springboard for attention/success (according to ppl in the NY comedy scene)

So what happens if she invites some creep to live there with her for 30 days and then she moves out leaving creep there?

Let's hope we get to find out.

The law protects HER, not her friends or boyfriends. The creep would be trespassed immediately, as they have no right to the property.

Does ant still have to pay rent?

Yes, he does.


they're both awful human beings.

It was so funny those feminist site didn't even take her side when the arrest happened lol

Anthony was bragging about using that apartment as the "decompression chamber" about 6 months ago. Taking quite a while to decompress.

I want to stand on her skinny, talentless neck until she expires.

This is another grab at attention before she gets the "payout" she thinks she's going to deserve. She is putting her own personal growth behind in becoming an adult and moving forward. She is doing as much as she can to maximize her money and exposure. After she leaves the apartment, she'll be banking on getting some sort of settlement in civil court from ant. This whole thing is far from over because she's acting like a 18 year old spoiled cunt.

in the words of the opster #FACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anthony is sad because he wishes he was still fucking her because he wubs her so much. Baby talking faggot is suicidal over this whack trashbag girl.

If he didn't abuse her before he surely does now

Anthony could beat it faster


Nobody works here. Everyone's broken.

Cringing at all the reverse white knights

Wait, tell me again how she's legally living in his apartment?

Getting someone out of an apartment isn't as easy as you would think. NYC has stronger "tenant protections" but pretty much anywhere you can't just dump someone's shit on the street. Once she's lived there for a certain period of time (like 30 days), she's legally a resident.

Unfortunately for him she has him by the balls. If she wants to be difficult, she'll make him actually evict her... which is an expensive process that could take up to a year in NYC. If she wants to be "nice", she'll move out on her own. His best bet is to just pay for her to move someplace new.

Or just not renew his lease and make her find a place at that point. Then it's the landlords job to evict her.

that's pretty clever.

Can't he wait until he knows she isn't there and have someone change the locks?

Nope. Check out this link.

Basically he'd be breaking the law if he did that. She actually has the same rights to live there right now as someone who is on the lease and paying rent.

30 days is residency? That's utterly fucked. Unreal that there's basically nothing you can do beyond dropping thousands to sue. Another win for shitbag lawyers.

If it was legal I would imagine Keith and his goons would be all over it


A couple of years ago someone in California rented an AirBnB for five weeks, then basically refused to leave. IIRC, it took the owner something like four or five months to get the scofflaws to GTFO.

Squatters rights... or something.

I think it more to do with how it would make Anthony look to the courts if he's accused of beating her AND tossing her out on the streets. The courts are not good to men in general, especially in NY and even more especially in domestic assault cases.

The second the case was settled I'd have Keith's old goon squad go in there and toss her onto the sidewalk.


She seems like a complete mess.

As opposed to Ant.

He's made a living for himself. Regardless if you hate him at least he isn't a noncontributing leech.

And he's creating jobs!! If only 0bama didn't steal his money!!!

Why should he, is that bitch creating jobs?

She caked stomped him


2016-02-23 16:31:13 UTC

Watching boys clean my apt makes my heart beat faster

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]


And they say women are passive agressive

Bitch needs to get out of Ant's apartment. Why is she there? Does she think because she opened her legs to Ant, he somehow owes her something?

Because Ant is a pussy and is busy blaming black people for everything when in reality they had zero negative impact on his life.

Couldn't agree more. Ant is lucky that these girls didn't do anything worse. When a girl is setting your shit on fire and stealing your Escalade, it's time to re-think your dating choices.

It's only a matter of time until this hopefully happens to her http://www.people.com/article/miami-woman-attacked-by-roommate-found-on-craigslist

I really hope she's raped and killed

By Ant?

He clearly can't get the job done. No more half measures.

Oh shit that would be awesome.

this is so classic. salt in wounds.

pay for the up keep on apt u cant use

on top of that. the vagina u want to place your penis in has other random pesises in it, while said vagina is in apt. the penis might as well be 80 feet long and fucking his apt from the window. cur to anthony with a big load being sneezed into his face and fro. like that shot of Randy at the end of that no internet porn south park episode.


"Boys", too. Some utterly brain dead piece of ass that moved the NY looking for a career in modelling. He was a farm boy with those natural abs. He doesn't need a million dollars to fuck Ant's dream girl. Just a smile, and his southern charm.

Im not gay.

The nickname is highly suspicious

Dani Gofuckyourself

fred from brooklyn is that you ?

You're not analyzing this correctly. She's thinking about Ant and yearning for contact. Anthony could still fuck her if he wanted.

He probably is. Does anyone else here think he talks to her regularly and they have an agreement? I'd put money on it.



A pic of her burning coal in that apartment would get a realtor there quickly.

Is this the thing that broke its hand punching something then blamed Ant?

Bunch of white knight faggots sticking up for ant

This is Dani Go fucking lightly, let's not get so overzealous with attacking Anth that we're sucking up to her

No need to get butt hurt

Butt Kurt Metzger

As much as I am starting to despise that gargoyle Ant. I still see her as a golddigging cunt who deserves nothing. How can she be such a fucking whore that she has no problem living in another persons apartment without his conset. Only equipped with a shitty vagina and her autistic manarisms. He should have actually been "a fucking nigger" in his house and threw her ass out like a man. Jesus this may be the worst offence yet.

How can anyone defend ant when he dates women twenty years younger that have a teenagers mindset? Ant has not learned from any of his past relationship disasters. Fuck him, he's a creep and she's a cunt. Fuck the both of them but him especially. He's sixty, she's what young twenties?

30 years younger...

He seems to love it when it happens, like the last one that put his ear pod in cat shit, he lit up talking and proving how crazy these ladies are

It's not really Ant I'm defending, but this shit happens to good people as well. Women looking for a easy way to get rich then suddenly they cry victim when their shitty choices fall apart

But shes a women (little girl) ... all are capable of act8ng like this. They are all whores

OP doesn't understand women

Their fight was caused by Anthony's unwillingness to commit to her, and him seeing other women

Why would Anthony be jealous of beta male who's cleaning her apartment for her

The sheer fact she's calling it 'my' will do the damage. Now go take the lessons you've learnt from chick shows someplace where people won't vomit when reading them

What are you ham hocks mad about, that she dares to like other guys that arent Ant or that she refers to the place where she lives as her home?

You don't see the humor in her bragging about fucking other guys in the apartment Anthony's paying for?

She's bragging or being a normal person? Ant doesn't have to follow her on twitter. And the only reason he's paying for her apartment, if that's even what's happening here, is because he let her live there presumably as part of their gross arrangement.
Chicks move on, bruh.

We're not mad, you obtuse crumb bum.

This chick hasn't moved on at all. Unlike her ribs this is not what I would call a clean break. If she wants to move on she should start with moving out.

You could play center with that reach.

If the rumors are true, it's Anthony's fuck pad apartment.


I upvoted you because calling someone 'ham hocks' is funny.

I bet Opie has a fantasy where linze gives Ho ho a hummer out at his hamptons compound

The nickname is highly suspicious

Yes, he does.