In regards to Amy Miller and to an extent Ant's firing can people really complain about going after sponsors/trying to get the person fired?

0  2016-02-22 by Lilcumia

Seems a double standard that you can say what you want about a person and make them lose business but they can't go after your business. Since when was they're rules to OnA?


It depends who it is - if someone actively tries to get you fired or fuck with your money I would consider them fair game to do as you please to them. If it's just someone who talks shit about you there isn't any reason to try and fuck with their livelihood.

Not sure what way you're trying to tie Ant's firing into it.

Please provide some more context (in the main post)

Or, you know, at the very least, make some sense.

this is fucking autistic.

If what I think your saying\ to an extent is true. Your saying/thinking that because o and a made money off of bashing people that we shouldn't complain/disagree with someone fucking with someone else or something. But OandA would just talk shit/make fun of people. Never went after peoples jobs. I might be wrong. But I don't think so/shudup you make no sense.

Or, you know, at the very least, make some sense.