I never saw Breaking Bad because I have 2 young kids.

71  2016-02-23 by EYE8OPIE

This is a real statement by Opie this morning.


"As a father myself, the Uncle Paul thing creeps me out. I let you do the voice, but I'm really not comfortable."

I have 2 young kids and I think uncle Paul is hilarious, maybe that's because I don't sexualize my children so I can see how ridiculous the character is?

so we can assume opie masterbates to his own children?

Maybe not HIS children persay.

oh ok Bam's kids to be technical

per se


Thanks for babysitting so me and my wife could watch breaking bad uncle Paul. How they doin?

Dey wuz BAD, so I hadda break 'em.

"That baby is a liar."

"I never touched that baby down thair!"

"Shure. You put your wee wee through the crib bars. They're a lot stronger than you expect."

Opie told a story on air about trying to get the poo out of his daughters butt with his finger.

Tongue, not finger

He's probably copying louis ck poo in vagina bit.

Opie ripping off somebody else's concept but somehow extracting all the humor from it? That's a first.

yep, theres opies shit fetish manifesting itself into finger fucking he's daughter in the ass. Is anyone surprised? We all knew he was the sickest prev on the show. By the simple fact, unlike Ant/Yimmy. They never talk about opies sexual turn ons. Because some disgusting perversion, like finger fucking a toddler in the ass, till your hand is cover in yummy warm scat is even too dark for O&A

He goes all in kids

He was going for a Louis CK gross honesty about children bit, but it was so clearly a fake story that it met with witheringly awkward silence.


Are they named Romulo and Juliet?

It's really generous and grateful of Opie to let Jim do his little voices.


Look, you don't know how a show works, ok? You just roll in.

Yeah that's right, Opie LETS Jimmy do the voice. He'll let his little doggie boy off the leash for a little while, but he doesn't like it.

I love at the other end of the spectrum Adam Carolla makes fun of his kids all the time and makes plenty of pedophile jokes and shit about them. Some of them are fucking brutal, like "JESUS, Adam..."

Breaking Bad was on at the same time as The Housewives.

He's the lamest fucking guy in all walks of life.

Makes as much sense as saying I've never read Moby Dick because I have two dogs.

Maybe try it with peanut butter.

some parents are real faggots and raise useless children

they'll be EXTREMELY well versed in reality television though. Not so much any other cultural references, but they'll be able to tell you who won "the bachelor" if you give them a year.

I hear by the time they're 20 they'll be able to say they've been doing radio for 18 years. Jim Henson's Board Op Babies.

And Opie will be long dead by then

I have 3 kids and I watched Breaking Bad. I definitely had a little taste. I go deep with the Breaking Bad.

"Where you at with the Saul then? Thats what the other show is called, right Travis? The Saul??" -Real life Opie follow up question

Oh god. Perfectly shitty Opie response.

pretending not to know what things are called is so cool

That's always bugged the hell out of me. I'm so cool I can't be bothered to remember names of shit. The worst was all the Jocktober stuff where he would say over and over again "we don't even remember this shit, man. An hour from we won't be able to name the show. Sam, what was the one we did yesterday? See, we don't even remember."

It really is a teenage girl mentality.

ME: Who's that actress..... Red Johnson? Daaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..... Crimson Johann? Someone help me out here.

Anybody: Scarlett Johansson.


The Saul? Jesus CHRIST!!!

He doesnt watch that stuff, so he's not ALL IN with the Saul.

He never saw it because he's a boring motherfucker. I'd bet the last big guy show he saw was "The Sopranos" years ago. He loves to be all in with show or movie xyz, but I bet he's never seen more than 5 minutes of them. Vague hanger-on Opie.

He saw bits and pieces of the Sopranos, but I don't believe for a second he watched it all.

The only show he watched was The Wire, and the last season was his favourite proving what a faggot he is.

was The Wire, and the last season was his favourite proving what a faggot he is.

Holy fucking shit does that sum him up.

'Boring' would be letting him off the hook. He avoids anything that requires even a tiny bit of intelligence to follow. He hates feeling confused and not knowing what's going on, so he sticks to shit made for morons.

And he bailed on the Sopranos and just came back for a peek just a taste at the finale.

I've never heard him talk about sopranos. He binge watched better call Saul

Yeah you can tell Ant was the only BrBa fan out of the three. Opie is just a pleb in his tastes and fucking Norton is such a cuck for The Wire and his cravings of black cock that he refused to watch.

Opie I think didn't watch it because Anthony loved it.

He works 4hrs a day, has barely any commute & a bunch of nannies & housekeepers (as well as a wife that I would hope does something to help around the house). He could get into a couple of tv shows that aren't reality shows or female-driven talk shows

For real, what the fuck does he do with all his time. He must have a shitload of free time. is he just watching viral videos & writing on the wall "beautiful mind"-style hoping to figure out the formula for the perfect one?

I'd put money on him just laying on the couch in sweatpants staring at his phone.

He's just sitting in silence looking at his YouTube numbers

Remember when he wouldn't buy a console because he needed "games that end quickly" Like that fucking faggot was doing anything important rofl.

That faggot was obsessed with his psp and luminus.

I never saw any episode of Breaking Bad because I spent my days working, jacking off and playing video games while eating unhealthy and hating women because I hate myself.

I didn't either until the series was over. I only vaguely saw a couple of spoilers but the show was so damn good I didn't care.

what you just said reminds me of Fat Bastard from Austin Powers

"I eat because I'm unhappy... I'm unhappy because I eat"

Words of wisdom. So true. Got to fill that unfillable and esoteric emptiness somehow, might as well try food.

Walt dies.

Not only have I not seen it, I don't care about watching it. Lucio Fulci didn't direct it, it's useless to me. I bet there isn't even exposed titties.

There's exposed tittles in the damn pilot.

Yeah ok, but what about bloody exposed titties? I bet I got you and your little show on that point.

My little show's finale had 11 million viewers.

That's not that much. I'm pretty sure Kanye sold more records than people watched the finale.

50x that many have watched on Netflix since it aired.

Such a rare occasion that you must watch things, but you'll be glad to know that A Lizard in a Woman's Skin has recently had a bluray release.

I've only been rewatching Fulci and Argento films.

yet he keeps up with the kardashians just fine lil

He takes a peak...


I like the cut of your jib, kind sir.

Doesn't this piece of shit follow around kids at concerts and make fun of them for being upset?

Maybe his chick blew Bryan Cranston once...back when he was on King of Queens..before he was a star.

He was SO proud of himself for watching better call Saul

How does he watch BCS but not Breaking Bad? They both stand on their own but part of the fun is seeing-

Aw, fuck it. Why bother trying to understand this stupid, trendy cunt?


Congrats homo, you finally watched a good show.

"As a father, I can't use an iPhone because it was assembled by third world children. I can't eat chocolate because the beans were picked by child farmers in Africa. I can't wear Nike shorts because they were stitched by Cambodian children in a sweatshop. I can't use the internet because pedophiles share child pornography on the deep web. I can't drive cars because cars have aided in abduction and hit and runs involving children. I can't drink water because I'm sure in history some children have been drowned. I also can't breathe because oxygen toxicity caused a group of prokaryotic organisms to become extinct two billion years ago, even the young ones!"

There's no chance at all that Tits could be this articulate.

It veered off course at 'assembled'.

He really is going for soccer mom radio now.

how do you host a national daily radio show about being culturally aware without having seen the greatest television show of our time?



I dunno if I'd go that far. I mean it was great and all but the story would just get really stupid some times and it kinda fizzled out at the end. Anyway the point stands that Opie should have watched it if he wasn't an irrelevant old lady with saggy tits.

Shut up

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


What the swag did you just fucking yolo about me, you little wayne? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the SwagFags, and I’ve been involved in numerous Obey Records , and I have over 300 confirmed Swaggers. I am trained in wearing snapbacks and I’m the top poser in the entire Swagfag Army. You are nothing to me but just another No swag. I will swag you the fuck out with swagger the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking hashtags. You think you can get away with not taking pictures in the mirror over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my mom, she has alot of swag, and your ratchet ass is being traced right now so you better prepare for the yolo, nikka. The yolo that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your swag. You’re fucking dead, nikka. I can swag anywhere, anytime, and I can swag in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my baggy skinny jeans. Not only am I extensively trained in having plugs and snake bites, but I have access to the entire Hollister store. and I will use it to its full swaggness to wipe your miserable swag off the face of tumblr, you little Non trend follower. I will swag yolo all over you and you will swag in it. You’re fucking dead, nikka.

lol, no.

So it wasn't stupid when he put a squeegee on a car battery and it blew up a guys car and a whole gas station with it and there were no security cameras or witnesses anywhere? And this happened on a serious show about drug dealing and marital rape. It was just a really inconsistent show, tonally it was all over the place. Does not compare to shows like The Sopranos at all. Good show. But not "the greatest show of our time."

Breaking Bad was great, I really enjoyed that show but I don't love anyone on that show. I love mutlitple characters on the Sopranos, guys like: Tony, Sil, Furio, Junior, Christopher, Buscemi Tony. That show is truely a beauty.

He's got no time, he works 3 hours a day and spends the rest of his day avoiding his family and trying to make a viral video. Cut him some slack.

That's bullshit. His kids should have been in the bed asleep when Breaking Bad came on. Oh, that's right, Opie goes to bed before they do.

"Uncle" Bam makes everybody stay up all night watching skateboarding videos and HIM music videos

I love how Opie thinks he has relatability to the "everyman" with his kid stories, up in that ivory tower he calls a manhattan apartment. Can you imagine all the made up stories about how he's a radio legend once they get older?

Tits lying to the Tots about how he's radio King Tut.

Raising kids in a protected shell is really working out for America. Now when they're confronted with violence and sexuality at 12 they shoot up a school, or chop off their dick.

Just let your kids watch the films and TV that they like. So they can grow up to be like the generations that built these countries.

My favorite movie as a child was Robocop 2. Drugs are trouble.

Robocop 1 and 2 were like godfather 1 and 2 to me when I was a kid. Still some of my favorite movies to this day.

I saw Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket before the age of 12. I'm mostly well adjusted and any problems I have didn't come from a movie. That's family doing the work. I had a dad who use to walk around videotaping stunts with his camcorder for hours on end.

Jim gaffigan has like eighty kid and a successful career I bet he has seen it.

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he is lying. It is more likely he is too dumb to get what is going on half the time

2 questions. 1- Can we start an indiegogo? 2- Does anyone know a murderer for hire?

And only 1 trophy wife and 1 babysitter. How does he do it?

Did the nanny have beef with Bryan Cranston?


How many meetings does opie have a week getting pitched tv and movie scripts?

There's no way he actually liked Vinyl. He just thinks he's supposed to and now he's too far into the lie. It's way too slow developing for his little lizard brain. He'll say he tapped out in two weeks.

How long has he even had kids? Wasn't Breaking Bad on before he became a 60 year old father of toddlers?

What a windbag, I have a 9 month old and you know what? They go to sleep at like 8, plenty of time for TV Opster.

I watched Bad with my 12yr old niece. She's somehow managed to not cook meth or disintegrate bodies in the tub with acid

She's having too much trouble getting past the sexual trauma you are inflicting on her.

Whas the mattah wit that huh?

He used the excuse that they control the tv which is the reason he never watched it. He lives in a multi-million dollar apartment and his kids stay up 24/7 watching the only tv they own. Ok

Are you fuckin serious? How has that stopped you? They don't sleep? You must work a lot of hours.

No time for such shows when there is so much reality tv to watch.


Someone's dad didn't hug him enough!

the thing is better call saul is the disappointing spin off only watched due to the old show its spun off from. No wonder he likes it

Bullshit man, BCS is fantastic. Either you've never seen it or bailed after a few episodes.

watched every single one so far. I'd have no interest in it if it was a separate show. It's watchable but fantastic?

Fans & critics both adore it, 96% on RT. Better than fantastic actually. If you watched Bad for explosions & gun fights this show is probably above your intelligence level.

nope i didn't. More invested in characters right away with Breaking Bad even the retarded kid i cared more about than Saul's retarded brother

I dunno if I'd go that far. I mean it was great and all but the story would just get really stupid some times and it kinda fizzled out at the end. Anyway the point stands that Opie should have watched it if he wasn't an irrelevant old lady with saggy tits.

