I don't see the resemblance at all.

2  2016-02-22 by [deleted]



that cartoon is his ex not her

Doubt it. In the toon she even says "we're just friends" when he says thats his girlfriend. You're saying his ex was just a friend? Doesnt make her an ex then.

luckily enough there is more to go off than that teaser. It's his ex who he always goes on about.

Post the source where he says its his ex, or fuck off.

I can't be fucked to search audio of jimmy saying he used to fuck someone but you can do a google search if you want it'll turn up

Are means now. Was means past. Are you fucking retarted?

Post the source where he says its his ex, or fuck off. You both are wayyyyyyyy too butthurt for Jim, even your reddit account is a reference to him.

Your attempts at trolling are terrible and borderline retarded. If I had a time machine with only one use I would use it to go back and give your mother planned parenthood gift cards. All it would take to convince her to use them is showing her your post history. Good day sir.

looking at my post history? creepy cuck

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB_1_O3zBNs shes the girl who fucked Jim as Chip Sir. I expect your apology within the hour