Where are we at with the Beige Phillip Show?

0  2016-02-22 by A_Faulty_Robot

I think Dante Nero does a fine job carrying the torch. The show is legitimately funny and the girl on there is actually funny.


I think he tries too hard to be Patrice with his views on women and dating.

I've never listened but I wouldn't take any advice that Dante Nero gives out seriously. There was episode of Gavin's show where he had Dante and some pornstar on at the same time, as soon as she called in Dante starts trying to awkwardly seduce with cheesy lines which the pornstar responds to with "...are you gay?" Also Dante is one of the most freakish looking human being I've ever seen.

I think it was on YKWD that Bobby said that Dante looks like a guy who runs a spice cart in Persia.

in classic CQ fashion. random plebeian trade + obscure nationality/ethnicity.

works every time.

Isn't he wearing a bone through his nose or some shit now?

I like Dante, and find him a good guest. He does lay that pimp shit on a bit too thick though. He was anti Cumia for a tiny bit, it would be interest to hear how that worked out, and his feelings on him, the Dani situation, etc.... now.

Dante seems like a good dude, and he's funny, but he carries himself like he's some kind of god.

Whats the origin of black Philip,? Is that Patrice being like a black white-guy? Cuz philip is his cliche white guy name.

Black Dr phil



in classic CQ fashion. random plebeian trade + obscure nationality/ethnicity.

works every time.